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Learn to Be a Confident Leader In 50 Minutes

Learn to Be a Confident Leader In 50 Minutes With Jake Havron

How to be a confident leader in 50 minutes.From Nurse to Business Strategist. Amazing! Barry Shore, the Ambassador of JOY, brings You Jake Havron. Jake’s story inspires people everywhere because he speaks about being a regular person with worries and fears and how he managed to push through to achieve success. You’ll lean in as Barry and Jake discuss his tips in workshops, his keynote speaking, and his guidance for YOu to increase Your leadership and build confidence. This is a Must Listen several and please SHARE with at least 5 people. Please feel free to share YOUR views with us, the show is all YOURS!

Show Notes:

  • 00:45 – Barry’s rousing introduction
  • 14:17 – How to be a confident leader in 50 minutes.
  • 24:40 – What practical tips and tools can you share with us about building confidence?
  • 41:55 – What does peak performance really mean?
  • 52:21- Barry’s Interesting Wrap-up

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Barry Shore:

I can’t think of anybody at the moment who inspires noble deeds more so than our wonderful dear friend, Jake Havron. Jake, please say hello to 356,822 people around the world.

Jake Havron:

Hello, hello. I think I have to start singing now that I listened to you like that.

Barry Shore:

Thank you, Jake. What a pleasure to have you. By the way, I can tell everybody who’s watching his teeth are real. They’re white, and they’re beautiful. His hair is real, it’s black because he’s young and dynamic. Now, if I start telling you all the wonderful things about Jake it will take the rest of the show. So, I’m just going to go and talk about two things, and then we’re going to unpack and really get deep because Jake is here to be of benefit to you. Remember this show is not about Jake even though he’s a great guy, not about Barry Shore as wonderful as he is, this show is about you, Y-O-U, becoming the best you possible. There are three things I want to tell you about Jake. Number one, young and dynamic. Number two, he was a nurse, and he’s male. So he was a male nurse. And number three, he is a transformative being for himself because he transformed himself and he shares that, he is a cog. Cog stands for a channel of goodness, a child of God, and he is both. And he’s here to help bring for us some of what he brings to the stage and he works with people one-on-one in allowing people to be transformative and live that purposeful life. So Jake, the stages now yours, hundreds of thousands of people around the world from very many different cultures. Let’s talk about what you like to discuss, which is the dream life, and how one even begins to approach the dream life through what you call P 2 or P squared. Peak Performance.

Jake Havron:

Absolutely. Well, I am honored and Barry you are just such a legend on here. I know so many people just resonate with your joy, your love, and your abundance. And the words that stood out for me in creating this dream life are pray and play. When I heard that the P squared of the pray and play and the peak performance when you put those together and it’s P to the 4th power, that’s when you can truly create your dream life. And that’s just been the story of my journey of going from the hall white kid that was a little chunky growing up in Maui, Hawaii, where I was picked on a lot. And people thought that you know what this kid just doesn’t have much to him, all I had was my height. And I didn’t have much confidence in myself, too. But when I found my own fitness, I found that I could find my own confidence within myself because I felt that internal confidence, not the external competence, but the internal confidence. That’s when I started to realize that I can control my life before I even really understood what that meant back in seventh grade.

Barry Shore:

So, let’s talk about the idea. First of all, growing up in Maui, okay, you know something, I don’t even care if you have picked on, no offense. But not a bad place to at least grow up and experience that remarkable tropical paradise. But let’s just use that as an example of something. See, it doesn’t matter where you are, you can be in Alaska, or you can be in Hawaii, you can be in Siberia, you can be in Hawaii but if the internal confidence is not there, you are picked on and you can’t find your footing to be able to have a place that you can grow from, then how are you ever going to achieve your real being, the best you? So what was it Jake, that sparked that unique shift? That little shift that anybody can change literally at any moment. What happened with you? What was your shift?

