Crypto Queen Dr. Lydie Louise
The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is honored to share with You the woman who answers the questions about LAW and CRYPTO. Yes, Dr. Lydie Louis is one of the world’s most articulate, knowledgeable, interesting businesspeople on the planet. You’ll be amazed as she and Barry delve deeply into the intricacies of Legal matters that You MUST be aware of and the Reasons why CRYPTO will be changing the world’s financial landscape. Must be SHARED. You’ll be thanking me for years to come.
Show Notes:
- 00:45 – Barry’s rousing introduction
- 14:17 – Dr. Lydie on Crypto Currency
- 24:40 – You have to take that action.
- 41:55 – Law is a wonderful acronym that stands for love and wisdom.
- 52:21- Barry’s Interesting Wrap-up
Important Links:
Barry Shore
I cannot think of anybody that inspires noble deeds, she inspires me, that I want to share with you right now than the wonderful, amazing, fabulous Dr. Lydie Louis. Lydie, please say hello to 352,000 people around the world.
Dr. Lydie Louis
Hello amazing 362,000 people around the world. It’s my pleasure to be here with the very fabulous, amazing, and marvelous, Barry Shore.
Barry Shore
Okay, well flattery might get you [unintelligible: 0:10:06]. I need to do the following. I don’t usually do this, Lydie. What I do is I make a very short introduction to a guest, I’m not going to read the entire bio because it would take over the rest of the hour. But I want to set up some bona [unintelligible: 0:10:28] for Lydie because it’s important. We’re going to be discussing some very intricate, and important aspects about your life. Because what does law have to do with anything? Let’s try to pardon the title of her book. We’re going to be discussing her background as an attorney, as a PhD. Her background in Wall Street, with the UN, in helping thousands of business owners become remarkably successful because of her ability to understand what’s called legal branding, crypto currency, and the ability to create legacy. So I want everybody to know upfront that when Lydie is speaking about these particular areas, it’s not speaking in theory. She’s speaking as someone with hands on, get in here, roll up your sleeves, turn over the dirt, plant the seed, plow, and make sure there’s a harvest. She comes with bona fide [unintelligible: 0:11:34]. So now we’re going to go deep, jump right in. And let’s start with the first one, which is what you have termed legal branding. Now branding, we think we know. Nobody knows what branding is you. People say, oh yeah, brand brand, brand, brand. The only thing I still think about a brand is that, unfortunately, putting something on a cow. That’s branding. But really branding is the ability to have somebody remember who you are. What is legal branding, wonderful Lydie?
Dr. Lydie Louis
So we get branding. We get that we want to be visible. We get that we want people to recognize us, know us for the good things that we do, not necessarily the naughty things that we do. But legal branding is that the federal law, which covers the entire United States, regardless of what state you may live in, the founding fathers were really smart. The George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, they all were men that were creative. We forget that. We often think of them as presidential. But before they were presidential, they were military men, they were fighting to make America, America. And the reason they were fighting, they wanted to have control and ownership of their thoughts, their ideas, their way of life. They didn’t want to be beholden to Europe anymore. So they put into the constitution, which covers all of us whether you’re American or not, if you’re on US soil the Constitution applies to you. They put into the constitution that we have the right to protect, and own our creative ideas. We have the right to protect, and control our pursuit of happiness. We own the right to protect, and control how our image is seen in the world. Because that was very important to them back then because they were seen as indentured servants. And we forget that. That these men that came to the United States, and build America were viewed by England as sort of the cast offs, if you will, those that weren’t favored, that were exploring and creating a new world that was a colony whose sole purpose was to make money to bring it back to Europe. So these men decided we are men of value, we can decide our life, our legacy, and we will go to war for that. And they did. That’s the American Revolution. So a lot of our federal laws, not state law, but federal law gives us the right to protect our ideas. And that is copyright, which gives you the right to copy. If you’re giving other individuals the law, the right to copy what you create they can’t just come along and lift it and say this is mine. They can’t use your language, your songs, your way, your persona of doing things without permission from you. But before you can give them permission you first have to copyright it, you have to register it with the federal government. The second part of the branding is trademark. And we know trademark. In its simplest term it’s our mark in trade. It’s a recognizable symbol that you say hey, that’s Barry’s logo.
