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Selling, the Highest Calling

The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is thrilled to SHARE with You THE Builder of Sales Champions, Tom Hopkins. YES…that Tom Hopkins. The man who at age 23 sold 365 Homes in a single year. The man who has trained Thousands of people to be their BEST Selves and maximize their Happiness, Wealth, and Health. You’ll be mesmerized as Barry and Tom discuss the highest calling….SELLING…as the proving ground for leading Your BEST LIFE. This Episode is a MUST RELISTEN and SHARE with at least 5 people. As with land, they’re not making any more Tom Hopkins! Learn with the GREATEST.

Show Notes:

  • 00:45 – Barry’s rousing introduction
  • 14:17 – Tom Hopkins on Selling, The Highest Calling
  • 24:40 –My wife made the best sale, she sold me and closed me
  • 41:55 –The fundamentals of making a sale and leading a person to say yes and write a check, that have not changed and they still work today.
  • 52:21- Barry’s Interesting Wrap-up

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Barry Shore:

I cannot think of anybody that I would love to share with you today that inspires noble deeds and makes you happier, healthier, wealthier, than the more remarkable, wonderful, amazing, Tom Hopkins. Tom, please say hello to 357,820 people around the world.

Tom Hopkins:

Hello, and I am so pumped and excited. And Barry that 10 minutes gave me so much good information. And just in what you said, I can see the similarities and commonality you and I have in the way we live and the way we believe. And I’m just really pumped and we’re going to share some great ideas with all your folks. And congratulations on all you’ve been through and have gone through. And I’m just really excited to be part of your event today. So let’s get ready, and I’m ready when you are.

Barry Shore:

Will do. Well, Tom Hopkins, for anybody who is a sentient being in the world, if you don’t know the name, then you’ve been missing out. But I will tell you, Tom, 80% of the people who watch us and listen to us are under the age of 38. Ah, so that means there are a number of people, and by the way, a worldwide audience and we have 1000s and 1000s of people in China and India, Indonesia and the Philippines, Africa and Europe, all over the world. Tom Hopkins, for anybody who’s ever touched, anything to do with sales or selling is the capital T, capital H, capital E, THE Master Guru sales trainer, and user of his own techniques. By the way, you’ve got to know something. See, if you’re only there on stage, and you’re telling other people what to do, okay, it’s very nice, you might get paid, you might get made money, that’s not what Tommy Hawkins did. Tommy Hopkins in one year, I think this is correct, Tom, you’ll correct me if not….. In the real estate business he sold 365 homes in a single year, which of course, if you do the math, ah, that’s one a day. He didn’t make presentations, he closed one house a day, every single day.

Now, sometimes he may have sold two or three in a day but the point is, when Tom is going to be discussing with us the highest calling of a human being which in my humble opinion is in sales, he’s going to share with us transformative information. That information alone means nothing unless you internalize it, utilize and leverage it, it becomes transformative. That’s what Tom is going to do. So, I’m going to speak less, which is uncharacteristic, because then that has Tom to speak more because I want you to please Tom, to address what I call selling as the highest calling in life.

Tom Hopkins:

Well, I can’t agree more. And people many times are turned off by the term sales or selling because many people have had either a poor experience with someone who got into sales. And one of the challenges Barry is, many people can go into a company, go into sales, have no training, and many of them will mistreat people, or maybe do the wrong thing and leave a bad scar on a person who kind of gets turned off on the thought of sales and selling. But as I travel the world, and I don’t think there’s a free enterprise capitalistic country that I haven’t had a seminar in the last 40 years, but the people that do the best in companies, they have a person out there every day putting their ego on the line, knowing they could be rejected, but in essence trying to help someone say yes to the opportunity. And this, of course, is sales. And I really believe if a parent has children grow up properly, they made the sale as to a parent. If a husband and wife in the world today stay married all their lives and die married together, they made a good sale. So, I think if people will open their minds up, that selling is a way of life, and hopefully in our short time, I can share with him some reasons why it’s not a bad thing, it’s a good thing as long as what you’re doing is a service rather than just a selling situation. So, that’s what I’d like to start with. So, fire away with your question Barry.

