Activate Your Global Brain
Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is honored to bring You Dr Marina Bruni, aka The Global Brain Activation Strategist. Marina is a mentor, lawyer, executive coach, and international speaker who specializes in brain integration strategies and energy. She gives her clients the keys to unlock creative solutions to all the problems they’re facing. Dr Marina is featured as one of the Global Thought Leaders in the movie How Thoughts Become Things, sequel to the hit movie The Secret. Barry and Marina will discuss how she helps businesses identify additional revenue streams within their existing business through strategic relationships and delegation. Marina is also a qualified lawyer with over two decades of experience in the financial services industry. Marina has seen firsthand the destructive consequences of poor choices. She is on a mission to empower men and women to use her proven methods to make the right choices with ease and consistency. You’ll want to Listen again and SHARE.
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Barry Shore:
I can’t think of anybody on the planet right now that inspires noble deeds more than wonderful, fabulous Michele Blood. Welcome wonderful, Michele, please say hello to 356,822 people around the world.
Michele Blood:
Hello, everyone. It’s wonderful to be here with you, Barry. You’re such an inspiration. The vibration and joy coming from you is so tangible and real. The first time I even saw a photograph of you I felt it.
Barry Shore:
Woo woo! When a beautiful woman gives you a compliment all you can say is, thank you. And you got to understand something, Michele Blood if I start reading to you all the things that she is and does then it would take the rest of the show. But I’m going to give you a few data points because they are so important. You can hear her accent, she’s a very famous, successful Australian rock singer, and her transformation into a global leader, motivational leader, and awakening personality is literally teaching the world how to emerge into greater light and become the best you possible. Is that correct, Michele? Isn’t that what you really do?
Michele Blood:
Barry Shore:
And you do it with song. So, let’s just jump right in and start with one question that I really find so fascinating because when you’re dealing with an artist, which you are, and a business, which you have, how do you run a business like a successful Rock band and still get involved with the awakening of what we’ll call the Kundalini? Let’s start with that.
Michele Blood:
Well, that’s an interesting way of looking at it from back to left. What I realized when I was, because I was the singer and the manager of the band, we toured at one stage for seven years non-stop. And in Australia, that’s an extremely tough thing to do.
Barry Shore:
It’s a big place.
Michele Blood: Y
Yeah. I think it was just me and Chrissie Amphlett from the Divine Isles that did more gigs than any other female singers in Australia because it’s really rough and tough. But I managed to be very, very strong in realizing that if any of my band members turned up drunk or stoned or out of tune, the whole band would be fired. So, right from the get-go, even when we were only doing gigs to say 100 people I would fire them on the spot and we would just do the gig without the guitar player that night.
Barry Shore:
How did you do the gig?
Michele Blood:
Well, keyboards can take over the other stuff.
Barry Shore:
And you did the singing?
Michele Blood:
Yeah. The drummer moves also got keyboards and a bass player. But I realized that we had to. If you’re not in tune with everyone in that band the band will never get hired because everyone, even if you don’t think you can sing or you’re tone-deaf, nobody’s tone-deaf because music is vibration. You feel weird when something’s out of tune. You may not even hear it consciously but you feel weird. So, then I realized as things progressed in my life that the people that I worked with and if I could feel their soul and their heart and they were in the right place I would just be patiently training them with the rest of my team because that’s grown and grown and grown over the years. And we’ve all worked together now, most of us, for over 20 years. So, that’s a successful rock band there. Even though it’s not a rock band, it’s my rock band. People in business sometimes get manipulated or they feel like they’re going to let someone down if they can’t keep working with them. But if they’re in the wrong place, it’s not their purpose to be there. You’ve got to let them go to their highest good, to their purpose. So, that’s one of the things that is extremely important when you’re running a business. That way you have such a family, a real familiar together when you work together and you enjoy every single thing. And another thing that’s really important I feel in business is to make sure that you take people on that do what you can’t and can’t do what you do. Because in the beginning I’d have all these women coming and wanting to be singers or speakers, and they weren’t very good at what they did. So, I just wrote down to the divine exactly what I wanted, all the qualifications, the heart, the loyalty, the honesty, and these people just came to me like lightning bolts many years ago. So, that’s the beginning of it.
