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NextGen Flying High
Barry Shore speaks with two of the most energetic insightful and influential Millennials in the World: Justin and Dylan. They are the Founders of NextGEN ,and NG SUMMIT, one of the largest Conferences specifically for and about success oriented Millennials. NG is the #1 Business Hub Community for Tomorrow’s Leaders. NG Represents 4100 Startups, 20,000 Entrepreneurs, and 90 Countries. Entrepreneurship is daunting, risky, and complicated. We’re here to support those who choose to overcome these obstacles in pursuit of something greater. We are proud to have a community that seizes opportunities to grow and learn together. Entrepreneurs have used Next Gen resources to raise tens of millions in venture capital funding, get featured in major media outlets, access mentor ship from senior executive leaders, and foster powerful new friendships. NG has been featured in USA Today, INC, FOX, Entrepreneur Magazine, and The Boston Globe. This will be a FUN fact filled frolic into the future.
Show Notes:
- 10:51 – Barry’s Rousing Introduction
- 12:52 – Justin and Dylan shares what it means to be “NextGen” and what drives them
- 24:00 – Two biggest fears that people under 30 are facing today
- 31:32 – How to infuse a positive, purposeful, powerful mindset to “NextGen” people
- 52:18 -Just and Dylan shares their most fervent desires
- 54:35 – Barry’s interesting wrap-up
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About Justing & Dylan
Our company is on a mission to help the Next Generation “win” at work and life. We have created a Leadership Development Platform called Momentum that includes the Community, Education, Resources, and Mentorship these young leaders need to achieve the success they desire. Membership is available to students and young professionals.