Jake Havron:

Such a great question. And I believe that there are times when we don’t realize what’s going on. So I look back at it, I’m like, oh, that’s what happened. I believe there are two types of confidence, you have external confidence and internal confidence. You can protrude with external confidence with the way you stand, your shoulders up, back, and down, you have a nice puffed out chest, where you look very confident, you look very certain in what you do. But internal confidence is a lot of the mindset. And what happened to me back then, is I changed my external confidence because that was the only thing I knew how, which was I lost 40 pounds over a summer, going from seventh grade to eighth grade. I was just so fed up with not losing the weight. I was playing a lot of basketball and I realized that maybe the cookie dough that I was eating in my fridge every night wasn’t really helping me.

Barry Shore:

You figured that out on your own.

Jake Havron:

I hit my breaking point before I even knew what that was. And so, I searched up all the right workouts to do, I searched up what products to take, what to eat, what not to eat, and I lost 40 pounds. And so what that did Barry is, it first gave me external confidence because I looked better, I felt better, I had more energy, and I had more joy. But then that went inward. And I realized that I can control what I can control, which is me. And when I can do that, that gave me a confidence boost internally because I knew if I wanted to go be a better basketball player at that time I can control that. I knew that if I wanted to have good grades, or maybe I was doing bad in one of the classes back in high school I knew that that was up to me. And that’s where I started to really realize before I really knew it that I had the control of my own joy, my own life and especially creating your dream life one day at a time.

Barry Shore:

So, you were taking or owning, let’s use a better term, you were owning personal responsibility as a young person, at the age of 12, 13, 14, where you recognize that the only thing that you have control over is your own mental, physical and spiritual being. And once you did that the transformation externally, which came from the internal is really what happened, is that correct?

Jake Havron:

That’s correct and I got to be real I didn’t fully understand that, I barely understood that. And we call this subconscious competence, you don’t know what you’re doing that works. There’s subconscious incompetence, which means you don’t know what you don’t know. And so, when we look back, and I’m sure a lot of your listeners can think of this, when we look back at why we’re doing things, or why we’re in that relationship, or why we were in that job now it makes sense to us because we’re more aware. And that’s what happened to me. But I’m so grateful because sometimes when you look at the toughest times in your past you can realize that those greatest tests are now your greatest testimonies if you choose to change the way you frame it. And you’re such a beautiful example, Barry with you going through those “horrific accidents and situations” that now you’re able to create this joy because there was a choice. And that was the word that really stood out when you said that earlier is we have a choice to live our dream life, we have a choice to turn our test into a testimony, we have a choice to turn our blessings into things that could help other people. And that’s what you’re doing. And that’s why so many people listen to you right now. But we all have that choice.

Barry Shore:

Let’s go to two things for people who are not able to see. Jake is a very personable, pleasant-looking being, what is your chronological age?

Jake Havron:

Are we able to talk about that on air? I’m 26.

Barry Shore:

He’s 26. I do it purposely. 80 plus percent of the people listening and watching around the world are under 35. So, when you’re speaking, you’re speaking to your peers. You’re talking to everybody. Everybody has a battle you know nothing about. So as we say, be kind always and kind. Again, keep inspiring noble deeds. I want to share with you a couple of things, Jake, and it might make you smile a little more. By the way, when was the last time anybody said FU to you and you smiled. FU capital N capital N. So, we are in this world of transforming ourselves and thereby enabling us to be of benefit to others because that’s really what it’s about. The benefit of others is really what life is for, is the ability to help. Hope, by the way, stands for helping others progress every day. So we say, this is the world called shift happens. Now, it’s funny then in the world of shift happens for some reason, Jake, a lot of people drop the F. I don’t know, they just end up with the other stuff. So, you got to be able to clearly enunciate shift happens, or else you’re going to end up with the other stuff. And here’s what gets really fun. The word joy stands for journey of you. That’s the ultimate joy. When you become the best you possible you’re creating a legacy. Whether you’re 26, 66, or 106. I happen to have a personal friend who is 109. We’ll tell the story about that later. But yes, it’s the ability to be the best you possible. You live your legacy. So let’s begin to unpack what P squared is? What does peak performance really mean? What does that mean, Jake?

