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Finding Joy in Authenticity: Conversations with Noah Ben Shea

Join host Barry Shore on another enlightening episode of The Joy of Living as he welcomes special guest Noah Ben Shea. In this captivating conversation, Barry and Noah explore the depths of human experience, delving into themes of purpose, kindness, honesty, and peace.

Starting with a profound discussion on purpose-driven life, Barry and Noah highlight the importance of embracing life’s purpose and making a positive impact in the world. Through personal anecdotes and philosophical insights, they redefine familiar concepts like faith, gratitude, and miracles, inviting listeners to see the world through a lens of wonder and appreciation.

Transitioning into the realm of authenticity and storytelling, Noah shares insights from his work, particularly the impact of “Jacob the Baker” on global audiences. Drawing parallels between art and life, he emphasizes the power of genuine expression and the transformative potential of storytelling.

Show Notes:

[10.22] Embracing Joy and Purpose with Barry Shore

  • Definition of a “good-looking person” as someone who always looks for and finds the good in life.

  • Life Has Purpose: Understanding and embracing the purpose in life.

  • Go MAD (Make a Difference): Living a purpose-driven life leads to making a positive impact.

  • WWW: Reinterpreted as “What a Wonderful World.”

  • SMILE: Stands for “Seeing Miracles in Life Every Day.”

  • CREATE: Stands for “Causing Rethinking, Enabling All to Excel.”

  • Barry shares his experience of becoming paralyzed from a rare disease and his journey to recovery.

  • Highlights the importance of gratitude and seeing everyday miracles.

  • The relationship between doubt and faith, and the importance of engaging in faith actively.

  • Insights into the dynamic nature of faith and how it influences personal growth and perspective.

[15.22] Linus Pauling and Atomic Interactions

  • Linus Pauling won two Nobel Prizes, one for peace and one for chemistry.

  • His chemistry prize involved explaining how paint interacts with surfaces at an atomic level.

  • Pauling illustrated that atoms are always vibrating and interacting, not just laying on top of each other.

  • This concept extends to human interactions at an atomic level, suggesting interconnectedness.

  • Emphasizes the dynamic nature of life rather than a static existence.

  • The discussion transitions to the idea that life is ongoing and continuously evolving.

[ 22:22] Jacob the Baker and Authentic Storytelling

  • Noah Ben-Shea emphasizes the dynamic quality of life through his work “Jacob the Baker.”

  • Encourages listeners to watch “Jacob the Baker,” now available on multiple streaming platforms.

  • The movie depicts the book’s impact on people globally, rather than retelling the book’s story.

  • A poignant scene in the film involves Noah sharing a personal story, emphasizing authenticity.

  • Noah rejected retakes for authenticity’s sake, highlighting the importance of genuine expression.

  • References to the film “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and the concept of mendacity (dishonesty)

[30.01] Exploring Honesty and Integrity

  • The discussion delves into the concept of honesty versus mendacity (dishonesty).

  • Honesty is defined as the relationship one has with others, while integrity is honesty with oneself.

  • Private dishonesty can manifest as social dishonesty, emphasizing the importance of being honest with oneself.

  • Love without honesty is seen as betrayal, but honesty without love can be perceived as brutality.

  • The challenge lies in balancing honesty with love in relationships.

  • People often brace themselves when someone says, “I have to be honest with you,” anticipating difficult truths.

  • The teaching of Hillel emphasizes treating others with the same honesty and love one desires.

  • The Golden Rule is seen as “fool’s gold” if one treats others disrespectfully based on self-disrespect.

  • Being loving and honest with oneself is foundational to fostering respect and integrity in relationships.

[34:49] Embracing Personal Integrity

  • Personal integrity is likened to the mathematical constant pi (π), serving as the foundation for all calculations and life itself.

  • The importance of honesty with oneself is highlighted, as it determines one’s personal integrity.

  • Dishonesty in one’s foundation is compared to building the Tower of Babel, leading to inevitable collapse.

  • The discussion emphasizes the courage needed to have honest self-reflection, as it forms the basis of personal integrity.

  • Experience is portrayed as the teacher, with life as the tuition, emphasizing the value of personal growth.

  • Analogies, such as urinating on an electric fence twice, underscore the importance of learning from mistakes.

  • The importance of brevity and entertainment in conveying profound truths is discussed, reflecting on the speaker’s background and approach to communication.

  • The conversation underscores the necessity of fun and play in the learning process, drawing on personal experiences and philosophical insights.

[40.22] Embracing Kindness and Peace

  • Jacob the Baker asserts that people of all faiths share one faith if their religion is kindness.

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of kindness in interactions, expressing a preference for those who promote kindness.

  • Life is seen as too short not to be kind and caring toward others, with an acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of humanity.

  • Peace is portrayed as a crucial ally in life, with gratitude serving as a pathway to peace.

  • The speaker encourages adopting gratitude as an attitude, correlating it with personal growth and elevation.

  • The conversation closes with a reflection on the purpose of life and the significance of making a difference.

  • References are made to the importance of faith, peace, honesty, and love in leading a purposeful life.

  • The speaker encourages listeners to spread joy, happiness, peace, and love while inspiring others and promoting noble peace.

About Noah Ben Shea

Noah benShea is one of North America’s most respected and beloved poet-philosophers. He is the international best selling author of 30 books translated into 18 languages and embraced around the world. He is a scholar and theologian who has spoken to numerous prestigious universities, America’s biggest brand companies and famed institutions including: The Library of Congress, and the US Department of Defense. He has been published by Oxford University Press and the World Bible Society in Jerusalem.