Barry Shore:

I just want to tap a couple of points. We have a worldwide audience and different cultures and such, and everything that in my humble opinion that Tom is sharing with us, and that’s what he’s doing… I am so humbled and honored that he’s making the time for us today. What he’s sharing with us is the essence of life. So, I made a great sale, and I closed on something 45 years ago, and we’re still married, my wife and I, and it’s wonderful.

Tom Hopkins:

My wife made the best sale, she sold me and closed me, and I’m so thrilled she did.

Barry Shore:

But see, that’s what we’re talking about. I want everybody to understand that we’re light-hearted about it because when selling is done from the heart and the mind in combination with a good soul, and the product of the service is right, and it’s getting to the yes because it’s to the benefit of the person, or group or company that you are presenting to and with, and it’s being done in the Spirit, that spirit of channeling of good. Again, sales, in my humble opinion is the highest calling in life.

Now, by the way, Tom, you know, this, I think you’ve been reading also, you keep current with everything, is that it’s very difficult in today’s environment to recruit people under the age of 25, or somewhere between 20 and 25, into the sales environment. Because as you pointed out, just the word itself is like a tin air, it just doesn’t ring true to a lot of people. And yet, once you get past that, and you learn what Tom Hopkins lives by, doesn’t just preach and just teach, he lives by these principles, then you will understand why he’s, thank God has been able to enable millions of people around the world to lift themselves up, and not just make a good living for themselves to make a great life for themselves. So, Tom, please, let’s continue. Let’s talk about this idea. Has selling changed… put in quotation marks. Has selling changed over the past 40 years, since you’ve been involved in this world?

Tom Hopkins:

Well, let me give you an analogy. If we were to look at the game of golf as an analogy, Bobby Jones in the late 30s and 40s was the number one golfer in the world. And keep in mind that was in the 30s and 40s. And today if we look at Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson as an example, there are 14 reflex movements in a good golf swing. And if you looked at Bobby Jones in the 30s and 40s, it’s the same basic swing that Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson would use, and that has not changed. Now, what has changed, and an example a game of golf, is back in the early 30, 40, 50s, a golfer would never do much exercise as far as their upper body because they didn’t want to get muscle that would slow the fluidity of their swing, but that’s changed today. If you look at Tiger Woods back when he of course was on the top of his game, he was physically fit, had a tremendous upper body, and there was an example of a change. And the thing that’s changed for example in golf is the clubs are much better and have given golfers much more opportunity, but the 14 reflex movements of the golf swing from Bobby Jones to Phil Mickelson or Tiger Woods has not changed, and selling is the same thing. The fundamentals of making a sale and leading a person to say yes and write a check, that have not changed and they still work today. Now, of course, we have to adapt them to our times, and one thing that I do is when I have a seminar in a city the night before I do the seminar, I usually have two or three of the top income-earning salespeople come to dinner and I picked their brains as to what is the latest thing happening, how is sales different today?

And of course, we go through everything and when all the smoke clears. It’s still fundamentally the same fundamentals of selling any product, be it an automobile, be it a computer, be it a service to the home, and be it a home like I sold 8 years in real estate. So, again, selling has not changed, your adaption to people and the culture…. yes, you must be adaptable. That’s one reason why my seminar in Ohio might have a different tone than in California, primarily because there’s a difference in the culture. That’s why I have dinner with three of the top people, and they fill me in. But in all my many years and over 5 million people coming to my seminars, the basic fundamentals of selling have not changed, I don’t think they ever will change. People are people, and our job is to communicate effectively to whereafter we have a rapport after there’s a feeling of a relationship, and the benefits your product or service offers fulfill a true need. Then you’re doing the right thing. And I can’t tell you how many times people come to my seminar who maybe…

I had one man in San Francisco who came up to the stage and I was autographing as I do at breaks, some books. And he didn’t have a book, I said yes. He says, Tom, I’m not at the seminar, my wife and I saw your ad in the newspaper, you were having the seminar, and my wife insisted that I come down here. I said, really? Why?