Jake Havron:

Well, let’s start off with a question for maybe everyone listening. I like making this very interactive. If I’m going to listen to a show or a podcast I like to get implementation, tools, and strategy. So I hope I could bring that. So, if you’re listening right now, just think about right now on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being absolutely no energy at all, you literally cannot even get out of bed. And 10 being you are unleashed, unstoppable, energy right from the start of the day is just beaming from you. What is your average, not on a good day, not on a bad day, what’s your average on 1 to 10 where you’re at? And when I ask this from people all around the world, the clients I work with, and the people I work with the average is around a 6. Because sometimes we’re a little hard on ourselves but we’re also a little honest. And Barry, right there if we’re on an average of 6, and we might have some outliers, you got to think about that as a 40%, four points, 40% amount of your life that you’re leaving on the table that you are not capitalizing on. Because if we can all agree that energy is everything and emotions are energy in motion and the more energy you have, the more motion you have, the more emotional experience you have, then you’re leaving around 40, maybe even if it’s 30%, if you’re a 7 out of 10, every single day, and that’s compounding over years. So what if there was a way, Barry, that people could just start increasing their energy, their peak performance a couple of percent a day. That they start having a morning routine that actually gives them energy, doesn’t make them feel like they’re going through this monotonous routine, but they’re actually vitalizing their lungs with oxygen by doing a breathing routine that takes less than two minutes. And they’re getting visualized so they have a Northstar on their day. So, they’re not just getting pulled which way and they feel like they’re just getting things done. Because the problem I see that’s not peak performance Barry is when people are just being busy and they think they’re moving forward because they’ve got things done but they’re not being productive. And that’s the difference between either putting fires out in your business or actually building the business to higher levels. That’s two different types of work. And a lot of people are putting out the fires instead of building the business bigger.

Barry Shore:

So, let’s unpack some of this because A, it is practical and doable. See the genius of what we’re talking about, Jake, and that’s why I’m so happy that he’s here, I asked him to be involved, is because he doesn’t just speak in the ether. He doesn’t talk about fluff, he talks about making things happen because shift happened. He’s talking about a rut. Now we know Jake, you, and I, and I think most of our listeners understand this intellectually, what Jake brings is we can actually put it into our lives is, the difference between a rut and a groove. It’s the same exact place. You want to be in a groove, you don’t want to be in a rut. Because a rut is going to keep you in a place, a groove is going to enable you to move forward. And I love how you mentioned, that most everybody, by the way, that is listening to us are either entrepreneurs in their own businesses or entrepreneurs in someone else’s business, even though it’s called an employee but they really have the mindset of I am my own best boss. And when you say about busy, most people confuse busyness with business. That’s what you were talking about. Just making things happen, you can run around, you can be a hamster on a spinning wheel. It’s the ability to know where you’re going to move forward with purpose in your life now becomes P cubed, peak performance purposely. And that’s really what Jake is all about. And actually, he has peak performance principles purposely because he also like myself admires and works with Jack Canfield and his success principles and such. So, this is really the genius of what Jake brings to the world. I want to talk about you and your first involvement in the world of benefiting people and that is as a nurse. Now, I’m going to tell the story a little bit later but I want you to talk to us about being a nurse. I actually thought of an acronym for nurse just before we went on the air. Nurse to me, because any nurse, male or female it doesn’t matter. We don’t say male nurse, you’re a nurse. A nurse is one who nurtures unlimited respect, support, and enthusiasm for the patient. That’s what a nurse does. The nurse is not just there, you’re nurturing and helping the patient. I am blessed to tell you that I have a number of stories of nurses that really made a difference in my 144 days in the hospital as a quadriplegic, completely paralyzed. Let’s talk about your nurse experience and how that enabled you to move and shift, keeping that F in there, and shift from where you were as a nurse into becoming let’s call it, a nurse practitioner for people who want to have peak performance.

