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Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, brings Sunil Bhaskaran, the Global Business Mastermind. Sunil is an innovative and much in demand trainer that can help you build an audience and collaborate with Sunil’s large audiences and his generous partners. Sunil has a Meetup.com organization of more than 120,000+ business owners and professionals which is growing internationally at more than 80 people per day. He has been featured by the CEO of Meetup in Global webinars on bringing and facilitating online interactions. He has been mentoring business owners and running businesses for 3 decades. He lives in the Bay Area of Northern California with his lovely wife and musical producer, Glenda Benevides. Listen as Barry and Sunil discuss being a radio show host, published author and an in-demand speaker. He is also the Director of Strategic Outreach for the Healthy Climate Alliance – an organization dedicated to restoring the climate to healthy levels for our future generations. MUST SHARE.
Featured Guest

Sunil Bhaskaran
Sunil Bhaskaran is founder of the Global Business Mastermind an innovative training to help build an audience locally and globally along with opportunities to collaborate with Sunil’s large audiences and his generous partners. Sunil runs a Meetup organization of more than 120,000+ business owners and professionals across the World and growing at least 80 people per day. Sunil has been featured by the CEO of Meetup in Global webinars on bringing online interactions globally through meetup.com. Sunil has been mentoring business owners and running businesses since 1991. He lives in the Bay area of Northern California with his lovely wife and musical producer, Glenda Benevides . Sunil is also known as a radio show host, published author and an in-demand speaker. He is also the Director of Strategic Outreach for the Healthy Climate Alliance – an organization dedicated to restoring the climate to healthy levels for our future generations.