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Embracing Joyful Service: Salvation Army’s Unseen Impact

Join host Barry Shore in an inspiring conversation with Commissioner Ken Hodder from the Salvation Army. Explore the powerful impact of purpose-driven service as Hodder Shares stories of hope, transformation, and the Salvation Army’s commitment toupliftingcommunities.Discover how the Salvation Army addresses food insecurity, homelessness, and substance abuse, making a monumental difference in the lives of over 24 million individuals annually, especially children. Delve into the symbolism of the SalvationArmy’s uniform and its role as a beacon of assistance.Uncover anecdotes, historical roots, and the vital role of volunteers and philanthropy in fueling the Salvation Army’s mission. Gain insight into the enduring legacy of hope and service, reaching across generations.

Salvation Army

Show Notes:

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[8:00] Ken Hodder and Salvation Army’s Purpose

  • Ken Hodder, Commissioner of Salvation Army, discusses the organization’s impact in the United States.
  • Highlights the shift from a corporate law career to serving with the Salvation Army.
  • Salvation Army’s focus on positivity and uplifting communities.
  • Addressing the need for assistance despite America’s prosperity.
  • Hodder delves into the critical issues Salvation Army tackles: food insecurity affecting millions, homelessness, isolation, substance abuse.
  • Salvation Army’s annual aid to about 24 million people, especially children, makes a significant difference.
  • Barry Shore promotes Salvation Army’s impact and encourages involvement.

[16:01] United Souls: Empowering Giving

  • Ken Hodder explains the significance of giving and its transformative power.
  • Illustrative stories of individuals whose lives were transformed through Salvation Army’s aid, emphasizing personal encounters and real-life impact.
  • Discussing the deeper meaning behind the acronym for “joy” as the journey of you.
  • Discusses the importance of transformation and the role of giving in personal growth.
  • Emphasizes the significance of Salvation Army programs being free and supported by donations.
  • Exploring the impact of the Salvation Army uniform as a symbol of service and assistance.

[32:01] Salvation Army’s Symbolic Uniform and the Joy of Service

  • Ken Hodder reflects on the symbolism of the Salvation Army uniform and its purpose to signify aid and assistance.
  • Humorous anecdotes about misconceptions surrounding the uniform, highlighting opportunities for interaction and service.
  • Brief break message promoting Einstein Cares and its philanthropic mission.
  • Hodder shares insights into the Salvation Army’s approach to reaching and serving people in need.
  • Addressing challenges and misconceptions faced in delivering aid and support to communities.
  • Highlighting the importance of effective outreach and service delivery.

(35.01) Salvation Army’s Community Outreach and Historical Significance

  • Ken Hodder details the Salvation Army’s expansive reach across the United States, serving diverse community needs.
  • Discusses the Army’s historical origins, emphasizing the essence of service, longevity, and adapting to varied community requirements.
  • Reflects on the Army’s foundation based on providing salvation and aid to those in need.
  • Highlights the significance of hope, its acronym, and the Salvation Army’s approach to addressing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.
  • Discusses the foundation of the Salvation Army in addressing basic human needs before spiritual salvation.
  • Advocates for addressing hunger among children and the impact of providing meals beyond physical sustenance.

[40.01] Volunteering, Philanthropy, and Community Engagement”

  • Encourages volunteering and community engagement, emphasizing the role of volunteers in fulfilling the Salvation Army’s mission.
  • Discusses the necessity for active involvement in addressing community needs and invites individuals to volunteer their time or expertise.
  • Stresses the importance of philanthropy and the joy found in volunteering and helping others.

[42:20] Nourishment Beyond Food

  • Highlights the impact of caring, listening, and providing nourishment beyond the physical aspect.
  • Explores the transformative power of perspective shifts and the ripple effect of kindness.
  • Ken Hodder shares a personal story illustrating the generational impact of Salvation Army’s message of hope.
  • Barry and Ken reflect on Salvation Army’s core values and generational impact.
  • A message about finding professional help for life challenges from the sponsor BetterHelp.
  • Emphasizes the significance of service and its effect on personal growth and community impact.

[47.22] – Reaching the Youth and College Campuses

  • Discusses the challenge of reaching young adults in today’s self-centric culture.
  • Ken Hodder highlights the importance of service and finding purpose beyond oneself.
  • Barry and Ken touch upon the potential impact of Salvation Army’s message on college campuses.
  • Ken Hodder shares his fervent desire: devotion to God, family, and the Salvation Army.
  • A lighthearted moment with Barry’s ‘hug’ acronym, emphasizing heartfelt giving.
  • Recap and encouragement for listeners to engage with the Salvation Army’s mission.

[52.07] – The Joy of Giving and Purpose-Driven Life

  • Highlights the significance of a purpose-driven life and the transformative power of giving.
  • Encouragement to embrace choice and perspective shift, leveraging the impact of service.
  • Advocacy for using love, hope, and kindness to create a world of joy and transformation.
  • Encourages gratitude by emphasizing the power of saying ‘thank you.’
  • Closing blessings from Ken and Barry, urging listeners to spread joy, peace, and love.
  • A call to action to engage, subscribe, and share the podcast for more uplifting conversations.

Insider Tips:

Dr. Craig Chepke, MD, DFAPA, attended NYU School of Medicine and completed his residency training at Duke University. He has his own private practice in Huntersville, North Carolina and is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychiatry for the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. Dr. Chepke has special interests in treatment-resistant depression, severe mental illness, movement disorders, and sleep medicine. He is active in clinical trials and serves on the Board of Directors of nonprofit organizations benefitting schizophrenia and Huntington’s disease. Finally, Dr. Chepke has been named a Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.

Topics Covered:

  • Can you tell us about the signs and symptoms of clinical depression and how common it is?
  • What is treatment-resistant depression and what are available treatment options?
  • If someone thinks they have TRD, who should they turn to for help?
  • If someone out there or someone they know is struggling with treatment-resistant depression and experiencing depressive symptoms, what should they do?
  • What are some things your patients with treatment-resistant depression have found helpful in managing their depressive symptoms, in addition to medication?
  • What are some available resources if someone is seeking help?

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About Kenneth Hodder

Commissioner Kenneth Hodder is the National Commander of The Salvation Army, the largest private social services organization in the United States, with more than 7,000 centers of operation that served nearly 24 million people in 2022. Before becoming the National Commander in July 2020, Hodder served as the Territorial Commander of the Western Territory in the United States, where he worked diligently to address the growing homelessness crisis. Commissioner Hodder graduated from Harvard College and Harvard Law School and practiced corporate real estate law in Los Angeles before responding to God’s call to serve with The Salvation Army in 1986.