Jake Havron:

A nurse practitioner for peak performance. I love it. So, I went to become a nurse because I wanted to help people. There are a lot of people here that might not know exactly what their calling in life is as yet. And for me, I didn’t know but I wanted to help people and I also wanted to be around athletes. And so, I was actually going to go be exercise physiology. But my sister was becoming a nurse, in the law of environment they kind of influenced me and they said, hey, you should be a nurse. It’s a better-paying job. You get to have more opportunities. All the things that at that moment sounded more exciting to me but ultimately I wanted to help people so I became a nurse, Barry. And it was amazing. But what I realized that actually led me to shift out of that with the F, shift, and go into what I’m doing today, which I’m so grateful for is, there was this one moment it was towards the last year of my nursing. And this man came in, and he was in his late 40s and I was working in the ER at that time. And he was on the stretcher, he had a heart attack. And so, we do our simple protocol, the same thing every time, go save his life, and do the right procedures. And he finally gets stabilized and a couple of hours later, his family is in there, and his family is mourning. And they’re just so sad. And I’m looking over there. And I’ve seen this before but it hits different sometimes. And finally, about a day passes, he comes out of the coma and he looks over at his family and you could just see it just hit him in his face, just went white. It was like, oh my gosh, I almost lost my most loved ones. And I’m helping him. And so, he expresses those emotions to me and says Jake, please just let me know what I can do to not be here again. And so I was like, of course, here’s the protocol, eat these foods, stop eating that food, do these exercises, a week, two weeks, four weeks later, and take these prescription pills because this is all we were taught on how to help people. And he was like, absolutely, all excited, Barry. And so, he left and I went on with my day. And what really snapped me, Barry, just in the soul before I even really knew what it was. But it just gave me that uneasiness is a couple of months later, I see this person come in on the stretcher again, and I couldn’t recognize who it was right away. But when I did Barry, it was the same guy with another heart attack and the same problem. I just didn’t understand how someone could literally see their family as they were about to die and they’re given all the right things to do and they’re still here with the same problem. And I still went and did my job. But after that night I went home and I just felt uneasy. I was like, this just doesn’t feel right. I’m giving them all the right strategies but they don’t understand this. And what I found out Barry, and you know this best is, later down the road I found out that 80% of all success, of all action, is your psychology. Only 20% is the strategy and implementation. And I realized that I wasn’t really able to maximize the psychology and help people in that sense. And so, I made a choice, once again, that word, that C-word, the choice to graduate as a nurse but then I just realized I’m going to stop getting people out of the hospital Barry and I’m going to start keeping them out. And that’s when I chased my entrepreneurial path to becoming a personal trainer helping people transform their bodies, and I became an online trainer helping people all over the world. And then from there, that’s when I became a business strategist because I realized if I could help people make more money, and help them live a more prosperous and time-freedom life, then they have more freedom, they can be a bigger impact on their lives. And it’s just a blessing ever since. But it came from that one choice Barry, to listen to what my soul was telling me even though I wasn’t really understanding of it till later, and realize that I need to go follow my passion, follow my purpose, even if it doesn’t make sense because I was humiliated. People were like, you’re leaving nursing to become a trainer. You realize that you’re not going to make money, that there’s no insurance, it’s not long term. But I knew where I wanted to go Barry and that’s why I’m here today because I stuck through it.

Barry Shore:

Pow. P-O-W. Pow, which stands for psychology of winning. That who is, Jake Havron, psychology of winning. He didn’t say do this, take these pills, and don’t eat these foods, all of which are important. But it’s the psychology, it’s your mind. He kept effing it. Shift happens, and it will happen for you. Jake, on this note, this high note we’re going to go and do what they call a commercial sponsored break for the moment. Everybody buckle up because there’s more Jake coming back on the other end and we are just going to rock and roll and bring goodness to your life. We will be right back after these brief messages. 

Barry Shore:

Good day beautiful, bountiful, beloved immortal beings and good-looking people. And remember you’re good-looking because you’re always looking for and finding the good. We have good in abundance. Our cup runneth over with good. And a human being, a two-legged human being named Jake Havron and has been sharing with us the idea of the dream life. And it’s not just a dream it’s reality when you know how to F it by keeping the F in shift. Shift happens. He went from internal, no confidence with some external confidence and learned how to shift it. So, he had internal confidence which again built his external confidence. And we’re going to just jump right in there now Jake, and talk to us, can one build confidence really, as opposed to just being braggadocio and walking around having other people think you’re confident? How do you make sure that you’re the confident one? What practical tips and tools can you share with us about building confidence?