Barry Shore:
I need to begin unpacking some things because you just touched on some of the most vital, important items, and again, we have listeners worldwide. So, you’re touching upon the human experience, which you think God has transcended. So, you are perfectly human and yet your consciousness transcends the human experience, the shell called you and now you’re part and in tune with the world. But I love what you said. I wrote down what I wanted from the divine and then you were attracted to people. So, I want you to emphasize again that it’s one thing to articulate something, to speak it but in my humble experience, putting pen to paper or quill to paper, that’s how old I am, pen to paper, quill to paper as opposed to on the computer. Not that the computer is bad, it’s still writing. But a process called writing really helps transform things, doesn’t it? And awakens that inner power that creates the law of attraction. Is that true?
Michele Blood:
Yeah, of course, it’s absolutely 100% true. You can look at it scientifically and spiritually because it’s all spirits, it’s all vibration. The reason that we have had something in this world called a signature for years, which makes you law-bound with a contract or something is because we’re using more of our senses and we’re used to seeing our own handwriting. And it makes a difference. It makes it more emotional. You’re using more of your senses and you tend to believe it more. One of the things that I used to do when I was traveling a lot, all the time, all over the world, I would put postcards from God and send them to myself from the country I was in. And it would be like, “Dear Michele, My beloved daughter, when you arrive back in Sydney or wherever it is I was living at the time, you are going to experience such magical, mystical experiences plus opportunities to be doing your purpose. New song ideas will come to you even before you get home, and you’re welcome. Love the divine.” And I would get home and see these postcards and everything that the divine ever wrote to me because it’s always us. And so, I get people to do that all the time now. And it’s a fun thing to do. It’s a beautiful thing to do.
Barry Shore:
Okay, let’s instruct everybody because remember, the whole purpose of Michele Blood is that her blood exists for her to animate and be that transforming process of consciousness and the people that are listening. That’s really what you’re doing. You’re making a positive impact in life, and there’s nothing greater to live for. But I love the idea that you literally signed the postcard, the divine. In other words, you had communication from the divine. It’s literally that simple. You said this is what it is. Now I know we’re going to talk about mystical experiences and I really want to emphasize how you do things during the Kundalini awakening and things like that. But I want to start here where we’re moving people along slowly. And I think that you just gave everybody something wonderful to do and I myself am going to adopt it. I love it, signed the Divine. Because now there is a complete and total relationship with that which runs everything. I want to talk to you about the Law of Attraction because you mentioned it. Now, you might like this, I work with acronyms all the time, by the way, love, I think you’ll enjoy…living on vibrant energy. How do you like that one?
Michele Blood:
I love it. I had a band called Love and it was a love of vast experience.
Barry Shore:
Well, there you go. We’re in sync, kid. So, the genius of the word law, when people hear the word law, they tend to think of it as constricted. You know the bubble goes and the police come out. When we think of law, Michele and myself, and people who are in the world of awakening, we think of law, which means LAW, love, and wisdom. That’s the law of attraction, love, and wisdom. And that’s been the basis of your life. Am I correct?
Michele Blood:
Barry Shore:
When did you begin to feel this remarkable enlightenment that was your destiny? When did you choose to live an enlightened life?
Michele Blood:
Well, when I was a little girl I lived in the countryside called the Blue Mountains in Australia and it’s a tiny little town. My father was a civil engineer and it was a Catholic school. But unlike other people that were recovering Catholics, I loved it. I loved the nuns. I used to sing at all their school [unintelligible 00:19:11], and I would go to Mass every morning from the age of four and I was allowed to sit with the nuns. And one of the nuns, and I would always be crying because I didn’t know any other God except for Jesus. So, because I wasn’t privy to all the other enlightenment I didn’t know. So, from past life things I was already in love with this. My heart was always glowing and even just to look at a statue or a church, I’d be like, Oh.
Barry Shore:
Wait a minute, I’m surprised we didn’t see Stigmata on your fans in sight.