Hey, that’s Barry’s color. Hey, that’s Dr. Lydie’s way of spelling her name, that’s out there in the business world. So you have the right under the federal government to create and carve out for yourself what that symbol is going to be, how do you want to be seen in the world, the visibility of all the beauty of you. But you have to take that action. That right doesn’t appear magically upon the moment you were born. The laws in the United States require you to take steps, requires you to do things, requires you to enforce things that if you see someone using your copyright, or using your trademark, in the legal term we call it cease and desist. Stop, don’t do it again. And that’s meant to give notice to say ugh, ugh, ugh, this is mine. So when we talk about branding we’d look at colors, logos, and songs, a particular style that’s your own. If you’re not protecting it with the federal law, not state law, the federal law because the internet is federal, it’s going across state lines. So if you’re only doing it in your state, guess what? You only have protection within your state, which is why you want to do it federally. So legal branding is taking your creative ideas, it’s creating your superduper juices that you create, and claiming it under the law as yours. And you can give people permission to use it. That’s your licensing. That’s your franchising. That’s your monetization of your ideas. But the vast majority of business owners don’t do it primarily because I don’t think they know that they should do it. And if they know that they should they don’t know how. So that’s why you see a lot of people’s things being replicated without permission. And the beauty of the law, and I say this to people all the time, the power of the law, at least in the US, extends beyond your lifetime. Copyright law, the ideas that you create are yours for your entire lifetime no matter how long you live, 75, 85, 105, it’s yours. And it’s yours for 75 years after your death. Talk about legacy. And this is what America is really founded on. This concept of you build it, once you protect it, you monetize it, and you pass it on intergenerationally. And it’s something that we’re just not taught. It’s there. It’s in the obvious. It’s right there in the books but nobody knows to look for it.
Barry Shore
So let’s unpack some of this vast treasure that you have just shared with this audience. I want to emphasize three things. First of all, again, Dr. Lydie speaks from experience not just theory. She is a working being that brings benefit to all. The other thing Dr. Lydie is that our audience, thank God is worldwide because of the internet, life today, etc, etc. Most of the audience is under the age of 38. 80%, is under the age of 38. Yes, these are the people who are making a difference in the world not just going to. And this is also, and I say this with great love and affection to the rest of the world. This is the reason people love America. What you just did, in a brief span of time, is to bring to the fore the understanding of the American experience that very few people either know about, or even care. When you now painted the picture of understanding that some of the great beings that you mentioned, such as Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, etc, etc. Who all did become presidential except for Hamilton, but he is on money.
So that’s pretty cool. The point is that they were here in the United States even though in their own right, landowners and such, but they were subject to the country. So they came, as you said, either indentured servants on their own, or most of the people that were in the United States. And the American Revolution, as you said, was a revolution of thought. The revolution of mind that there were such things as God given rights, and that I am of value. I am worthy. That I think is the fuel that makes the American rocket and the American Dream valid in the world. And what you just shared with us, remember everybody is watching, this show is not about Barry Shore, great guy that he is, not even a Dr. Lydie, the amazing woman that she is. This show is about you, YOU. That’s the only reason we’re here is to enable you to be the best you with these kernels of truth. You can plant them and learn about them and make sure that you do know that you are protecting yourself and your generations thereafter with what’s available to us. You might like this one a lot. Dr. Lydie, are you ready?
Dr. Lydie Louis
Barry Shore
Because your expertise is law. So law is a wonderful acronym that stands for love and wisdom. But you’ve just demonstrated both. You just proved that law is not something stale on a book, or in a library, or just esoteric. Law is love and wisdom. Because love and wisdom is what enables beings to say, I have an idea, I’m going to go out, I’m going to make it happen. And if it doesn’t, I’ll go out, and make it happen again. If it doesn’t I’ll keep going because that’s the American way. Part of the genius of this country and you were so articulate about it, I wrote it down, is the ability to, I have my own thoughts, I control them. You may not tell me what to think. You may try to tell me what to do. And even that is only for my benefit, by the way. As you said, the law is there to serve. So that’s why love and wisdom is what law stands for.