Jake Havron:

Absolutely. Well, let’s dive right into the two types of confidence and the actual steps for it. So, first, let’s start off with external. So, if you’re listening right now, if you’re in the car, you can even do this, if you’re walking on the treadmill you could do this, anywhere you can, especially if you have a home. I call this the doorway drill. And this is so important because if you guys don’t know yet, 7% of the communication is the words you say. So, it doesn’t matter how good the words are, what exact vocabulary you use, it could be the most eloquent words but it’s not as powerful because 38% of that is tonality. And as you can probably tell, Barry has incredible tonality, the way he sings, the way he has highs and lows. That’s why he’s so relatable. But even better yet 55% of communication is body language. So, if you can have proper body language, which starts with your posture, you’re going to naturally communicate to your friends, your co-workers, your boss, your employees, your loved ones, and yourself. Better communication and confidence. So what it is, is a doorway drill. What you’re going to do is, every doorway in your house, you’re going to get a bright sticky note, and you’re going to put it right at eye level right next to the door so it’s an anchor, it’s a cue. So, every time you see that you’re going to remember to do this. And all we’re going to do is, we’re going to first do it’s called a full-body reset. You’re going to tuck your chin into your chest because what happens, Barry is people are on their computers, their phones all day, and their head is moving forward. And every time, every inch that your head moves forward it’s adding pounds on pounds of stress on your back. So, if you have a back problem it’s probably because it’s starting in your neck. So, you’re going to tuck your chin forward, I call it up back and down with your shoulder. So, you’re going to roll your shoulders up, back, and down and you’re going to pull your core slightly and tight, not suck it in, don’t suck in just a slight tightness in your core, and it takes you less than a second. And it will be a little awkward at first. But guess what, you’re going to probably forget about it, your posture is going to go back down. Good thing you have a lot of doorways in your house, and you’re going to reset it again. So, it’s a quick chin tuck, shoulders up, back and down, core tight. And what that’s going to do is it’s going to start to open up your posture so you’re giving up better energy, you feel better. And I swear you will probably hear from someone doing this that you have good posture. Wow. Did you lose a couple of pounds? It works, I’m telling you because your posture change. So, that’s external confidence, Barry. And can we dive into a little bit of internal confidence here?

Barry Shore:

Please, let’s dive right in, Jake.

Jake Havron:

So, that’s the quickest way, external confidence not internal confidence. It’s a little different because everyone has a different world within. And I don’t know where some of these listeners are Barry, I know there are probably people that have gone through a lot. There are probably people that are doing this entrepreneurial route but are not seeing success. And they’re maybe days away from giving up or putting in the resignation, going back to their W2. But Barry, I’m here to hopefully tell each one of these people that if you control your internal confidence, and you do what we’re about to do right now, you can shape your entire destiny and create your dream life. And so, if that’s you then what I recommend is doing these things called declarations. Now, we’ve all heard of these.

Barry Shore:

Declarations, D-E-C-L-A-R-A-T-I-O-N-S, [crosstalk: 37:03].

Jake Havron:

