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Barefoot to Benefactor With Dr. Lenny Peters

The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is honored to welcome Dr. Lenny Peters. Imagine growing up poor in a fishing village on the western coast of India as a Catholic amidst 800 million Hindus and 200 million Moslems. Not a recipe for Success You might think. But Lenny Peters proves that God runs the world. He manages to become a doctor in India. Then in impoverished circumstances in England. With hard work, dedication, and a touch of the Divine he finds a residency in the USA and excels in Liver Transplants. The rest of his wondrous story Barry and he discuss on this Must Share Episode. You’ll be mesmerized.

Show Notes:

  • 00:45 – Barry’s rousing introduction
  • 14:17 – Dr. Lenny on Barefoot to Benefactor
  • 24:40 – I would put some sort of white cloth around me and walk around telling everyone that I’m a healer, I’m a doctor.
  • 41:55 – What does the word faith mean?
  • 52:21- Barry’s Interesting Wrap-up

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Barry Shore  

Kindness is remarkable word that stands for keep inspiring noble deeds. There is no one, no one I can think of that I’d like to share with you now who inspires noble deeds, the most remarkable wonderful Dr. Lenny Peters. Lenny, please say hello to 354,822 people around the world.

Dr. Lenny Peters  

Hello, everyone. I’m so happy to be here with Barry Shore.

Barry Shore  

Well, we are so happy to have Dr. Lenny Peters with you. The world needs more, not just Lenny Peters. It needs more knowledge about what Lenny is what he does and where he’s been and where he’s going. Because his story is, I wouldn’t say the story of everyone, it’s unique, but by the same token, it is the story of everyone because it’s about growing up in circumstances, facing them, overcoming them and showing other people by your deeds not just by your words, that there are no boundaries, there are no barriers, especially when you realize one of the great four letter words in the world which is pray, but we’ll get there are just a few moments. So, I’m going to just jump right in. And if I start reading all of the amazing attributes and accomplishments of Dr. Lenny Peters, it will take up the rest of the show so I’m only going to highlight three things. One of them is Dr. Lenny Peters, and I don’t mean a PhD. This is Dr. Lenny Peters, and what he’s done is that he not only has built up a remarkably large, successful, flourishing practice, both in the world of medicine and the world of real estate, but he touches 1000s and 1000s of people on a daily basis. That’s number one. Number two, Dr. Peters has a very interesting background that not only does he come from the subcontinent, now, of course, we have people listening all over the world. So they know subcontinent means Southeast Asia, meaning India specifically. But when people think of India, by definition, they tend to think of Hindu, maybe some Muslim, (not some) Muslim also, but he’s not either. He’s a Catholic. And there are 20 million Catholics in India. We’ll talk about that. I number three. He is a fun person. By the way, Lenny, what was the last time somebody said FU to you, and you laughed.

Dr. Lenny Peters  

I am so happy to be here. And I’m a fun loving person.

Barry Shore  

Thank you, thank you. Let’s just start with…

Dr. Lenny Peters  

I love to meet people. I love to hear their stories, and I love to tell them my story so maybe I can inspire one or two of them.

Barry Shore  

So, let’s just jump right in and start where you come from. So, again, we have thank God 10s of 1000s of listeners throughout India, so people are applauding right now and saying yay Lenny, yay Lenny. Lenny, tell us where in fact you’ve come from. It’s a wonderful province or a state I guess you might call it called Kerala, which is mostly or at least a large part of it is Catholic, which again is very unique in India because India is a country of one plus billion people. So, 20 million Catholics is sort of a drop in the bucket, but yeah, still 20 million. So, tell us about what it means to grow up in a predominantly non-Catholic country, but in a predominantly Catholic environment.

Dr. Lenny Peters  

Yes, I was born and raised in a state called Kerala, which is in the southernmost part of India, on the west coast, in a small village with no running water or electricity on the other side of paddy fields, so we have to walk everyday across the paddy fields, and therefore the terminology barefoot. Even if you had shoes you couldn’t wear because it’s water and paddy fields, but we didn’t have shoes anyway. So, my mother had three children, I’m the youngest of the three. It’s a very small home. She barely made it to be able to raise this. My father worked for an oil company in the Middle East so he was gone 11 months out of the 12 months, was only home one month a year. So, she struggled and we all had to chip in and do the very best possible to help each other. And it was a difficult time, the food was scarce, but we just had just about enough and I was very blessed and abundantly called upon by God to do his work. So, I was able to leave my small village at the age of 14 to start my medical career and that in itself was something that I myself couldn’t believe.

Barry Shore  

Listen, I’ll put you on pause for a moment because you’ve just given over a tremendous amount of data, and a background that is let’s be blunt, challenging under the easiest circumstances and you didn’t have them. By the way I want to make mention of something, people just lean in and enjoy everything that Dr. Peters is talking to us about because it’s going to be a lot of information and transformative information. All you have to do is go to my website, everything about Dr. Lenny Peters, his books, his information, it’s all going to be there so you don’t even have to write down, just listen and absorb but this being is channeling for us. I want to go back a couple of things that you said. So, here you are growing up dirt poor, well, in your case, you say water poor because you had to walk through paddy fields, and even if you didn’t have shoes, that’s not the right way to do things. And by definition, the expectation that you would rise to the ranks of becoming a healer, a doctor, in my humble opinion was probably beyond the realm of possibility for most of the people in your village thinking about not just you, but most of the kids you grew up with. Now, I’d like to ask, you were the youngest of three, are your two older siblings in similar circumstances to you?