Michele Blood:
But anyway, so what happened to me Rock and roll, very successful in my band and loved all that. It was joyous, hard work. I love hard work. I love to use willpower to make things happen. And I’d always been able to do that, even though I didn’t consciously know how I was doing it. Any time I gave myself a command that something was going to happen I made it happen. And some people think you’ve just got to sit in the cave and go on. You have to take the divine right action as well. Whenever you’re given that little tiny voice of turn left not right, turn left my friends, turn left. Anyway, so doing the singing affirmations my frequency, my vibration was becoming so fast that anything I thought about was just happening immediately. And I worked with the late and great Bob Proctor for many, many years. We created great products. He worked as fast as I did. We would think of an idea and we’d go to the studio and we create it straight away. I loved working with Bob. And he was such a high spiritual being and just amazing. But anyway, I said to him one day, I’ve got this heart glow and I want to find that God within me. And he said, well, look for an enlightened teacher. I said, have you ever had one? And he said, well, I don’t know if he was enlightened but he was my mentor and I loved him. Lloyd something. And so, I started traveling to Japan and India and different places looking for the bald man with the long grey beard, thinking that’s what enlightenment must look like. I didn’t think there were any good-looking tall dudes like Jesus around anymore. But anyway, so I just kept studying different things, reading the Autobiography of A Yogi when I was about 20. It changed my life. I loved that. And then the Swami Muktananda book Play of Consciousness really hit me right in the heart. It was like, I get that. I feel those waves of ecstasy. I meditated, and I started doing things, I started going into jungles that were dangerous to prove my faith. I was allergic to apples. I’d make sure I had an apple when I was on an airplane to prove my faith.
Barry Shore:
Wait a minute, I want to ask you a question. Are you enjoying this right now?
Michele Blood:
Oh, I’m loving it. I’m loving it because when I get to meet another soul I’m in synergy with [crosstalk 00:22:39].
Barry Shore:
Yes, I can feel it.
Michele Blood:
It’s pure love. It is bliss for me. Because everything I’m about is to bring people to their awakening, their purpose, whatever it is that’s going to take them from their suffering to make more money or to do whatever they want to do. For all my students, I practically do it for them. Someone wanted to write a book, I end up co-writing it with them. All I want is nothing except to see everyone joyful and on purpose. Because it is such a natural way of being. But what happened with my enlightenment was I finally met an enlightened teacher and she was an American about eight years younger than me. I went looking for an enlightened teacher and I had already moved to America, USA and I was at this place where an Indian enlightened man was there but I knew it wasn’t my teacher. And I could feel that the man was enlightened. And then this other man came up to me and he said, do you think this man is enlightened? And I was like, who’s this dude? And I said, I do, I really do. So, he did have a fully enlightened teacher, like a Mahasiddha, like a Jesus who’d left the body, and he was searching for another teacher. Because once you’ve found an enlightened teacher it’s heartbreaking if you’re not with them anymore if you haven’t become awakened yet. Because of their Shakti, their transmission changes your consciousness. So, this beautiful lady, she’s just quite shy, actually because she just started teaching. She’d only been enlightened for about three years. And as you know, during those first few years your world is shaken and it’s very hard to handle being in the world. So, I was looking at her hands and I was like, they’re glowing. And then I started feeling the waves one after the other. Thank God she decided to take me on as a student. I went off the grid completely, I stopped doing seminars, concerts, everything and studied for 11 years of nonstop meditation with her, and eventually became awakened, which I never thought would happen. I wasn’t doing it for me to become enlightened. Just because I loved God so much I wanted to feel that divine, non-duality, that oneness forever to know that I had found my purpose.
Barry Shore:
So, much to begin to unpack and share in little bits and pieces with people. So, first of all, a huge thank you to you, Michele for sharing all of this. By the way, share stands for spreading happiness and rejuvenating energy.
Michele Blood:
Oh, you are the master of that.
Barry Shore:
Is this not wonderful? So, when you mentioned Bob Procter, who has gone on to larger things, a bigger estate, one of the great beings in the world of self-improvement, transformation, and business acumen. And when I first heard your music the first thing that came to my mind was Bob Proctor. This is the way Bob Procter did music, you did it together. So, I’ve been a devotee of his for decades because he was true and good and beneficial to many, many tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people. So, thank you for that. I just also want to make mention, as Michele said, she does use four-letter words and she used two of them. Hard and work or work hard. The idea of writing something down and saying it’s from the divine and understanding that love and wisdom in the world. The reality is action is the process that enables all of this to happen. Without action, these are great ideas and they’re warm and fuzzies but they’re not going to get you to where you want to be, which is to be the best you. See this show, by the way, is not about Barry Shore, the nice guy he is, it’s not even about Michele, the wonderful being that she is awakened and such. It’s about you, YOU. By the way, you might like this one Michele, the word joy stands for journey of you.