There you go. Bravo, bravo. So, we hear these words, affirmations. We all know or heard of affirmations. I’m happy, I’m happy, I’m happy. I’m joyful, I’m joyful, joyful. And I love that. But sometimes Barry, what I’ve found, even with highly successful people, is that if they say, I am happy but really they’re going through the toughest times of their life, they have that little voice in the back of their head that says, no, you’re not. Stop lying to yourself. You feel like you’re just going through the motions. And sometimes that just doesn’t work. It’s not powerful enough. I call it affirmations are like you going to the restaurant, and there’s a bunch of dirty dishes on the table and the waiter says here, come sit down, and they put a big white canvas over the dishes and say everything’s clean. But you know there’s a bunch of junk under there. That’s what affirmations are. But declarations, Barry, declarations are where you go and sit down at that table, the waiter or waitress comes up and says, what would you like to order and you look at the menu, and it’s the first time you’ve ever been to the restaurant, you say, oh, I’ll have the salmon salad with the extra quinoa side, and let’s put an avocado. And they say, okay, and they go behind the kitchen. And just like in life if you’ve never been to the back of the kitchen you won’t know what’s back there. But just like in the universe with God, things are conspiring back there that you have no clue about. And pretty soon you’re just sitting there because you declared what you want, that food will be right on your tabletop. And here’s your salmon salad with little extra quinoa and avocado, and maybe the chef was extra kind, and they brought you a nice dessert afterward because you declared what you want. And so what does this mean, Barry? This means instead of saying I am happy, and if that doesn’t resonate with you say the words, I choose to be happy right now. I choose to love my life every single moment. I choose to accept massive amounts of abundance. I’ve noticed this with a lot of entrepreneurs, Barry, is when they are getting into their success and they hear I am a millionaire, I have a millionaire mindset but they have that mind that says, you don’t even have enough money in your bank account to pay your next rent. So when you have that instead say, I choose to have a millionaire mindset every day. I choose to have massive amounts of abundance come to me. Because when you create a list like that, and you have 10 of those Barry, and you read those every single day, just like how you shared at the beginning of this call, every single human has a choice. And when you have a choice and you declare this that voice in the back of your head will not say anything because it understands that you do have a choice to have a multimillionaire mindset. It doesn’t mean you have it right now but you have a choice to create it. And that right there is my number one key to creating internal confidence and I still do my declarations every single morning because I know how powerful they are.

Barry Shore:

Powerful and it works. I am testifying that it works. And it doesn’t just work for Jake or Barry. It works for every human being, for two reasons. Number one, the good Lord created you. God infused you with the ability to have a mind. Your mind will declare who you are, as Jake has told us. That’s number one. Number two, you are a human being. Being means that you’re here in the moment. And when you grasp that and use what Jake just told us about this wonderful vision of the dirty dishes on the table with a white tablecloth and say, yeah, yeah, that’s really me. Just say, I declare that when I sit down there’s a beautiful white tablecloth there. And then I order what I want, and it will be given unto me, given unto me. Jake, this is so wondrous because you just did what we said, the six most important words that anybody can ever internalize, utilize and leverage in your life. Choice, not chance determines your destiny. Go back to your nursing days. And again, I won’t tell the story at the moment in full but suffice it to say, when I was discharged from the hospital, still as a quadriplegic after 144 days, the doctors came around, there were three of them. Neurologist, Pulmonologist, and an Internist as such, say, you know, Mr. Shore, you’re never going to walk again and such. I mean, they were doing it in the nice sort of way that they could. Doctors just don’t have the best bedside manner but they did the best they could. And was I listening to them? No. Did I yell at them? And say, no. No, they can have their own words and such. But I created and I’ve shared this with thousands of people in situations like mine, or even more dire, the following. Diagnosis is not destiny. It’s what you’re discussing with us right now, Jake. You might think that well, look at me, you’re right. I can barely pick. But someone says, I can’t pay the rent or this and that. Okay, therefore what? Start declaring who you really are, not that just you want to be, and who you are. That’s the power that Jake is sharing with us. Share, by the way, stands for spreading happiness and rejuvenating energy. That’s share. We only have a few more minutes so let’s talk about the real massive value that you, Jake bring to the world and the idea of business and partnerships. I just want to make mention again, the word business is very fascinating. I enjoy business and people. Everybody knows who listens to me and such like that, I’ve built thank God, some really interesting business. The word business is fascinating, Jake. If you’ll notice the U comes before the I in the word business. And that’s the key to business. It’s all about service. When it’s the U before the I guess what happens, floodgates open. Right, Jake? 

Jake Havron:


Barry Shore:

So, talk to us about how you help build massive value for people who are truly in business and understand that service is the key.

Jake Havron:

Oh my gosh, that was the first time I’ve heard that with the U before the I. That’s amazing. I understand there are a lot of entrepreneurs or soon-to-be entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, whatever you want to call yourself on here. And there’s so much we could dive into on business. But we don’t have the time for that here so we won’t go into very, very detail. But what I do want to talk about which is what I found is a lot of people are missing out on Barry, how do they properly speak to that sign that’s on that other person’s chest? And that sign stands for, here’s my acronym for the day WIIFM. Do you know what that is, Barry? 

