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Harnessing Happiness: Roberta Gold’s Guide to a Positive Life

In this uplifting episode of “The Joy of Living,” your host Barry Shore welcomes the amazing Roberta Gold, a beacon of positivity and therapeutic humor. Together, they explore the profound impact of maintaining a positive outlook on life and the brain’s role in fostering happiness and resilience.

Roberta shares her insights on the importance of choosing positivity, highlighting how the prefrontal cortex, the brain’s center for positive actions and thoughts, can be activated through daily practices. Barry complements this by sharing his personal meditation routine and how he uses Roberta as an acronym for rich, oxygenated blood energizing remarkable transformations.

The conversation delves into the power of the thymus, the significance of self-affirmation, and the choices we make daily that shape our experiences. Roberta provides practical advice on spreading kindness and positivity in everyday interactions, from giving out smile cards to making small, meaningful gestures.

Barry and Roberta also discuss the global impact of individual vibrations, emphasizing how our positive energy can contribute to a better world. The episode wraps up with a heartfelt discussion on gratitude, encouraging listeners to practice kindness consciously and consistently.

Tune in for an inspiring conversation that will leave you motivated to embrace positivity, spread kindness, and make a difference in your life and the lives of those around you. Join Barry Shore and Roberta Gold as they share the secrets to living a happier, healthier, and more joyful life.

Show Notes:

[10.01] The Power of Kindness and Compassion with Ingrid Newkirk

  • The importance of saying “thank you” three times a day.
  • “THANKS” stands for “To Harmonize And Network Kindness.”
  • Everyone is fighting their own battles; always be kind.
  • “KIND” stands for “Keep Inspiring Noble Deeds.”
  • Introduction to Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA.
  • Ingrid shares stories from her book “One Can Make a Difference.”
  • PETA’s mission: promoting compassion and ethical treatment of animals.
  • Ingrid’s background: helping Mother Teresa in India and founding PETA in 1980.
  • PETA’s role in guiding people to make kind choices in everyday life.

[22.33] Embracing Veganism and Ethical Choices

  • Ingrid shares her long-term commitment to veganism, spanning nearly six decades, and reflects on the significant changes in the world during this time.
  • Ingrid emphasizes the importance of being conscious and conscientious about food choices, encouraging awareness of alternatives to avoid consuming what one does not want.
  • Ingrid highlights the availability of vegan fish alternatives like garden fish fillet and good catch fish, expressing her delight as an English person for whom fish and chips hold sentimental value.
  • She urges people to look for vegan labels when purchasing items like shoes, belts, bags, or coats, mentioning innovative materials such as mushroom leather, apple leather, and pineapple leather.
  • Ingrid points out that fabrics like cotton, corduroy, and satin have always been available, but stresses the importance of choosing materials that do not come from animals.
  • She advocates for making peaceful, non-violent choices that do not involve taking anything from animals.
  • Ingrid advises against participating in activities that exploit animals, such as riding ponies on carousels or taking photos with captive animals, and encourages finding harmless, fun alternatives.
  • The discussion touches on the biblical principle of not causing harm to animals, aligning with the ethos of PETA and encouraging a gracious, compassionate lifestyle.

[24.01] The Golden Rule: Extending Kindness to All

  • Embrace the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” extending it to all beings, including animals.
  • Animals deserve to be treated with kindness and respect, ensuring their involvement is voluntary.
  • Compassion and kindness not only benefit others but also enhance our own well-being and energy.
  • Ingrid Newkirk, founder of PETA in 1980, embodies the principle of kindness as a journey of personal growth and joy.
  • PETA’s mission aligns with a biblical principle: causing no harm to animals, reflecting a divine spirit of compassion.
  • Her realization: true love for animals means not participating in their exploitation, whether for food, clothing, or entertainment.
  • Small personal choices, like abstaining from animal products, significantly impact animal welfare and align with humane values.
  • Supporting humane societies and animal rights groups is crucial, but personal lifestyle choices can make an even greater difference.

[29.31] Special Offer on Prolon Nutrition Program

  • Nobel-winning science backs Prolon’s effectiveness in promoting health through fasting.
  • Joy of Living listeners can enjoy a special 10% discount on Prolon’s five-day nutrition program.
  • Prolon combines fasting benefits with food, making it easier and more convenient.
  • Using Prolon helps you live well by supporting your health and well-being.
  • Don’t miss out on this opportunity; visit forward slash Barry now for your discount.
  • Enhance your life with Prolon and experience the benefits of fasting with food.

About Roberta Gold

Roberta Gold is an inspirational speaker, author, and Attitude Adjustment Coach. President of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor.
As a Recreation Therapist and a Certified Humor Professional working in mental health facilities, Roberta saw the power and connection of humor and laughter. She created Laughter for the Health of It with a mission to empower everyone to have a more positive outlook by seeing the humor instead of the horror in our world. . She created Laughter for the Health of It, writes a free weekly e-newsletter, facilitates The Sanity Savers and Parent Power Happy Hour weekly groups, and has her Laughter Rocks! programs. Roberta is the number one bestselling author of: Laughter Rocks! Tips and Tools to Keep Your Cool and Have a More Positive Attitude, Laughter Rocks! 2.0, and her first book, The Family That Laughs Together…A Quick Guide to Sanity When You Feel Like Screaming: Roberta is married, the mother of two incredibly wonderful human beings, and loves to take long walks at the beach.