Now, you mentioned something else that is just so wonderfully powerful. If you don’t know that you should, which is the first step. And then now you know that you should you don’t know how. So that’s why Dr. Lydie writes her books, she exists, she’s there to help. By the way, how is another great acronym, helping others win. That’s what you do. That’s who you are. The United Nations did not ask her to participate in their programs, and be involved with the World Bank, and be involved with countries all over the world helping micropreneurs, entrepreneurs, large businesses with her insights because she’s just a person. She is a dynamo. She’s a generator of goodness. She’s a channel of goodness, a child of God. So I’d like to go and let’s dig a little bit deeper into the legal branding just for a few more moments. And then we’re going to have a break because sponsors love us, and they want to encourage people to use their products and such. And then we’re going to come back, and we’re going to talk about something that is just oh, so colourant that everybody is just going to lean in and say what, this is the crypto queen. But let’s continue with our legal branding if you’d be so kind. What is it that you see as the greatest barrier to people not doing what you said so easily, the simple steps of trademark, registration, color, name, certain frequencies, music, whatever it is, and to register them on the federal level? What prohibits or stops people? It’s not the money because most of these things are relatively inexpensive, am I correct?
Dr. Lydie Louis
Yeah. They are very inexpensive. And I think there are three reasons why people don’t do it. One is the classic, they don’t know. And I say this all the time to my students, or entrepreneurs that I’m training or executives that I’m training, we don’t know what we don’t know. And that’s the truth of it, right?
Barry Shore
And it takes a lot of time.
Dr. Lydie Louis
And it bites a lot of time. So that’s one, you don’t know what you don’t know. And number two is, and I’m very passionate about this, is that our educational system, at least in America, does not teach us these things. And I truly think it’s intentional. I reached a point because I’ve been a professor for 22 years, that nothing in the curriculum guides us as professors to teach the students about it. So if we’re not teaching in the classroom, we know they’re not learning it from home because their parents didn’t know it. They’re not showing it on television or YouTube or any sort of social media. So where are they supposed to get this information from?
How do they know it even exists? And I’m going to say it out loud, that it’s by design. If everything around you is encouraging you to put stuff on YouTube, put stuff on Instagram, put all your secret powers of how you do your specialness out in the world for free. You can’t recapture it. Once it’s out it’s out. It’s like the thoroughbred that once it gets going it goes. Good luck trying to catch that thoroughbred, you can’t. Until it wears itself out. And I think that’s part of the reason they don’t teach us intentionally in our educational school system. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a public school, I went to public school in Brooklyn all my life, or if it’s a private school in Connecticut, it doesn’t matter. They’re not teaching that in the educational system. And I think the third reason that people don’t do it is when they become aware, let’s say this show, and people like oh my God, I should be protecting them my things, they think it’s hard. What is it about us as Americans that we always think things are hard. And oftentimes, they’re so easy if you just start the process. You realize, oh, it’s not that hard at all. We psych ourselves out. And I don’t know where that comes from. I don’t know if it’s a learned behavior that we’re watching other peopleand we’re like, oh, we don’t want this to happen to us. So we don’t want that to happen to us. And therefore we avoid learning. We avoid applying what we learn. And we avoid actually sharing information with others. I’ve watched my students learn from me. Some will bring in their parents. Professor, my dad or mom owns a business, can they sit in? Sure, because I teach entrepreneurship. How do you do it? How do you really do it? There’s some systematic ways, innovative ways but there’s a structure to it all. It just doesn’t happen overnight the way most people are hoping that it happens. And there are parents that are successful but they’re doing it, I want to say just by luck, and God bless them. The luck works for a short period of time, and then it runs out. So those are the three. They don’t know what they don’t know, the educational system doesn’t do it. And when they do learn about it they think it’s hard, and they psych themselves out not to do it. And it’s unfortunate but I think that even on a systematic level, I look at this not just in New York, I look at this across the country, I look at it globally because I teach for the United Nations. The same thing in Latin America, the same thing in Europe. And I don’t know where that comes from the human ability to doubt ourselves consistently enough that we don’t take any action.
Barry Shore
As I said before, our cup runneth over with good. You didn’t even have any idea, I’m talking to people who are listening, watching worldwide. And we’re up to 368,000 people now. The genius of what you’re hearing here, and I’m going to urge people, I’m gonna do this again, another time during the show. You got to hear this again, you got to share this with five people. Notice I didn’t say 50 or 100, 1000. Share with five people consciously, and conscientiously that we will touch a million and a half people. Because what Lydie has just said to you, the three barriers to you becoming the best you. You don’t know? Okay. Now, you can’t ever use that as an excuse because now you know. Number two, poor education and I whole heartedly agree with you, Lydie. It is intentional. It is, I would say almost malice aforethought in today’s world. And I don’t know if it started that way. It may have also but it certainly has gone this way. And because the ability for people to not want to teach others is a mindset. And that mindset is zero sub game. Well, there’s only so much in the pie. And therefore we let everybody know about this. It’s less for me.
