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Barry Shore

Barry Shore - Ambassador of Joy


Categories: Blog


Barry Shore


Overcoming Obstacles to find joy in your life

Are you feeling stuck in life? Are you struggling to find joy and fulfillment, even though it seems like everyone around you is happy and content? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone.

While it can be difficult to break through the obstacles that are preventing us from living our best lives, it’s certainly possible.

In this blog post we’ll look at some of the common psychological roadblocks that stop people from achieving true joy and satisfaction.

We’ll also explore practical strategies for overcoming these barriers and unlocking a brighter future filled with happiness and fulfilment.

So if you’re ready to start your journey towards personal growth, read on!

Why you need to overcome obstacles

Overcoming obstacles is essential for growth mindset and for achieving true joy and satisfaction in life. Without facing and overcoming challenges, we cannot grow or reach our full potential. When we face difficult situations, it presents us with an opportunity to learn new skills, develop self-confidence, and become more resilient.

Additionally, when we overcome obstacles, it boosts our morale and can give us a sense of accomplishment that can help us feel happy and fulfilled.

Therefore, overcoming obstacles not only allows us to grow as people but also helps us to find happiness in our lives.

The five hurdles to happiness

1. Fear of Failure:

Fear of failure is an incredibly common obstacle that stands in the way of many people’s pursuit of joy and satisfaction in everyday life. It is a psychological concept that involves an intense anxiety or dread of experiencing failure or disappointment. People who suffer from fear of failure may become excessively worried and anxious about potential outcomes, even when those outcomes are unlikely to happen.

Fear of failure can manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as procrastination, self-sabotage, overthinking situations before taking action, avoidance of risk and responsibility, and feeling overwhelmed by challenges. As a result, it can cause people to become stuck in their comfort zone and unable to recognize new possibilities for growth or progress.

The fear of failure can be paralyzing and debilitating if left unchecked. It prevents us from taking risks that could lead to personal development and growth and stops us from achieving our full potential. Furthermore, it can cause us to become overly critical of ourselves during difficult times, leading to feelings of low self-worth or even depression.

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to overcome the fear of failure once we identify it as an obstacle in our lives.

We can start by reframing how we think about failure—acknowledging it as part of the process rather than something we should fear or avoid at all costs.

Additionally, it’s important to give yourself permission to make mistakes so you’re less afraid to try new things or take risks.

Finally, setting realistic expectations for yourself can help minimize any anxiety surrounding your actions and improve your ability to persevere through challenging tasks or projects.

2. Negative Thinking:

Negative thinking is a common psychological obstacle that can be difficult to overcome and presents a major hurdle to finding true joy and satisfaction in life. It occurs when we focus our attention on negative thoughts, negative experiences, or beliefs and have difficulty shifting our mental focus away from them. As a result, we may become overwhelmed by feelings of worry, anxiety, or depression, making it difficult for us to see any potential for positive outcomes or growth.

Negative thinking can take many forms such as ruminating on past mistakes or worrying about the future. It can also manifest itself in self-criticism or blaming others for our misfortunes. These patterns of thought create a cycle of pessimism self doubt and sadness that can sap our energy and prevent us from moving forward in pursuit of joy and fulfillment.

In order to overcome negative thinking, it’s important to recognize when these thought patterns are occurring and actively work to shift your focus away from them.

An effective way to do this is by practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises which help bring awareness to your present moment experiences without judgment.

Additionally, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can be an effective way of recognizing unhelpful patterns of thinking and replacing them with healthier alternatives.

Finally, it’s important to practice self-compassion and accept yourself as you are rather than beating yourself up over your past successes or perceived failures or shortcomings. Doing so will allow you to move forward with more confidence and optimism as you pursue true joy in your life.

3. Overwhelm and Stress:

Overwhelm and stress are two phenomena that can greatly hinder our ability to find happiness. Overwhelm occurs when we have too many tasks or responsibilities to manage, and feel overwhelmed by the sheer volume of things we need to do.

This can lead to a feeling of helplessness, as well as an inability to focus and make decisions. On the other hand, stress is caused by intense mental or emotional pressure which can be triggered by physical demands, challenges at work or home, financial worries, relationship issues, and many other sources of life’s everyday tensions.

When either overwhelm or stress become frequent and persistent in our lives, they can create a significant obstacle in path towards achieving true satisfaction and joy. The constant worrying or feeling of being out of control can lead to feelings of anxiety and depression which affects both physical and mental wellbeing. People who are constantly in this state are more likely to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms like overeating or substance abuse in an effort to numb their feelings.

In order to effectively manage overwhelm and stress it is important to identify the source(s) of these feelings.

By learning more about the triggers for your own overwhelm and stress you can begin developing strategies for dealing with them in a healthy way such as journaling, exercising regularly, spending time outdoors in nature, talking through concerns with friends or family members, or seeking professional help when needed.

