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Economic Challenges

From Fear to Flourish: Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety

In this episode, host Barry Shore welcomes a very special guest – Megan McCaleb Tune in as they delve into a fascinating conversation about life, challenges, and the power of embracing every moment with positivity and joy.

What You’ll Learn

  • Discover how improv can transform not just performances but everyday interactions.
  • Overcome the fear of public speaking with teamwork and connection.
  • Hear Megan’s personal journey of overcoming shame and judgment.
  • Explore the adoption process and the power of choosing love and empathy.
  • Learn the transformative impact of “Yes And” in communication.
  • Embrace life’s challenges with a positive attitude and spread joy in everything you do.

Join Barry and Megan on this inspiring journey of growth and empowerment. Tune in now!

Show Notes:

[10.01] Megan’s Journey into Improv

  • Megan stumbled into improv when her older brother invited her to perform with a local troupe in Boise, Idaho, where she lived.
  • Despite being a bank manager in corporate America by day, Megan found that improv complemented her everyday life and helped her become a better performer.
  • Megan highlights the importance of improv in everyday life, emphasizing the need for connection and empowerment in communication.
  • She explains that improv is about bringing people into the moment and supporting each other, even in non-performance settings.

[15.22] Breaking the Fear of Public Speaking

  • Megan discusses how she helps people overcome the fear of public speaking by easing them into activities that promote teamwork and connection.
  • She mentions working with hard audiences like lawyers, healthcare professionals, and engineers, helping them become more comfortable with spontaneity and collaboration.

[17:28] Megan’s Struggles?

  • Megan grew up very religious and hid her pregnancy out of fear of judgment, shame, and letting people down.
  • She felt a lot of shame and worry and kept the pregnancy a secret to avoid bothering anyone.
  • Megan ultimately chose to place the child for adoption, feeling it was the right option for her.
  • Adoption was not something she considered during the pregnancy, but she felt spiritually connected and guided that there would be resolution.

[22:24] Seeking Help and Decision-Making

  • During her pregnancy, Megan visited Planned Parenthood but found the experience discouraging due to a lack of information and support.
  • She was frustrated that she wasn’t given all the options and felt she wasn’t showered with love and encouragement during a difficult time.
  • Megan believes that facing an unplanned pregnancy is a big deal and can be a very difficult decision for people to make.
  • Despite the challenges, she feels the adoption process worked out positively for her.

(35:33) The Adoption Process

  • Megan got to choose the family for the adoption and placed the child five days after birth.
  • She found the process of choosing the family and seeing how their stories lined up to be truly miraculous.
  • Placing the child for adoption was both a trial and an incredible gift for Megan.
  • The experience of hiding her pregnancy and choosing adoption was a huge formative time in Megan’s life
  • It made her incredibly empathetic towards others facing difficulties, even if their trials were different from hers.
  • Megan feels tethered to that season of her life and is very tender with things she doesn’t know people have going on.
  • She actively had to work hard to hide the entire pregnancy, which gives her empathy for others going through their own challenges.

[44.02] The Power of Yes And

  • The third rule is to participate fully, meaning more than just being present. It involves actively engaging, sharing ideas, and intentionally absorbing others’ contributions to create a network of learning and growth.
  • Improv enhances listening skills by gathering information, asking questions, and recognizing industry problems to solve.
  • When speaking, look for ways to connect with the audience by reading the room, observing body language, and creating simple activities for engagement.
  • Conduct an activity called “Yes And Yeah But” where participants share what they love, alternating responses with “Yeah, but” or “Yes, and” to experience the impact of these different energies.

[50.32] Embracing Life and Spreading Joy

  • Engaging fully in life and embracing challenges with a positive attitude, using the principles of improv to navigate difficulties and grow.
  • Utilizing the prefrontal cortex for positive transformations and keeping a high vibe in challenging situations.
  • Megan’s fervent desire: to create a space where people feel loved, seen, and valued, using her skills to spread happiness and rejuvenate energy.

About Megan McCaleb

McCaleb is also a speaker coach for business professionals and consultants and created the Ovation Speaker Experience to help them amplify their authority and expand their impact as captivating speakers.

She hosts the podcast “I Hardly Know Her” and has been the recipient of such honors as the Idaho Business Review’s “Accomplished Under 40” and “Women of the Year” recognitions.