That is not an American way of looking at life. That has happened over the past 100 years or so. That is not how it was the previous 150. It’s a mindset that says, this is ours, we, whoever the we are. So the education system doesn’t teach people. And i’ll give you an example. In one of my first times when I speak to groups, especially younger people, I mean, high school. I spoke to a group of high school girls recently, and I asked, how many people here have ever heard the rule of 72? If you don’t know the rule of 72, which means that money doubles every 12 years when you divide by the interest rate and such like that so you know how much you can earn [unintelligible: 0:29:30] money. If you don’t know the absolute fundamental basics of financial literacy, and again, I agree with you, it’s intentional. Now what our role is Lydie, myself, and people that want to be of benefit to the world, and everybody here listening wants to, is to bring education, bring life. It’s not a zero sub game. God runs the world. God [inaudible: 0:29:53]. There’s plenty for everybody. I’m going to say it again. Plenty for everybod big number three, though. You’re right, it was luck and pluck. Notice I said pluck and luck that got people most of the time where they are. And it structures and enables that, not only to be passed on to other generations, not even so much the business but the ability to do business. Business, in my humble opinion, the highest calling in life. And if you look at the word business, you might like this Lydie, business is spelt of course, B U SI N E S S. Notice that the U comes before the I. Business is about serving. That’s what Lydie does. She is serving others, she’s thinking about the U. Her I will be taking care of. People have fear in their lives. Fear is false expectations appearing real. Well, what if you succeed? So we’re going to do it now.
Barry Shore
Good day beautiful, bountiful, be loving and mortal beings and good looking people [unintelligible: 0:34:28] you’re good looking because you’re always looking for and finding the good. You have found good. If you’ve been listening to the first part of this you’re sitting in amazement. Again, I urge everybody everything you want to know about Dr. Lydie, and there’s so much to know and you can gain so much. Just go to my website www.whatawonderfulworld.barryshore.com Everything about Dr. Lydie will be there, and more. You’re going to need and want to use this information. Remember, what she has done is she got an axe in the head, open up your mind and expanded it to understand what America is about. What business is about, what legacy is about. So I ask, you put on your seatbelt, get ready because we’re going on a rocket ship. This is Jeff Bezos kind of stuff we’re talking about now because we’re going into the stratosphere as the crypto queen is going to talk to us about crypto. And I will say right up front, wonderful Lydie, I got my seatbelt on, I need to know I want to know because to me, crypto is at best confusing. So please unpack and give us a [inaudble: 0:35:38] to understanding.
Dr. Lydie Louis
Well, I love that you say crypto is at best confusing because it is confusing. So let’s just be honest about crypto. And the thing about crypto that I would like folks to begin with, and then hopefully we’ll end with a deeper understanding is that crypto is not anything that we might think that it is. It exists only in the cyber world. There’s no paper that says this is crypto, there’s no book. So we’re used to money, or Fiat as the Italians had called it, that there was some paper. There was a bill on it, number five, number 10, number 100. That we’re used to. We can feel it, we can smell it, we can put it in our pocket. We know we’ve got dollar bills, dollar bills, dollar bills, as the rapper’s would say. But the creative idea of humanity is what if we could go a step beyond credit cards. Now we’re used to credit cards. There’s no dollar bill on credit cards, just a little piece of plastic with a little strip on the back that connects your transaction, whatever you’re buying, whatever you’re selling to a portal. God knows where that portal is. On the other side, computers are talking to computers that are taking money out of your account, wherever it is you’re checking or a credit card, as the traditional credit card account. And they’re transferring digitally along the radio waves to another person. It’s not real. It’s electromagnetic. It’s following into the waves. We don’t see that. We just see oh, it’s paid. And we’re like, okay, great.Thank you, bye-bye. And we take our stuff. Crypto is the same sort of methodology. It’s not real, and that you can hold it like money or coins. In the digital space they’ve created money. And they’ve created money in different sort of dimensions. So think of it as a $5 bill, $1, bill, $100 bill and so on. But those denominations are different in the crypto world. They have names. So rather than a $5 bill, it might have the word Ethereum. Rather than a $10 bill, it might have the name gringo, which is a crypto term. So you get to name the money.