Taking proactive steps such as these will help you build resilience so that you can better cope with life’s inevitable ups and downs on your way towards finding true happiness.

4. Low Self-Esteem:

Low self-esteem is an internalized belief that we are not worthy, competent or capable of achieving our goals and dreams. It can manifest itself in negative thoughts about ourselves as a well being such as feelings of unworthiness, inadequacy, and inferiority.

Low self-esteem can stand in the person the way of true happiness by causing us to doubt our capabilities, leading to failure and a lack of motivation to pursue meaningful activities. Additionally it can create problems in interpersonal relationships due to feelings of insecurity and fear which impede our ability to create meaningful connections with others.

To overcome low self-esteem it is important to actively work on developing positive beliefs about oneself through mindful practices such as journaling or practicing gratitude; reaching out for support when needed; challenging unhelpful thoughts; taking risks even if there’s potential for failure; and being kinder towards yourself by cutting yourself some slack instead of focusing solely on your shortcomings.

5. Unhealthy Habits:

Unhealthy habits refer to behaviors or patterns of behavior that are detrimental to one’s mental, physical and/or emotional or mental health well.

These habits can range from something as simple as not getting enough sleep, to more serious activities such as smoking, drinking alcohol and doing drugs.

Other unhealthy habits may include things like unhealthy eating patterns, neglecting physical activity, engaging in excessive gambling or spending too much time on social media.

Engaging in these types of activities can have a significant negative impact on our mental and physical health, leading for example to feelings of depression and anxiety, reduced energy levels and impaired cognitive function.

Unhealthy habits can also lead to an increase in stress levels, which can further amplify negative emotions and make it difficult to find moments of joy.

Furthermore, if left unchecked these habits can lead to long-term health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity – all of which are major obstacles in the pursuit of true happiness since they have the potential to create limitations on what we can do with our lives.

It is therefore important to identify any unhealthy habits that you may have and strive towards healthier alternatives – focusing on healthy diet choices, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep are just some strategies for achieving this goal.

With a proper balance between work and leisure activities combined with a healthy lifestyle it is possible to eliminate these hurdles towards finding true satisfaction in life.

Overcoming challenges: 8 tips

1. Acknowledge and accept your feelings: Identifying the source of your emotions can help you to better understand why you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Doing this can also open up new opportunities for finding solutions, as it allows you to take a more proactive approach to dealing with stress.

2. Develop self-compassion: Learning to be kinder towards yourself is an important step in building more positive beliefs and self care and about yourself. This could involve simply taking time out of your day to recognize your accomplishments and applauding yourself for even small successes.

3. Reach out for support when needed: Don’t hesitate to seek professional help if needed – talking through your problems with a counselor, therapist clinical psychologist or life coach can help you gain perspective and learn more effective strategies for dealing with stress, low self-esteem and unhealthy habits.

4. Practice mindful activities: Regularly engaging in mindfulness activities such as meditation or journaling can help increase your awareness of both negative and positive feelings, enabling you to better control them so that they do not negatively impede on your happiness.

5. Take actionable steps towards change: Taking active steps towards improving the areas in which you feel inadequate or unhappy is essential in developing higher self-esteem and healthier habits – making small yet consistent changes in these areas will help create long-term effects that lead to greater satisfaction in life overall.

6. Get adequate rest: Getting enough sleep (7-9 hours per night) is essential for good mental, physical and emotional health – studies have shown that poor sleep patterns are associated with increased levels of anxiety, depression and stress which can hinder our ability to find true joy in life.

7. Spend time outside in nature: Spending time outdoors has been proven to have a number of benefits such as reducing stress levels and increasing creativity – allowing yourself some time each day (even if it’s just 20 minutes) to appreciate nature can be incredibly uplifting and help create a sense of inner peace that contributes significantly towards true happiness overall.

8. Challenge unhelpful thoughts: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps us identify negative thought patterns that may be contributing towards low self-esteem or unhealthy habits – learning how to replace these thoughts with more positive perspective helpful ones is an important step towards overcoming these challenges and finding genuine contentment in life.

By taking the time to reflect on your current situation and identify what is holding you back from living a truly satisfying life, you can begin to make small yet significant changes that will help you create a healthier lifestyle and increase your overall sense of joy and contentment. Remember that progress is rarely linear – it can be slow, challenging and sometimes even disheartening but ultimately by persevering in making these positive changes, you can eventually achieve true happiness.


Finding true happiness and satisfaction in life is sometimes a difficult journey, of course but with the right approach it can be achievable.

By learning to acknowledge your feelings, develop self-compassion, reach out for support when needed, practice mindful activities and take actionable steps towards change – you can begin to make changes that will help lead you on your way to becoming a truly content individual.

With patience and perseverance it is possible to overcome any hurdle in search of true fulfillment and joy.

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