Dr. Lenny Peters  

No, they’re not. There are no doctors in my family, extended family, nowhere. But it was a calling in life for me, and I from a very young age, age six or seven, I would tell everyone I’m a doctor. I would put some sort of white cloth around me and walk around telling everyone that I’m a healer, I’m a doctor. So, it was in my DNA, it was what I was called upon to do. Growing up as a Christian was very difficult. We are a very small minority, and my mother was a very strong Christian, but she taught me and all around us how to be tolerant of every religion. So, like Mahatma Gandhi once said, “If you are a Hindu, be a better Hindu. If you are a Muslim, be a better Muslim. And if you are a Christian, be a better Christian.” That’s all we can ask for. We are not trying to change each other. That’s the only faith I know, but I only ask everyone to have some form of faith.

Barry Shore  

Wonderful. Lenny, I want to share with you something. The word faith is a wonderful acronym that stands for finding answers in the hidden, finding answers in the hidden, and I think that you just brought it out. Whenever I meet a person who is a healer, I invariably ask this question, when did you know or begin to know that you were a healer? And I think you articulated it beautifully. At the age of six already, you were channeling the ability to be a benefit to others because that’s really what a healer is isn’t it? Being of benefit to others. Not saying I am a doctor, it’s saying I’m a healer, I’m here to be of service which by the way is perfectly in alignment with your faith. Being the best Christian you can be. And that’s what it means, to be the best you as we said in the very beginning of the show. The reason people tune in Lenny to this show is because they know that this show is not about Lenny Peters, as wonderful as you are. It’s not about Barry Shore, as interesting as he is. This shows about you, the one listening, the one watching because it’s really about you becoming the best you. Dr. Peters you articulated so wonderfully. Being the best you possible in whatever circumstance you walk will enable you to find your best being. Dr. Lenny Peters comes from a place that is impossible to describe to most people. And today, he’s not just a doctor. Let’s jump forward and tell us a little bit about your practice in North Carolina, United States, in a place called high point. What do you actually have on the ground in terms of services for people?

Dr. Lenny Peters  

So, today, we’re the largest independent provider of healthcare in the state, single owner provider of healthcare, not a multi conglomerate. And we have 15 specialties, 15 locations, we see about 1200 patients through our doors each day, 

Barry Shore  

Every single day? 

Dr. Lenny Peters  

1200 patients or more every day, and we are open to everyone. That’s a policy I started 25 years ago. We open our doors to poor or rich. In doing so we had everyone come through our clinics, whether it is a person who is on a government subsidy, or has health issues that they cannot… I named the clinic, Bethany medical. Bethany is the name, it comes from Bible. The name of the house where Martha Mary and Lazarus slipped. They were three different types of people united by their love for their fellow villagers, and for Jesus, so I felt that we should have it the same way. We should be united by our common goal to help others and that means everyone, not just someone. And not only people with insurance, for everyone. So, we opened our doors, walk in clinics. All clinics are walk in and we are open seven days a week. No one could do it. 

Barry Shore  

I want to unpack something you just said because I want people to understand the depth and the height of what we’re discussing here. Lenny Peters who comes from as poor background as anybody could imagine, thank God, the good Lord was able to pluck him from where he was, and enable him to attend medical school. I think it was mostly in the United Kingdom under their auspices first because obviously the relations with India. Now in a place called High Point, North Carolina, as he said, 15 locations serving almost half a million people every year, serving people. He didn’t say serving people with insurance, serving people without insurance, he’s serving people who have medical needs. And what is he doing? He’s doing it with a full heart knowing that he serving the good Lord. The genius of this is he’s not serving Lenny Peters, but by Lenny Peters being a servant, he is enabled now to serve half a million people a year. And the natural result of that is that he flourishes. You see, you flourish most in the world, when you become most serving. When you’re on your knees is when you’re standing the tallest. Am I correct Lenny when I say that?

Dr. Lenny Peters  

Absolutely correct, absolutely correct. So, we have been able to do this good work, and because of that we also became the largest minority owned business of any type in the state. And I received the award for one of the highest philanthropic award called the Love Of The Family Award on the one side, and also Power Player Of The Year on the other side. So, it all works together when you are willing to give, you get more. It keeps coming.

About Dr. Lenny Peters

Dr. Peters, who is a strong believer in philanthropy, has provided thousands of dollars of support over the years through the Lenny Peters Foundation. Many recipients have been helped through his donations to the Piedmont Triad’s United Way campaign, and even some of his own employees have received help in the form of monthly gifts to aid them through financial hardship.

[bctt tweet=””Mahatma Gandhi once said, If you are a Hindu, be a better Hindu. If you are a Muslim, be a better Muslim. And if you are a Christian, be a better Christian.”” via=”no”]