So rather than a numerical value, you get to name the money. And the people that are naming the money are the people that are actually creating the digital coding that is tied to the valuation of the money. So it’s all being done in cyberspace. There’s no real anything other than the little blips, blips, blips, blips that are going on in your screen. Now, let’s go back in time. I like going back in time. The idea of crypto came about because there were some guys, non-Americans, primarily European, that thought that there would be a money problem on a global level. They were right. There was a money problem. Just think of 2008, 2009, what happened with the housing crisis. Banks didn’t have money. A lot of people couldn’t get cash money. A lot of credit cards weren’t working because they were tied to those digital transactions in cyberspace, that cyberspace that didn’t have any money either. Crypto kept working because they were not tied to banks. They were not tied to the money supply of the Federal Reserve. They were an alternative money source that was active throughout the whole 2008 financial crisis. So if you had invested in these types of named Fiats you made money. Why is that? Because you were able to continue transactions separate from the traditional Federal Reserve as we know it in the United States, separate from the traditional banks, Chase, Bank of America, name one they’re all working on the same system. This is a totally different system. This is an alternative system, where you, if you learn you, and I and the whole team that’s watching, you could learn so much about crypto just on you YouTube. They put out the information for you to learn for free. And the reason they do that is because they believe the more people that are educated about how crypto works the more they’ll begin to realize they’ve been jerking us. That’s an official word. They’ve been jerking us financially the whole time. How do I prove this to you? Well, do you have a savings account? How much did you make last month? About less than a penny? That’s a savings account.
Barry Shore
That’s if you had $10,000 in it.
Dr. Lydie Louis
If you had $10,000 maybe you made $1. So you’re not going to become well off, or wealthy, or well to do, or secure in retirement financially if you’re using the traditional banking system. So let me tell you about the banking system. Since I know a little bit about security. So I used to regulate it in New York, which is tied to the banking system. Our banking laws in the United States was created by one man, Mr. JP Morgan. He was the banker to the United States. In World War II when the United States went broke after the great crash in 1929, they went to Mr. John Pierpont Morgan in Brooklyn, New York to borrow money from him. The United States did. And he said, great, I’ll lend you my millions. They’re all sitting in Europe. But I want to create the banking law for the United States. So guess who the banking laws benefit? Do you think it benefits the people that go into open the nice little savings account? The nice little checking, or our nice little market fund? No, it benefits the bank. How do I know this? Because you get charged at least 10 bucks a month for the privilege of having a checking, or savings account. Even if you don’t use it. I haven’t written a check in years. But I’m still paying $10 per month for my checking account. And the interest that you’re getting on a monthly basis is about three cents. So who’s winning here? The banks are winning. And a lot of that was designed by Mr. JP Morgan. Now JP Morgan is gone beyond private lending to a commercial bank.
We call the Chase. So JP Morgan bank bought Chase Bank a couple of years ago. So what does that mean? It means it’s the collapse of the commercial with the consumer banking. And when you bring commercial, and consumer together the commercial is going to cover, and control consumer banking, and it’s going to push it down. Why? Because there’s much more money flowing through commercial banking than there is in consumer banking. Corporations make a lot more money than individuals. It’s the simple truth of it. Therefore, the laws got changed in the banking world to benefit the banks. And who got hurt, or penalized? The consumer, which is why you will never get rich by putting your money in a bank. It’s not designed for you to get rich but yet we all have one. You’re better off really in a money market account at a credit union. Why is that? Well, credit unions are totally separate from the banking world. They use the same types of systems to transfer money but credit unions are owned by the owners. So you and I can be owners of a credit union. Their focus is the community in which they sit in. It’s not in making money for the owners wherever they may be in the world, which are usually corporations. So putting your money in a credit union, they know you, they communicate with you, they can make exceptions for you because it’s the community banking concept of we’re taking care of the community. So I encourage everyone to do that. Get rid of the big banks they’re just taking money out of your account then you think it’s a privilege to be with them. And it’s not. So the money markets that are in the credit unions are really your best, safest bet. But let’s go back to crypto. Crypto is even better. Crypto says listen, your credit union can only make money based on the limited area in which it’s operating. When you enter the internet you make money on a global level.