Michele Blood:
Oh, I love that. I’m going to write that down.
Barry Shore:
Wait a minute, when you do write that down write underneath it from the divine.
Michele Blood:
I’ll quote it. Whoever I quote I always say who I’ve quoted. I love that because Bob was always like that. He said, and I learned this from so-and-so, I learned this from so-and-so. And I love that because you want to be able to go to someone who’s teaching you something that has had the experience. You don’t want to go to a piano teacher who’s never touched the keys.
Barry Shore:
Wait a minute that was too much fun. Or who read a book about piano teaching.
Michele Blood:
Yeah, exactly. It’s like, well, I don’t know how to play but welcome. Come in. Here’s my [unintelligible 00:27:53]. Can you tell me what that note is?
Barry Shore:
This is too much fun. FU wonderful Michele, capital N capital N. So, I want to make mention to everybody, that everything you want to know to know about Michele just go to my website wwwwhatawonderfulworldbaryshore.com and there’ll be so many links to Michele and what she does and music. We’re going to play some music on the other side of this break. And again, remember that her being is all about a mystical experience for you, not for her. She lives as a mystical experience. And having a positive impact in life that’s one of the things that she lives for. She is here to serve. That’s what happens when you’re awake. You’re here to serve. You’re not here to, yes to give and to serve not to get. Getting that’s easy. It’s service that really brings about that awakening tsunami of transformation of consciousness. And she’s a master of awakening. So, before we go to the break in just about 30 seconds, I want to tee us up and get us ready that on the other side we’re going to do something with one of the songs, we’re going to play a little bit of one of your songs. And we’re also going to talk to people about, if you don’t mind, the three biggest misconceptions that people make about meditation because you do meditate. Let’s be blunt. It’s one of the great processes of life. So, we’re going to talk with your permission on the other side. I’ll just give everybody a little taste of my world where I learned from meditation and thank God for many decades as well as my pastor would say the following, the best medication is meditation. And he would point out you just change one letter from medicate to meditate because that’s what happens. Because at the end he would say that the best meditation is medication. So, on that wonderful note, we have a great, great sponsor name of Organifi. We’ll be right back after this, Michele. Don’t go away, we’ve got more blood on the other side of this call.
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Barry Shore:
Good day beautiful, bountiful, immortal beings and good-looking people. Remember you’re good-looking because you’re always looking for and finding the good. We have good in abundance. Our cup runneth over with good. Her name is Michele Blood, transformation, teacher, and world leader. Transforming your consciousness, being a positive impact on life. That’s a whole being. She has experienced the mystical aspects of life and she is awakened and she’s going to share with us now. We’re going to play a little bit of one of her songs. She’s just so up and so powerful. Up, by the way, stands for unlimited potential. That’s who you are, up. We asked a quick question before the break. Can you help us? What are the three biggest misconceptions about meditation? Because meditation is a pathway towards enlightenment and awakening, isn’t it?
Michele Blood:
Absolutely. You’ve got to get that mind in the moment and have your thoughts stop. But the three things that I find when people come to me are they love the affirmation, music, and doing visualization, and goal setting. And they don’t even mind me talking about the divine sometimes. But when I start talking about it with meditation with people who haven’t touched it in this particular life they may have before for sure, if they’ve come to me I’m sure they have. But first of all, they think it’s going to be boring. So boring. And once you actually get the eternal starting to meditate, it’s anything but boring. You’ll never be bored again, ever. You wouldn’t even have that in your consciousness because it’s the opposite. It’s the most incredible experience once it begins to meditate on you. But of course, I’m not saying it’s easy to start with, to stop those thoughts, can be quite challenging but it’s worth every bit of effort. The other thing is people think that if you’re not spiritually minded and you’re not really thinking about God or stuff like that you won’t be able to meditate. And that’s not true either because it’s just a matter of teaching or you being taught how to stop your thoughts, it’s going to do all the great things in the world for you. It’s going to lower your blood pressure. It’s going to have your immune system much stronger. It will make you feel more peaceful inside. You don’t have to feel that you’re on any sort of spiritual path to practice meditation. Now, doctors will tell you this is true. Now, the other thing is true, too, some people that think of themselves as extremely spiritual, maybe born-again Christians think it’s not religious. They think it’s like, oh, that’s devil worship or something. Because I’ve had so many born-again Christians send me stuff saying, there must be demons inside of you for you to teach people meditation. I’m like, well, I think Jesus had a pretty good time out in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. And his apostles, he wanted them to stay awake and meditate with him and they fell asleep. So dudes, wake up.
