About admin

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So far admin has created 68 blog entries.
4 02, 2020



AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, SMIEL, CREATE, THANK You, FUNN, Marcela Magda Popa M.D., Generally Recognized As Safe, GRAS, Keep Away from GRAS, Migraines, Joint Pain, Ashiness, mammogram, Carcinogen contaminated cosmetics, cleaning, laundry products,healthier cosmetics, processed foods, eliminating estrogen-like chemicals, anti freeze in Your food, artificial colors, dyes, drpopaslist.com, marcelampopa@gmail.com, processed foods play a role in obesity and digestive [...]

28 01, 2020

Timeless Truths


AmbassadorOfJOY, SuperBowl, barryshore.com, rabbidaniellapin.com, timeless truths, God, Money, Woman, Men, WWW, WOW, SMILE, SMIEL, FU-NN, THANK You, Happiness, Service, Performance, Health, Wealth, STRESS KILLS, JOY Heals, Money is Spiritual, Money is Holy, Star of David, Kobe Bryant, CoronaVirus, Unchanging Human Nature, TCT Network, Camille Paglia, Ancient Jewish Wisdom, Ten Commandments for Making Money, MILK, 11 Strategies for LIVING in [...]

Timeless Truths2025-02-02T05:54:50-08:00
21 01, 2020

Making A Difference


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, Dick Larkin, ChenMed, CEDA, Community Action Agency, Value Based Health Care, proactive and accountable care, WWW, WOW, SMILE, THANK You, FUNN, CREATE, Break the Cycle of Poverty, Shift Mind Set, Be A Giver, Believe in Giving, GO MAD, Life Has a Purpose The JOY of LIVING Radio Show is broadcast live at Monday's at 3PM PT on [...]

Making A Difference2025-02-02T05:53:02-08:00
8 01, 2020

Centenarians RULE


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, SMIEL, CREATE, THANK, FUNN, YOU, Swimming, Walk in Water, Exercise, Never Give Up, Aida, 107 years young, Maurine Kornfeld, 97 year young swimmer, oldest active member of 64,000 member US Masters Swimming, Mighty Mo, Focus on others not on oneself, Camp Fire Girls, Torch Bearer, Give Light Undimmed to others, Jim Rainey, LA Times, [...]

Centenarians RULE2025-02-02T05:50:07-08:00
3 01, 2020

36 Words to Uplift the WORLD


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, SMIEL, CREATE, FUNN, THANK YOU, 8 words: if it's to be it's up to me, 7 words: never give up, never, never,never, never, Winston Churchill, 6 words: choice not chance determines your destiny, 5 words; this is who i am, 4 words: how can i help, 3 words, i love you, i love God, [...]

36 Words to Uplift the WORLD2025-02-02T05:48:00-08:00
26 12, 2019



AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com,WWW,WOW,SMILE,CREATE,THANK You, FUNN, David Corbin, Anne Smith, Adore the Differences, Respect the Commitment, Esther Hicks, Spiritual, Become Attractive, Be a Magnet, Allison Armstrong, Welcome to Today, True Student, Woman of Wisdom, Live on the Vibrational Plane, Bring out the Funny The JOY of LIVING Radio Show is broadcast live at Monday's at 3PM PT on K4HD - Hollywood [...]

LIVE in LOVE2025-02-02T05:45:13-08:00
13 12, 2019

Cannabis Queen Shares HIGH INSights


AmbassadorOfJoy, barryshore.com, www.twitter.com/barryeshore, www.instagram.com/barryeshore. www.facebook.com/barryeshore, www.linkedin.com/in/barryshore, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, FUNN, THANK You, Frankie Boyer, Cannabis Queen, CBD, EpiGenetics, Good Health Good Intestines, BlueZone, Holistic Health, Lifestyle Style, Cannabis Talk A-Z, Genesis Network, BIZ Talk, the answer to the opioid crisis, Veterans Dying Daily by suicide, NO SUGAR, the body needs bitters, eat whole foods, age gracefully The JOY [...]

Cannabis Queen Shares HIGH INSights2025-02-02T03:08:02-08:00
9 12, 2019

Illuminate the NEGATIVE


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, FU-NN, THANK, David Corbin, Illuminate the Negative, Robin Williams with an MBA, From Image to Influence, Knowledge, Association, Sense of Humor, Impeachment, Peloton, Mentor to Mentors,Maintain Positive Attitude, Face It, Follow It, Fix It, Alan Taylor, Media Mogul, Heart Driven Entrepreneur, Pure Blooded car Guy, Roy Masters, LIVE with Kelly and Ryan, The [...]

Illuminate the NEGATIVE2025-02-02T03:05:34-08:00
9 12, 2019

MON-day is the BEST-Day


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK, FU-NN, TGIM, Renna Nightingale, Actress, Travel, Confetti, Impeachment, Peloton, Curiosity Over Fear, Resiliency, Eat Rejection, JOY Heals, Doing My Best, i am NOT what i DO, GENESIS Thought, Morning Devotional, Journal, It's How You Finish, Get OUT of Your Comfort Zone, Always Learning, You're in a Miracle, Singer, YouTube Star, MONday Video, [...]

MON-day is the BEST-Day2025-02-02T03:04:32-08:00
25 11, 2019

YOU Grow by Learning & Sharing


Ambassador of JOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK You, FUNN, Tim Connor, timconnor.com, 5 Mantras, Charles Stanley, Charlie Tremendous Jones, Young At Heart, Learn from Adversity, What's Your Legacy, GO MAD, Make A Positive Impact, JOY is who You are, What are You doing TODAY, Turn Whine into Wine, Get Old don't Grow Old, Your Brain as a [...]

YOU Grow by Learning & Sharing2025-02-02T03:01:31-08:00
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