Barry Shore:

What’s in it for me? 

Jake Havron:

Absolutely. And you may have heard this before multiple times listening in but what have you done to make sure that that sign is properly spoken to? And what I call it is, call it your elevator pitch. It’s how do you help that person that no matter if you’re going to a business networking event, no matter if you are in the airport and you connect with someone next to you in your seat, or you’re out in the daily work or just life that you’re on, you’re able to have your elevator pitch so profoundly remembered that you don’t even have to hesitate. Because what I found, Barry is people share their service but not their outcome. They say I’m a financial accountant, not I help people get financial freedom. They say I’m a personal trainer, not I get people their dream body in life. That’s the difference right there. So, if you think about what you do right now, what is the outcome you do, not the services, people don’t care about all the monotonous things. You don’t hear from the airlines about the plane, and the seats and what field they’re using, they talk about the destination you’re getting at. And that’s what makes you so excited to get on that plane. Because even if you’re sitting in the back next to a crying baby, your promised land is going to Cabo or Cancun and that’s all that’s making you excited. So, when you’re out networking with people create this elevator pitch that says, I help. If you’re writing this down, this would be great to do it. I help and then insert the ideal avatar. So, I help busy entrepreneurs, I help successful entrepreneurs by and then insert your method. So, by giving results-driven coaching so that they can then achieve their dream outcome. I help busy entrepreneurs with results-driven coaching so that they can never have to worry about making another dollar again. Oh, that’s pretty interesting. When you say that, then they’re going to ask for the details. Well, what does that mean? Because now they have a listening ear. Instead of saying, well, I have this program that helps with, I do weekly coaching and I help you get a fitness plan, and it’s 12 weeks, and then business, I dive in. That’s just going over their head because that’s not what’s in it for them. So, if there’s one thing you can take away that’s very, very applicable from this call on business-wise, is to write down your elevator pitch of who do you help, which is your ideal avatar? By what outcome? What are you giving them? And even if you want to add in there, what’s the unique proposition? What makes you stand apart? When I used to be a fitness trainer I used to say, I help busy entrepreneurs get their dream body in less than four hours a week. That was the unique selling proposition that they made like, whoa, their ears perked up. So write that out, practice it because the last thing I’ll say here, Barry, is the problem I see with confidence is when people don’t practice this enough. And they go and try and say it, they say it and the first thing I notice is they’re fumbling, or they look down or away because they’re thinking about it. And instantly, I realize they’re not confident. Now, most people you share this with they won’t realize that consciously. They won’t be like, oh, that person’s looking away he doesn’t believe in his business. But they will take that in subconsciously. And they will just be like, oh, that’s nice. Instead of, whoa, tell me more. That’s the difference between going and getting a new successful business and moving massive momentum, or just staying complacent and the status quo by not perfecting your ideal elevator pitch.

Barry Shore:

There are people around the world right now, Jake, who are applauding, standing up, shouting Jake, Jake, Jake. Now, that’s great everybody who’s doing that. But what Jake really wants you to do, what I want you to do, and what you want to do is to write down those few words that he just said. Say it again, I will help.

Jake Havron:

I help. So when they say what. You say what do you do? I say I help insert your ideal avatar. So, I help busy entrepreneurs by giving them results-driven coaching. So, let’s insert your actual method to get [inaudible: 48:44].

Barry Shore:

It’s literally four or five words and then it’s on you, Y-O-U. Remember that’s the reason you tune in because you care about you in the whole world. Remember WIIFM is the most listened-to station in the entire world and it’s always been that way. It will be, it was, and it will always be. That’s the nature of life. It’s you. So, what are you doing to help you? These few words you want to internalize, utilize and leverage in your life. Jake, I want to share with you one beautiful insight into the word pitch. 

Jake Havron:

Let me hear it. 

Barry Shore:

Presenting information that causes happiness. 

Jake Havron:


Barry Shore:

Wow. Now, wow stands for words of wisdom, words of wonder.

Jake Havron:

There are so many layers to you, Barry. We could just talk for hours.