Barry Shore:
Do you want to become awakened? Well, then wake up.
Michele Blood:
The stillness of what it feels like when you can hear the hum of the eternal through everything. You can actually hear it and feel it animating every cell of your body. So, with every little bit of effort you put in, there is no such thing as a bad meditation, every bit of effort you’ve put in will build up that bank account of empowerment. Kiss… keep it simple and spiritual. There you go.
Barry Shore:
Keep it simple and spiritual. And I will add, if I may, as a coda here, that you will sleep better at night.
Michele Blood:
Oh, yes.
Barry Shore:
A lot of people have trouble sleeping these days. I’m asked many, many times, what can I do to sleep better? I even tell them about the M-word and they say, huh. By the way, with your permission, I have a 35-second clip here of one of your songs. I play it now?
Michele Blood:
Oh, gosh, I insist.
Barry Shore:
Okay. Let’s see, tech is great when it works. Let’s see what happens. Are you ready? Here we go, everybody.
Melody being played
Michele Blood:
You didn’t get any of the lyrics but that’s okay.
Barry Shore:
I can only say my engineer is the one who put that up there. I just said you got 35 seconds. But again, go to the website wwwwhatawonderfulworld.barryshore.com and you will get a lot of Michele’s music there, she is giving away clips. They’re there so use them. They’re wonderful. They will animate you. They’ll get you up and moving. And by the same time, you’ll also be able to learn how to quiet your mind. And as she said so poignantly it’s not boring. It’s anything but boring. It’s as exciting as any football game you’ve ever been to in a different way. It’s a different modality, that’s all. Let’s talk a little bit, not a lot, a little bit about Kundalini’s awakening. People have heard the word Kundalini, I don’t know if they even know. Most of the time you hear Kundalini you think of sex. So, what is Kundalini awakening? Well, Kundalini yoga is all about…
Michele Blood:
I forgot about that.
Barry Shore:
And, by the way, sex is better with meditation, too, but that’s another story.
Michele Blood:
Meditation is better than sex.
Barry Shore:
Very good. By the way, that’s true. At a certain point of awakening that becomes, yeah, because the sex aspect of life, we’ll call it the lust aspect of life, is a debilitating aspect. Matter of fact, I work with people and I think you might like this also, you might even write this one down. We talk about the self. So, the two aspects of the self are the lower self and the higher self. The lower self stands for, as an acronym, seeking excitement, losing focus. [Crosstalk 00:39:41] isn’t that good? The higher self is recognizing that you are a soul experiencing life fully.
Michele Blood:
Very good. Your [crosstalk 00:39:56-40:00]. Do you have a list of them on your website somewhere?
Barry Shore:
Yeah, I have hundreds and hundreds. This is what I do. I work with words and acronyms. It’s part of what I do. And yes, we have some on the site. By the way, you’ll get a copy of my book. We have some in there and we have an acronym book that I ask people to contribute to. In other words, you may have a word and you think, hey, I’m going to send it in to Barry Shore. It’s called The Joy Vocabulary.
Michele Blood:
That is great. What a beautiful thing.
Barry Shore:
Do you love it?
Michele Blood:
I love it.
Barry Shore:
I got to tell you something, Michele, we love you. So, tell us about Kundalini’s awakening.