Dr. Lydie Louis
And depending on what you’re interested in, there’s different types of cryptocurrency for gazillion million things. You like green energy, great, there’s about 20 of them. If you like solar energy, great, there’s about 20 of those. If you like the concept of electricity, great, there’s a couple of those too, the key is figuring out which ones are better than others just like it’s always been for investing in securities. The only difference in crypto though, is the people that are running these types of money fiats if you will, the different coins, which is why they all have different names. The descriptions of the coins tell you what it is that they’re designed to support. It could be that they’re supporting children in Guatemala. It could be that they’re supporting non human trafficking. It could be that they’re supporting more churches everywhere. It could be that they’re supporting startups. They define the currency, the cryptocurrency for the purpose for which it is designed for, so you knoe what is happening in that particular area in that subject matter. So, I tell everyone, go on YouTube, you’ll learn so much about the basics, then when you know the basics and you can have a conversation, join any of the free sort of cryptocurrency groups that are available for your particular thing that you’re interested in. Then when you get beyond that, join a group that teaches you how to trade the crypto, that you’re riding on information, you’re riding on what is happening positively, you don’t have to invest in anything negative. Every investment I have is a positive investment. You can invest in micro accounts that are helping individuals in Uganda to get more cows.
You can invest in micro currencies in the Caribbean that are helping women start businesses. You can invest…. there are 1000s of them. So, the key is if you want to do good, there’s a crypto for doing the particular good that you want to do in the world. If you just want to make a whole lot of money, there’s a crypto that’ll help you make a lot of money. It’s whatever your heart tells you to invest in. The beauty of crypto though, it grows really fast. It’s not on a monthly. You don’t wait for a monthly turn up and down in the market. It’s almost infinitesimal, how quickly it moves. Why? Because it’s not restricted with the traditional securities and banking and trading laws. The laws don’t exist that govern crypto. They’re trying to create them. I’m part of the group that’s trying to write them. But I like the fact that it’s sort of the come with what moves you in your heart, find a token, we call it a token, find a digital currency that resonates with what you want to support, whatever that may be, learn about ,it be involved in that group, talk… and they’re happy to talk. We talk to each other all the time. I get more emails from the crypto people than I get from clients, and I’ve got a lot of clients. And the reason they talk to each other so much is because they want to share the communication of knowledge that they’re learning almost on an instantaneous basis. Because movement, trading, whether it’s securities or crypto is about speed. There’s a reason why we call it first to market because once you’re one of the first two or three that are doing this fabulous thing, what are we going to learn? Others are going to replicate you. So, you’ve got to get in there early, and the way you learn to get in there early is by being involved in the different discussion boards that are happening, following the key people that are already doing the massive research for you. I was in Puerto Rico, in June of this year for crypto conference, a global crypto conference. First of all, let me just say there are very few women that are involved in crypto. I wash shocked by that.
Barry Shore
Let me put you on pause for a moment just on that. One might have thought that since all of this discussion you said was as equality oriented as anything, that there should be at least same number of men as women. Why do you think…. and again I don’t want to go in the weeds so much, but why do you think that there would be let’s say 90% men and 10% women?
Dr. Lydie Louis
Yeah, it’s probably more like 95% men and 5% women, it’s that bad. Part of it is for women, we were taught and I go back to what we said earlier, we were taught that we’re not good with money. We were taught that we should find someone to help us with money. We were taught that we’re likely not going to have much money.
Barry Shore
So, I want everybody to hear again what you’re saying. I purposely put it up, I set you up with that so you could articulate it because if I say it, it’s is not as authoritative as you. I mean you are… look what you have, you’re a woman, you’re successful, you’re a woman of color, you’re intelligent, you have degrees, and you understand it took you years to get to this point of understanding that the system was constrained and dedicated towards keeping people and I say this in the true term, ignorant. Ignorant means unaware. It’s better for you to be unaware. And now that it’s now the new generation, let’s call them people under… I said most of the people here listening are under 38, but the people under 25, in my humble opinion of the drivers, the real drivers of what’s happening out there.
Dr. Lydie Louis
And you’re absolutely correct about that. If you go to any of the crypto hangouts or chat rooms, or in person it’s mostly young men. And also mostly older men who for a long time have wanted to do something like this but crypto hadn’t been invented yet. They knew in their hearts that they wanted to be a part of something like this but it wasn’t there. It wasn’t there. So you have this dichotomy of very young men that are creating all of this, older men that are like, hey, I’ve been waiting for this, and I’ve got some money. I’ve got some capital that I can put towards your idea. And the women are very few in presence. And they welcome women. I had the best time in Puerto Rico. I learned so much that I didn’t even know that was going on in [crosstalk: 0:51:31].