Because in 1968, my wife and I walked into your real estate office in California, and we didn’t have very much money. We wanted to rent a home, and you sat us down at your desk, and you were so nice. You said let me ask you a question. If in this hand, I held a home that was owned by a landlord that you were renting and paying the mortgage for him, and he was getting the profit and the appreciation in the equity, or in this hand, I was holding your home that you owned, that you had all the benefits and took advantage of the equity if you can have either one forgetting money, which would you choose? They both smiled. They said, we’d love to own a home, but we have such little money.

I said, well, creative financing is one of my specialties. So can you just open your mind… and that’s very good words, can you open your mind to be a homeowner and not a home renter? Well, he said, we paid $18,950 for that little home, but now this year, my wife and I, that was 1968, Tom, my wife and I are retiring and we have just sold that home for $430,000, which that equity and that money is the biggest part of our retirement financial future thanks to you not letting us rent, but convincing us to own. Well, see Barry that is a sale that was so good.

And I cannot tell you my last year in real estate I had 600 people come to an event, a dance, and [unintelligible: 23:28] and laugh and they were all people who listed or sold homes with me in 8 years. And you can’t I can’t tell you how many folks have made a lot of money because I was good at helping them say yes to the right thing. And that’s really what I hope folks are going to get out of this, is there are not a lot of changes in the art of selling. And a lot of young people I think might because of the word sales and selling not see the benefits. But I can’t tell you the number of young men and women under 30 that I helped get into real estate that was my main background of course. I find that anyone that goes into sales and has a trainer, a teacher, someone that teaches them how to ask the right questions, how to be a wonderful listener, not a talker, but if a person learns the fundamentals that I teach, I guarantee you they can not only have a lot of fun, as you mentioned with two Ns.

Barry Shore:

FU Tommy, FU capital N, Capital N.

Tom Hopkins:

That’s right, they will just have a blast. And again, I try my best to make people realize that there are fundamentals. First of all, you’ve got to find something you totally believe in. And years ago I played golf with a very famous man, Wayne Gretzky the famous Hockey player who came from Edmonton Calgary.

Barry Shore:

The great one.

Tom Hopkins:

Yeah, the great one, 99. He came to Los Angeles, and I happen to buy a home in California back then just around the corner from him, on a golf course in California, and he and I got to know each other and played golf. And one day after golf, I said, Wayne you kind of know I write books. I’ve written… back then it was more about 10, I’ve written 20 now. But I said, Wayne, I’m curious, I want to tell people to come to my seminars. Why do you feel you became the great one and changed the game of hockey really in first Los Angeles and in a way the US? What do you think the reason was? And Wayne Gretzky, Barry, gave me the famous P-word. And I call it the P-word because I feel it’s something you have to have. And he said, Tom, I had an overwhelming passion for all aspects of hockey. I had a passion, of course for winning, but I had even a passion for losing. I had a passion knowing when I skated on the ice that the whole other team was after me because they knew they couldn’t control me, they’d probably beat us. And he wasn’t being braggadocios. He was just telling me the facts which were true. And so, I’ve started saying to people, you think about selling, find something you have a passion for? I’ve had people Barry, say, Tom, I bet you can sell anything. I’d say, well possibly do well, but I could never do great unless

I just burned with a passion. And I did with real estate. I mean, I loved helping people get into a home. I’ve had some things I did that we’re going to talk about that helped me make so many sales. And the year I sold those 365 homes, my manager on November 15, told me that I was on target to do that and it had never been done in real estate, and I busted my backside and sure enough, did it. And he was right, my phone started ringing off the hook. And I believe in your life, Barry, there are what I call defining moments. Things that happen can be life-changing, and that’s kind of what happened to me. I mean, it was life-changing. The National Association of Realtors called me, I was 23.