Michele Blood:
Well, this is fascinating. You hear about chakras and people say they’ve gone to a hands-on healer or a massage person that has said, oh, your chakra is blocked. Of course, it is. At the bottom of the spine, there is the lifeblood energy and I have seen it moving over the years of the experiences I’ve had, it’s actually bubbles. I know that you know this but for the people that are listening, it’s like vibrating bubbles of light that are just so fast. And it’s like the bluey gold color that you can’t even imagine on this world plane. And mind you, smaller than an atom or anything. And this is at the bottom of your spine laying. Is it laying dormant? No, it’s not actually laying dormant. It’s just that along the spine, I’ll use my beautiful Tara here as an example. Along the spine, there is something called a Sushumna. And the Sushumna is a hollow, supposed to be hollow, but it’s blocked. It’s just a long parallel to the actual spine. And it is blocked with all the experiences and everything that you’ve ever gone through when you are a beautiful diamond and you can’t feel your diamond. You can’t feel a diamond because all the experiences that you’ve had where it’s strong emotions and it doesn’t matter if it’s a positive emotion or a negative emotion, it’s not a feeling, I’m talking about emotion. And you don’t want to have emotion. You want to have deep feelings because emotion will run with the egos. It’ll go riding out into the shore. So, we’ve got to clear this diamond. And the way that we clear the diamond, which is your higher self so that you can feel and your intuition then is spot on, your intuition, being in tune with God starts bubbling up. As you meditate, it starts scrubbing the Sushumna clean, the Kundalini is actually [unintelligible 00:42:48] and it scrubs it clean. And then as that happens, your chakras, you never meditate on lower chakras ever because that will just make you hot. The postman will be in deep doo-doo because they’ll just make you horny. You don’t want that.
Barry Shore:
Michele Blood:
So, it’s good to practice. It’s okay. I always found that my heart chakra and my third eye were the places that I would go to. Because along the Sushumna is actually the chakras. It’s not actually in the front but it feels like once the chakra starts becoming activated because it starts feeling like pressure against the spine in a good way. And it’s the Kundalini that bubbling is to clean that to activate that chakra because that chakra, the heart chakra, once that’s activated then it starts to come up further and further and then you start meditating. And then if you have a teacher that can transmit light that is sending light, and that’s why people start feeling the tingles in the waves in their brain is because if you think we were given this entire masterpiece and none of it is supposed to be used but 3 to 10%, that’s rubbish. The divine doesn’t make mistakes. Those parts become activated as you meditate more. So, as a teacher transmits light some people call it transmitting Shakti. But Shakti is just coming from the consciousness of someone whose light isn’t on and off but is on, and they’re just being used like a light bulb. When I transmit light, it’s not me doing it, I’m being used by the eternal. And that then attracts more of the Kundalini to come up so that more chakras can be activated. So for example, your heart chakra, when that’s activated then gives you these gifts that you can see people with no judgment. You witness who they are, not their personality. You might see somebody yelling at their kids but you can see immediately this person is just sad. They’re just not having a good day. You don’t judge ever. The judgment leaves you. There are just so many beautiful experiences going through the Stargate once the third eye is activated. The experiences are literally out of this world. And so, the Kundalini is a very real thing and you can feel it. As the heart chakra is activated, my students have said, I feel like my heart is pumping through my big toes, my hands, what’s going on? Should I go to the doctor? I said, well, you can because legally I should say that. But no, you’re doing great. Keep meditating.
Barry Shore:
You are so wonderful. Talk about positive impact in life. By the way, life is a wonderful acronym. It stands for living, inspirationally for eternity.
Michele Blood:
Now you got me.
Barry Shore:
Thank you. That’s you.
Michele Blood:
You’re very cheeky. That’s a very sexy one. A divinely sexy one that one. Because that is absolutely so true. When you talk about the eternal and for eternity because everyone is eternal they’re all immortal. Everyone is immortal. Immortal consciousness. I love you so much.
Barry Shore:
Yeah, we’re rocking this.
Michele Blood:
I almost can’t stand it.
Barry Shore:
Everybody, this is so real. This is so wonderful. You can feel the vibrations right around the world. It’s just, whew. So, as that is a segway from where you are wonderful, Michelle. If you can what is enlightenment and how can one attain being awakened?
