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The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is honored to Share with YOU one of the World’s most engaging and informative thought leaders in the Science of YOU becoming Your Best YOU. Rex Sikes is the founder of IDEA Seminars, the creator of Mind
Design™, the Attitude Activator™, and Directed Questions™. He’s helped countless thousands of people transform their minds and lives. You’ll lean in as Barry and Rex discuss the Laws of Abundance and the Law of Attraction, the Science of Mind, Whole-Brained and Accelerated Learning. You’ll feel Re-NEWED.
Show Notes:
- 12:40 – Barry’s Rousing Introduction
- 14:00 – Why affirmations don’t work and how to make it work
- 23:45 – Rex shares how he was able to get over his debilitating condition
- 29:16 – Is there such thing as self- sabotage?
- 50:00 – Barry’s interesting round-up