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Barry Shore

Barry Shore - Ambassador of Joy


Categories: Blog


Barry Shore


Happy by Choice: Seeing Life in 3D

In this blog post, we explore the life lessons learned from Francis Peeler, a man for all seasons and people who taught archery for free at an archery range in Rancho Park, Los Angeles.

Peeler was raised by his Aunt Flo in Tuskegee, Alabama, across from Tuskegee Institute, the academic home of George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington. Peeler recalled how he used to ride on the back of Booker T.

Washington’s horse when he was just five or six years old. Peeler was a musician, bicyclist, leatherworker, hunter, animal lover, philosopher, friend, archer, and archery teacher par excellence.

Peeler believed that children are the biggest part of his life. He taught them archery for free and found joy in helping them. Peeler believed that life is a 3D process: Decision, Discipline, and Determination. He believed that happiness is an inside job, and people are about as happy as they decide to be. He said, “Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”

Peeler taught us that if we allow circumstances to determine our mood, then we are not choosing consciously how we feel. When that happens, we are allowing circumstances and people to control what we think and how we act.

And mood can easily shift to doom. To be happy, we need to make a decision to choose happiness.

Happiness is not related to excitement or enthusiasm. Excitement is like a heated pot of water. By putting a flame under the pot, we excite the water to boil. However, once we remove the pot from the flame, the excitement dissipates.

Peeler taught us that life is a 3D process. The first step is to make a decision to be happy. The second step is discipline.

We need to discipline ourselves to stay focused on our goals and not be swayed by the call of the senses. The third step is determination. We need to be determined to stay on track and not give up when the going gets tough.

With these three steps, we can build a life of joy and fulfillment.

How can this blog post help you

This blog post is a great resource for anyone looking to lead a happier and more fulfilling life. Francis Peeler’s three-step approach – Decision, Discipline, and Determination – can help people find the joy and fulfillment they are seeking.

Through making a conscious decision to choose happiness, having the discipline to stay focused on their goals, and being determined to stay on track even when faced with adversity, people can create a life of joy and satisfaction.

By understanding that happiness does not come from external sources such as excitement or enthusiasm, but rather from within oneself, people can begin to make decisions that will bring about this inner contentment. Practical tips such as taking time off for oneself, surrounding oneself with positive people, and expressing gratitude can help individuals stay on the right path towards true joy.

Peeler’s words remind us that while circumstances may try to sway us away from our chosen path of happiness, it is ultimately our choice — not chance — that determines our destiny. By following Peeler’s advice and incorporating his three steps into our lives we can lead more fulfilling lives full of joy.

Practical tips for being happy by choice are as follows:

  1. Make a conscious decision to choose happiness – Happiness is not something that is given; it has to be chosen. When making this decision, remember Peeler’s words: “Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”
  2. Have discipline – We need to discipline ourselves to stay focused on our goals and resist the call of the senses.
  3. Have determination – We need to be determined not to give up when the going gets tough.
  4. Take time for yourself – Make sure that you take some time off from the daily grind and do something that makes you happy, such as listening to music, reading a book, or taking a walk in nature.
  5. Surround yourself with positive people – Spend time with those who have an optimistic outlook and who will lift your spirits when needed.
  6. Express gratitude – Appreciate what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t have, and express your thanks for all the good in your life.

Growth with Action: Utilizing the 3Ds in Your Life

  1. Write down three decisions that You have made or will make in the next three days to further Your goal/s
  2. Write down three actions/disciplines that You are currently using or will use in the next three days to further your goal/s
  3. Write Your three main determinations that are inviolable for You in relation to Your goal/s:
  4. Write down three situations that have occurred in the past three months that have tested Your discipline and determination
  5. Write down how You handled each one.

These steps are important because they help to create a plan of action that will lead to greater happiness and fulfillment. With the decision step, you can focus on making decisions that will bring about positive change in your life and overall well-being.

Through discipline, you can ensure that you stay focused on your goals and don’t give in to temptations or distractions along the path.

By being determined, you can remain committed to seeing things through despite any difficult times or setbacks that may occur.

Overall, these three steps provide both structure and support so that one can ultimately achieve greater joy and contentment by taking control of their own destiny.

With conscious choices, discipline, determination, appreciation for all the good in life plus some practical tips for small changes— we have all we need for an empowered journey towards true happiness!


In conclusion, Francis Peeler taught us that we can be happy by choice. We need to make a decision to choose happiness, discipline ourselves to stay focused on our goals, and be determined to stay on track.

With these three steps, we can build a life in 3D: Decision, Discipline, and Determination.

Happiness is not related to excitement or enthusiasm. It is an inside job, and people are about as happy as they decide to be.

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