Michele Blood:
Well, it depends on what you did in your past life. It’s an interesting thing. But see, I was teaching meditation and positive thought and everything for many years before I met my teacher. I had huge audiences working with so many huge names, even though I love Bob I hadn’t found someone who knew God. So, even after just two months of meditating with this teacher, just two nights a month, two nights every month, I started feeling so much more because of the Shakti that she was sending, transmitting. Things were opening up in my consciousness. I could see things that I couldn’t see before. I was having satori after satori. And if anyone wants to know what that means, it’s the mystical terminology of an aha moment. Because people say, I know, I know, I know because they’ve read something. That’s just a memory. That’s just that you got a good memory, good on you. But a real aha satori is when you actually have the experience, you know that you know. It’s like saying to a nine-month pregnant woman, are you sure you’re pregnant? If you have to ask, you’re not awakened. It takes a lot. I’m not going to say it’s easy but every step of the way is the most incredible experience. For about a year, I went through something called the Stargate into all these different dimensions and met amazing consciousness that you don’t talk, you don’t go, good day, mate. How’s it going? Been down the pub lately? It’s not like that. It’s surreal. But when you’re in those states your human consciousness is off. You’re in the moment. You can see 360 degrees around you. The very first time that happened to me where I could see everything around me, the moment I thought, oh my gosh, I can see everything I was back into my body again. It’s so frustrating because it’s like the moment consciousness clicks on again, you’re back into normal consciousness. So, it happens over and over and over again. I never expected it to happen but it was happening so much that I would not…to start with it was just like a flash of light. And so, I would meditate every night until that flash of light. I would not stop until I had that flash. And I didn’t realize at the time that that flash is the beginning of the Stargate, how Jesus talked about the pin, the needle. That is what you see. You eventually start seeing this pin of light that comes actually from the middle of your brain, like a laser light out through. Everyone thinks your third eye is there but actually, it’s in the middle of the brain, it comes through for it to be activated and you start feeling it pulsating. And you could actually sometimes see people’s temples start pulsating. They freak out. It’s funny. That’s my entertainment.
Barry Shore:
How does somebody, a regular person, we have hundreds of thousands of people around the world listening, enraptured, leaning in, saying, this is amazing, I want to hear it again, this is great stuff, how does one begin the process? What’s the first step for somebody?
Michele Blood:
I think the important thing is to find an enlightened teacher who will teach you, and that whom you feel a connection. Because as I said before, I’m very irreverent. I’m a rock singer. I’ve always been irreverent. There’s nothing I haven’t seen, nothing could shock me. But the only thing that really shocked me…I was 15 when I left school. I lived on my own from 15 onwards. I won’t go into the reasons why but I had to for my safety. And then I worked hairdressing, working in pubs at night behind the bar, doing all of these things to keep myself going. So, if you think that I was an extraordinary person that happened, no. A 15-year-old girl goes into rock and roll and then she has a car accident so she has an epiphany to start writing positive affirmation songs and they actually did help heal her body. I’m not saying that they didn’t but I also thank the doctors all the time because I need an oil can for all the steel plates in my body. But it’s anybody. Everybody has that Kundalini at the base of their spine. You don’t know. You don’t know where your consciousness is. You could have had past lives where you were enlightened and it is just like… I need to. And then all of a sudden… I’ve seen it. There’s one of my students, William, who’s in early enlightenment now. And when I first met him he was depressed and not happy, running his business. But there was something about me. He was looking for an enlightened teacher that made him laugh. He’s been with me for, I don’t know, 12 years now but he’s stuck. Now, he’s teaching meditation in Ireland. And he would never have thought that he would be interested in doing anything like that. But he was desperate to find joy because he was in a bad place. So, you don’t know who you are. You don’t know who you used to be yet. So, you could be just on the verge because sometimes people just need a sign. I remember once I was driving up to Kings Cross in Sydney to go to a gig and I had already started reading all of these books and things. I would literally walk off the stage in between sets and start reading again with a flashlight, with a torch. I couldn’t stop feeding myself this stuff. So, if you begin with, did you start realizing that anyone can do it, you don’t know who you used to be. You may have been a great, enlightened teacher or just a really fantastic person, who knows. And you just have to wake it up. Because some people are soul-sick. They think they’re depressed but they’re not. They’re soul-sick because they can feel within themselves there’s something missing. Some people come into the body and they’re like, why am I encased in this body? Blood and bones? It feels weird. I feel like an alien. Well, you are welcome to Earth.
Barry Shore:
Wait a minute, what a great line you are, welcome to Earth. If I may say, just begin the process. Just begin the [unintelligible 00:53:47]. So, I have three questions for you because time goes by so fast, doesn’t it? Three quick questions for you wonderful, Michele, are you ready?