Barry Shore
Okay, so let’s talk about that. We’ve been discussion on this for less than 15 minutes. Lydie, I am so thankful. I have learned more in listening in the past 15 minutes than I have in listening to hours of other people ramble about crypto, it’s going to go up, it’s going to… but nobody was unpacking it, and laying it out to be visible and to see. I want to make a statement, or actually, it’s a question but it’s a statement. So let’s take a person. Let’s call it a Hollywood person just only because Hollywood means fame. But a person who has a name, has a million followers on Instagram, who says, m y husband and I, we want to create a cryptocurrency for feeding children in the United States of America. By the way, I want to go back to America, people don’t realize that there are a million children that go to sleep hungry, they don’t have food on the weekends. We want to feed children in America. Okay, that’s what it’s going to be called. We’re going to call that our token. They could literally go out and create that. And then God willing millions of people start buying it, trading it using it, do whatever they can. And it goes from, pick a number, from a 10th of a penny to 10 cents, which by the way, those of you who are financially illiterate means you just went up 1,000%. We call it a mill, 10th of a penny to 10 cents, and then it could go up to $1. [Inaudible: 0:53:15] 10 times again. It could go up to $100. In other words, there is no boundary. So I’m saying, what you have done for me, and I trust for hundreds of thousands of people around the world is open up eyes into a window of a world that….. I cringe when I’m about to say these words. We’re going to have to conclude this particular portion of our discussion because I think there’s many more coming. Someday I just want to give you a fun little insight in something. So I’m older than you, much older than you chronologically. I’m the old guy. So I’m 72 chronologically. So I remember clearly, Lydia, at the age of 14 working at what we used to call a bucket shop. It’s boiler room, we answered phones. But we answered phones for the Police Association, Public Radio, things like that. So in those days everybody knows that public radios in America. You don’t know the rest of the world public radio america. And we used to have these fun drives. And used to call them pledge drive. Now pledge drive was somebody would call in, and they would pledge to give $50, $10, whatever the amount, they would pledge it. You know why? Because when I first started at the age of 14, which is almost 60 years ago there were no credit cards.
I mean, it wasn’t Diners Club, it was fledgling. It wasn’t that everybody had one. Today, people have 17 and want to get rid of them. The point is that in the earlier days with this thing called credit card, which was the same idea, it was plastic but it wasn’t. It was electronic. It was digits. It was so new. It was alien. Then it took decades to reach a particular point, whereby you’re on college campuses signing up kids unknowingly to get them in, stick them with becoming addicted to paying high interest rates, and borrowing money and such like that. But I see the analogy to crypto and recognizing that it’s untethered from the control of the banking system, which is why by the way, I think it was just Goldman announced and Blackstone and one other large entity, a bank, that they somebody is joining forces with MasterCard to accept crypto. Because they recognize if they don’t it’s an end run, and they’ll be out of business in 20 years. Beside the point. You just gave the historical analysis of why this must happen because there are no boundaries anymore. It is all digital. And for the credit card somehow they get like stripe, 2.9%. Why? Hello. Not only that, Lydie, can you take money out of your bank on Sunday?
Dr. Lydie Louis
Barry Shore
You have to know you can try and do something, but no. Why are they closing weekends? Do you know why? Because they want to. Because every dollar that sits in a bank they lend out, make money [inaudible: 0:56:19] we all know, no we don’t. Some people know. You know that. I know that. So they make money on our money, and we don’t get the benefit. Crypto, you’re saying, says no, you’re like a credit union. You’re part of the family. Is that what you’re saying?
Dr. Lydie Louis
That’s exactly what I’m saying. And I think the lack of information about crypto, or the misinformation, what’s out there is misinformation about crypto keeps us from learning how we can actively participate and make a lot of money in crypto. Earlier this month, early October, all of the major banks have decided that they will be investing in crypto, they’ll be creating their own coins. They bought up a lot of the URLs that had to do with crypto. So it’s very hard now to get a crypto anything URL because they bought so many of them. Because they recognize it’s going to be a name recognition. As soon as you see crypto URL, you’re like, oh, yeah, they’re doing crypto. So a lot of the banks want to be in that space now, rather than fighting it for the past couple of years. Now they realize why fight, let’s just join and try to control it like they’ve always done.
