About admin

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So far admin has created 68 blog entries.
20 11, 2019

Barry Shore with Jack Canfield


Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul interviews Barry shore.

Barry Shore with Jack Canfield2019-11-20T15:40:18-08:00
13 11, 2019



barryshore.com, AmbassadorOfJOY, JOY of LIVING Institute, WWW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK, FUNN, RyanLong, CityGala, Richard Branson, PuffDaddy,Ashton Kutcher, THORN, human slavery,Matthew McConaughey, Just Keep Livin, John Travolta, Russell Simmons, Greg Reid, John Paul DeJoria, Paul Mitchell, Jeff Timmons, Halle Berry,Gene Simmons, Charlize Theron, Sean Penn, Buzz Aldrin, Tyrese Gibson, Zendaya, Grammy Awards, Academy Awards, Richard Dreyfuss, James Cameron, Jane Seymour,Ray [...]

CITY GALA RAWKS2025-02-02T03:00:01-08:00
7 11, 2019

Fresh EYES on the WORLD


barryshore.com, AmbassadorofJOY, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK You, NealGrace.com, Poetry, GraceCathedral, Self Empowerment, KGB, Delhi, Indira Ghandi, IntuitiveHealer, Fresh Eyes Upon the World, Hitchhiking, Answers to important questions of life, FUNN, LIFE, LOVE, JOY, Happiness, Peace The JOY of LIVING Radio Show is broadcast live at Monday's at 3PM PT on K4HD - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com ) part [...]

Fresh EYES on the WORLD2025-02-02T02:57:57-08:00
31 10, 2019

Think Like an Athlete


AmbassadorofJOY, barryshore.com,www.twitter.com/barryeshore, www.instagram.com/barryeshore, www.facebook.com/barryeshore, www.linkedin.com/in/barryshore, jesstodtfeld.com, BE Magnetic, Act it and Become it, Give to Give, Personal Mission Statement, think like an athlete, Open with Fire, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, FUNN, TANK You, Oprah Mission Statement, Teach Entertain Inspire, Be ON FIRE, Guinness Book of Records, 112 interviews in 24 hours, TV Host, Producer, Reporter, 11 Strategies for JOY [...]

Think Like an Athlete2025-02-02T02:52:18-08:00
30 09, 2019



TheJOYofLIVING, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK,FUNN, LAUGHTER, LAUGHTER YOGA, SMILE-UPS, Breathing, SMILE MASTER, Jan Siegelman, Rachael Siegelman, Sarah Routman, Dr. Madan Katarina, Norman Cousins, The Laughter Planner, The Laughter Book, ZOOM Laughter Call, Landmark Worldwide, Laugh Now Cards, Life Coach, Tree Climber/Trimmer, Wrestling Coach, Scoutmaster, Keep Smiling Distributor, KEEP SMILING Cards, Positive, Purposeful, Powerful, Pleasant, Childlike Play, Uplifting [...]

LAUGH YOUR WAY to HEALTH WEALTH WISDOM2025-02-02T02:48:37-08:00
30 09, 2019

Secrets of a Master Healer


Healing, Wellness, Wisdom of the World Wellness, Ambassador of JOY, barryshore.com, clint rogers, TEDX Clint Rogers, Gary Malkin, Foster and Kimberly Gamble, THRIVE Movie, International Ministry of Peace, Pankaj Naram, wisdomoftheworld.com, WWW, SMILE, WOW, CREATE, THANK, Vibrant Health, Unlimited Energy, Peace of Mind, Healthier, Wealthier, Wiser, 11 Strategies for LIVING in JOY daily, FUNN, Gratitude, Mother Theresa, Balance the [...]

Secrets of a Master Healer2025-02-02T02:47:18-08:00
27 09, 2019



AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK, FUNN, Dr. Vijaya Nair, Harvard, Columbia, Psychiatry, Mental health, Be Happy, Integrative Medicine, STRESS, JOY, Meditation, Thought Conscious MIND, Divine Mind, More Money, More Time, Less Stress, DO NOTHING, Life is Service, Jivasupplements.org, soulaccessmeditations.com, healthier, Wealthier, Wiser, FREE Report on Holistic Wellness Employee programs, Kindness, be Kind Always, Power of Thought, POT, [...]

POT is the ANSWER2025-02-02T02:46:11-08:00
12 09, 2019



Ambassador of JOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK, FUNN, Tamara Hunter,The Next Impactor, ChemoBuddies4Life.org,The Speaker’s Coalition, 365 Days of Awesome; Celebrate Success Through Service, Frank Shankwitz, Bernie Siegel, Cancer Survivors, This show is broadcast live on Monday's at 3PM PT on K4HD - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com ) part of Talk 4 Radio (http://www.talk4radio.com/) on the Talk 4 [...]

3 09, 2019

Motivational Master: Henning Morales


www.barryshore.com, ambassador of joy, www, wow, smile, create, thank, FUNN, Purpose, GO MAD, Unlock secrets of everyday words and terms, porn star, baseball, teenager, positive attitude, POT advocate, Dirt Merchant, edutainment, Youth Empowerment, Teaneck NJ, transformation, DESTINOVA the movie, drifters without purpose, mentors, Atlas Shrugged, Story Telling, Youth Mentorship Forum, coaching kids This show is broadcast live on Monday's [...]

Motivational Master: Henning Morales2025-02-02T02:38:21-08:00
3 09, 2019

Words Have PPOWER


Ambassador of JOY, WWW, WOW, SMILE, FUNN, CREATE, THANK, PORN STAR, www.barryshore.com, GO MAD, Make A Difference, Marriage, ChaiLifeLine, Rebuilding Dreams, MAD Strategies, Health, Wealth, Wisdom, Givers Gain, Start Small, Be CLEAR about the Goal, Be Your Best, Morty Silber, Wizard Academy, Roy Williams This show is broadcast live on Monday's at 3PM PT on K4HD - Hollywood Talk [...]

Words Have PPOWER2025-02-02T02:37:06-08:00
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