Michele Blood:
Yes, I’m ready, Barry.
Barry Shore:
Okay. Number one question, will you come back again?
Michele Blood:
Oh, gosh, yes.
Barry Shore:
Okay. Thank you.
Michele Blood:
And I want to do lots of things in the future with you. Everyone get your mind out of the gutter.
Barry Shore:
Oh, that’s so good. Number two, you have 80 seconds only. What is your most fervent desire?
Michele Blood:
I don’t have a desire, I’m sorry to say. My prayer and my purpose are that I can see as many people as I can, and release suffering. Because suffering is not necessary on this planet. Poverty is not necessary. The mind controls all of these different things. I want to see and I am seeing it, people awakened from their suffering and then help other people release them from their suffering. And I am living that and doing it because suffering is not normal, people. It is not normal. You weren’t born to suffer. Even though the ironic thing is always Zen. It’s always one end to the other with infinity, with eternal. Sometimes you have to suffer to awaken. Like my car accident was what people would think was the worst thing in the world to happen to a rock singer but it was the best thing. So, that’s number 2. 80 seconds or less.
Barry Shore:
So, pain is normal, suffering is optional. Very good. And number three may give you a hug in front of 358,000 people around the world.
Michele Blood:
Oh, yes, please do.
Barry Shore:
I got to tell you what hug stands for. Hug stands for heartfelt unlimited giving. Sing it out wonderful, Michele. On the count of three. One, two, three…roar. Thank you wonderful beings. You’ve been listening to The Joy of Living with your humble host, Barry Shore, and our amazing guest Michele Blood. And we’ve been talking about transforming your consciousness, having a positive impact on life, and the mystical experience of awakening. That is what Michele is all about. And you know that on this show, it’s all about you, YOU. That’s why you tuned in to become the best you possible. You do that you build bridges of more harmony. You create more joy, happiness, peace, and love in the world. We work with the three fundamentals. Remember that your life has a purpose. Live a purpose-driven life. You can go mad. Mad is a great acronym that stands for make a difference in the world. And number three is to unlock the power and the secrets of everyday words and terms like www what a wonderful world. Smile, seeing miracles in life every day. Or as my eight-year-old niece says, seeing miracles in everyday life. Create the kind of world you want to live in, as Michelle said to us. Create your world causing, rethinking, and enabling all to excel. When you do all this you’ll be happier, healthier, and wealthier. Who doesn’t want that? Use four-letter words like love, life, hope, free, grow, easy, work, pray, play, and swim. And tell the world to FU capital N capital N. Use the two most powerful words in the English language at least three times a day consciously and conscientiously, for now, and the rest of your life and you will affect yourself, your family, your friends, and all living beings. And these two words are thank you, thank you, thank you, to harmonize and network kindness. So, a blessing from Michele and Barry. Our blessing to you is to go forth and live exuberantly. Spread the seeds of joy, happiness, peace, and love. Go mad, go make a difference. Michele, don’t go away. Okay.
Outro: Thank you for listening to this episode of The Joy of Living Podcast. Now, that’s another step towards your healthier, happier, and healthier life. Never hesitate to do good in the world no matter what the situation. Join us for another upbeat discussion next time at barryshore.com. And be sure to leave a rating and subscribe to the show to get more conversations like this. And remember to share it with your family and friends, too. See you on the next episode.
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About Dr Marina Bruni
Dr Marina Bruni, aka The Global Brain Activation Strategist, is a mentor, lawyer, an executive coach, business consultant and international speaker who specializes in brain integration strategies and energy. She gives her clients the keys to unlock creative solutions to the problems they’re facing. Dr Marina is featured as one of the Global Thought Leaders in the movie How Thoughts Become Things, sequel to the hit movie The Secret, alongside many big names from The Secret’s original cast. She is well-known for helping businesses identify additional revenue streams within their existing business through strategic relationships and delegation. As dual qualified lawyer with over two decades of experience in the financial services industry, Dr Marina has seen the destructive consequences of poor choices. She is on a mission to empower men and women to use her proven method to make the right choice with ease and consistency. She is also a Master of Neuro-Linguistics and Energy.