Barry Shore:

God willing it will continue. But it’s the reason I want to emphasize again what Jake is saying is that, hear what he said, consciously they may not think, what is this guy talking about or this woman [unintelligible: 49:50]. But subconsciously, see everything we’ve discussed today, everything has to do with the subconscious mind. That is your most powerful, positive, purposeful, pleasant tool. It’s yours, you control it. It’s not somebody else’s unless you allow them to. And if you do that then you can ever be you, then you’ll just be someone. You want to be you. And we need you by the way in the world. That’s why the good Lord made you. You were brought here as a soul to be in the world. We need you, Y-O-U to be the best you possible. Jake, I’m going to ask you three questions as we close out our time together. Are you ready? Three quick questions.

Jake Havron:

I’m ready to roll.

Barry Shore:

Will you come back again? 

Jake Havron:


Barry Shore:

Oh, very good. Number two, you have 80 seconds to answer this question. What is your most fervent desire?

Jake Havron:

Wow, that’s a great question. My fervent desire is to, what came to me is when I experienced what it means to truly serve, and from one of the mentors that I’ve had was Tony Robbins, and to see how he serves on such a massive scale and creates so much impact, my fervent desire is to create a dent into this world, into this universe of positive impact that goes surpass my own significance, my own personal ego, goes beyond the things that I once was doing life for, which was just to make myself feel good, Barry, because I was insignificant at one point and all I wanted to do was to be significant. But I’ve gone past that. My fervent desire is to now allow other people to realize that they don’t have to go down that path that they can create their dream life by chasing the things that God has given them already, and it’s all within them. And if they could understand that all the power is within them, that the beautiful blessings of the spirit, of the essence, that they have is within them, and they can give that to other people and create a fabulous life, then that is my mission being done. And if there’s only one person that listens to this right now and they’re feeling this and they feel that spirit-stirring in them, just like how I did when I had that person come in with the heart attack, and I changed my path and now I’m on a path I couldn’t even imagine. Then that’s my mission being done right here on this podcast.

Barry Shore:

Outstanding. Thank you. And now the third. I’d like to give you a hug in front of 358,222 people around the world. I got to tell you what hugs stands for. Are you ready?

Jake Havron:

I’m ready. 

Barry Shore:

Heartfelt, unlimited giving. Here we go 1-2-3 roar. You’ve been listening to The Joy of Living Podcast. You tuned in consciously and conscientiously because you know that on this show we work with the three fundamentals of life. Your life has purpose, you lead a purpose-driven life, as Jake has shown us. You can go mad. In this case, mad means make a difference. And the third fundamental is to unlock the power and the secrets of everyday words and terms such as wwwwhatawonderfulworld. Smile, seeing miracles in life every day. Or as my eight-year-old niece says, seeing miracles in everyday life. Create the kind of world you want to live in causing, rethinking, listen to Jake, causing rethinking, enabling all to excel. And remember you have the six most important words you can ever internalize, utilize and leverage in your life. Choice, not chance determines your destiny. Use four-letter words because we live in the positive, purposeful, powerful, pleasant world. Four-letter words life, love, hope, gray, play, pray, free, gift. Your life is a gift, give. The joy of living can be summed up in one word, giving, that’s the essence. And remember, tell everybody FU. Remember to add right away capital N capital N. And use the two most powerful words in the English language at least three times a day. That’s it, but consciously and conscientiously, thank you to harmonize and network kindness. Everybody you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Therefore, be kind, always kind. Keep inspiring noble deeds. You do all this and the result will be you’ll be happier, healthier, and wealthier. Who doesn’t want that? So, a blessing from Barry and from Jake is the following, go forth, live exuberantly, spread the seeds of joy happiness peace, and love. Go mad. Go make a difference.

About Jake Havron

Jake Havron Barry
Went from getting people out of the hospital as a nurse to keeping people out of the hospital as a health & vitality coach for entrepreneurs.

Now speaking and transforming leader’s and their teams in their work performance, influence capacity, and vitality. (Message me to speak at your event)

International Business Strategist for launching MedSpas, Salons, hair restoration clinics and more with a significant income stream and no overhead using a new-to-market collagen elixir product. (Message me for inquiries)

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