Barry Shore
[Unintelligible: 0:5:43] over customers. Yes. Okay. Wonderful Lydie. I have three questions for you. Are you ready? First question, will you come back again?Dr. Lydie Louis
Oh, absolutely. I love spending time with you.
Barry Shore
Okay. Second question, in 80 seconds, wonderful Dr. Lydie, Louis, what is your most fervent desire? 80 seconds.
Dr. Lydie Louis
My most fervent desire is to help 1 million business owners become millionaires. Because when you have access to cash you have the ability to change the world, and to your vision of how good it can be. Money makes a difference. And there’s no reason why we can’t all be making a difference.
Barry Shore
And there’s no limit to the [crosstalk: 0:58:33].
Dr. Lydie Louis
There’s no limit to it.
Barry Shore
Okay. And the third question, may I give you a hug in front of 375, 000 people [crosstalk: 0:58:38]?
Dr. Lydie Louis
Barry Shore
Let me tell you what hug stands for. Ready? Hug stands for heartfelt, unlimited, giving. Are you ready?
Dr. Lydie Louis
I’m ready.
Barry Shore
One, two, three. (Roar)
Dr. Lydie Louis
I love that.
Barry Shore
The Joy of Living with your humble host Barry Shore, and joined by the most remarkable being that you’ll ever have a chance to listen to and there’ll be more of her coming back, Dr. Lydie Louis. And again, everything about her you do want to know go to www.whatawonderfulworld.barryshore.com. Because on this show we work with the three fundamentals of life which are [unintelligible: 0:59:32] life. Your life has purpose, right Lydie?
Dr. Lydie Louis
Barry Shore
You live a purpose-driven life, you go mad, you go make a difference. And number three, unlock the power, and the secrets of everyday words, and terms such as smile. Seeing miracles in life every day. She’s a miracle. We’re seeing miracles in everyday life. Create the kind of world you want to live in causing rethinking, enabling all to excel. Talk about rethinking, crypto, rethink, money, work, love, growth, helping people, and use four letter words. Yes. Because you live in the world of positive, purposeful, powerful, and pleasant love, life, hope, growth, free, play, swim. Those are four letter words. And tell everybody to F U, N, N. When you do that people say what are you talking about? Say, I was listening to Barry Shore The Joy of Living, he wants to teach the world to F U. And then use the two most powerful words in the English language three times a day, every day, consciously, conscientiously. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. To harmonize a network kindness. Dr. wonderful Lydie Louis. I’m so thankful that you’re here. We’re blessed to have you. And we want to give everybody a blessing. And that blessing is go forth. Live exuberantly, spread the seeds of joy, happiness, peace and love. Go mad, go make a difference.
Thank you for listening to this episode of the Joy of Living Podcast. Now that’s another step towards your healthier, happier, and wealthier life. Never hesitate to do good in the world no matter what the situation. Join us for another upbeat discussion next time at barryshore.com. And be sure to leave a rating, and subscribe to the show to get more conversations like this. And remember to share it with your family and friends too. See you on the next episode.
About Lydie Louis
Dr. Lydie Louis Esq. PH.D. #1 Global Legal Branding Expert Dr. Lydie gives business leaders, entrepreneurs and organizations access to the law to protect, monetize and create a global impact with their business brand NOW! Through her Wall Street financial and regulatory background, business and law school professorships, U.S. Supreme Court Bar Membership, The United Nations country trainer, legal coaching, international speaking, and business mentorship, Dr. Lydie has played a key role to start, launch, scale, monetize, protect and sell thousands of businesses worldwide. Dr. Lydie has been a member of the regulatory oversight committee of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to affect positive changes in the business world on a global scale in order to create a positive global financial impact for small businesses. Dr. Lydie coaches and mentors executives, entrepreneurs, employees, start-ups, established businesses, kidpreneurs, and women-owned businesses to Power Up, their business NOW! Dr. Lydie’s Intellectual Property Boot Camp Weekends, Legal Branding in 3 Days Retreats and Designing the Perfect Pitch for Women Entrepreneurs are the ultimate combination of learning, confidence building and edutainment. Businesses and lives can be changed forever. Dr. Lydie is on a mission to train one million business owners worldwide to become millionaires and create a positive financial global impact. Join Dr. Lydie’s Elite Global Business Community by texting NOW to 64600.
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