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Charlie Siegel is an author of inspirational fiction and spiritual poetry.
Designed to uplift and heal, his works tug on the heartstrings and call to us all to rise above the heaviness and the doldrums and find those things that call to us in life, that inspire us and help us to live as our true selves. A deep, passionate spirituality comes through in his work; a spirituality which he was raised with by his parents and grandparents. Charlie is also a professional martial artist.

Wisdom of the Ages

Featured Guest

charlie Siegel guest on the joy of living radio show

Charlie Siegel

Charlie Siegel is an author of inspirational fiction and spiritual poetry.
Designed to uplift and heal, his works tug on the heartstrings and call to us all to rise above the heaviness and the doldrums and find those things that call to us in life, that inspire us and help us to live as our true selves. A deep, passionate spirituality comes through in his work; a spirituality which he was raised with by his parents and grandparents. Charlie is also a professional martial artist.