Barry Shore:

Can everybody hear this? Hold on one moment. Tom was 23 at the time. He wasn’t 33, he wasn’t 43, he wasn’t 53, he was 23. By the way, I’m going to tell you something, Tommy Hopkins, I call you Tom.

Tom Hopkins:

Yes, that’s fine.

Barry Shore:

Because as you were speaking, I urge people if you’re listening to this it’s great, I want you to watch it also. Thank God, we do video and audio. As Tom was speaking, you were becoming younger, and younger and younger. As you were talking about the sales process, helping people be in homes, about passion, you were animated with the essence of life. Animated means life, you’re alive. I’m just letting you know, Tom, as you were doing it, you were getting younger.

Tom Hopkins:

Well, I totally agree. You know, I have so many people who say, Tom, what do you think are some of the secrets? And I say you got to be always excited, always enthusiastic. People will say yes, more to your enthusiasm and excitement than to even the knowledge about a product or service. But what happened to me is, I showed up in Los Angeles at this big convention center, and I of course at 23 was supposed to speak for an hour to maybe 100 people. Now, there are 5500 people at the convention. Well, I’m going on Barry at one o’clock, but I got my suit, tie, and my little speaker badge on so I could be on the stage behind the curtains, and I’m standing there at 8:10, and it’s supposed to start at eight, and suddenly the president of the association comes over to me and says, Tom, our featured speaker, and he was a famous author is caught in LA traffic but we have to start can you go on? Now here I have a chance to walk out in front of 5500 people instead of 100. And I had no preparation, but I’ll never forget, I walked out, they introduced me, here’s the young man that the end of this year had 365 homes sold in one year… and the was a gasp in the audience. Because back then if you have four sales a month, once a week, you are hot stuff. Well, I was having 30 is a month for 365. So, I walked out on the stage. And I looked out at the audience, and of course, the President told me, Tom, you can only speak till our featured speaker arrives, and then you’re done. So, I have no idea really what I’m going to say or how much or whatever, but I walked out on the stage, and I looked down in the audience, and I said, I hope you all realize that there are 10 words that you and many of the folks in your office say that is costing you a lot of money.

Barry Shore:

Tom, we’re going hold right there. Everybody wants to know those 10 words. I want to know those 10 words, but we have sponsors who love the show, and they pay money, so everybody stay on the edge of the seat, don’t go away, Tom Hopkins coming back, and you’re going to learn that 10 words, be right back.


[Ad Roll]

Barry Shore:

Good day beautiful [unintelligible: 35:08] beings and good-looking people. Remember you’re good-looking because you’re always looking for and finding the good. Have we found good and abundance, our cup runneth over with good, and it’s a two-legged being named Tom Hawkins. He’s coming down from the mountain and look, lo and behold, he’s bringing 10 words. Tom, you promised us. What are those 10 words everybody needs to know?

Tom Hopkins:

Alright, first, I have three beautiful doggies that are our babies. And I think that honest, that is fabulous, so great, great, great. Okay, I’m going to give you only 5, and I’ll tell you why. For the time we have all these questions, I think f5 will be a good start. I’ll tell them where they can get all of them towards the end of our program. But the first word you don’t want to say is the word buy because when you say to someone when you buy this product, many of them before they met you because you are in sales said ‘We’re not buying. So, we never say buy because that puts up a negative, we say own. People love to own, they’re a little afraid to buy, so replace buy with own. Another word you don’t want to say is sell. If you say to someone when we sell you this, you’re going to love it, right away they negatively think we don’t want to get sold.

Barry Shore:


Tom Hopkins:

So, I never sold a home, I got people involved. And I think you get people involved in your offering, you just don’t sell them. And then some of you have a written form, or today the computer, but never call it a contract. People go I’m not getting near a contract, we call it an agreement. People love to have an agreement, they just don’t want a contract. And then, of course, don’t use the word deal. You know this is a good deal… they had someone say that two years ago, and it turned out to be a bad deal, so we call them an opportunity. This will be a great opportunity for you. And then don’t ask them to sign anything. If they have to sign it, Mom and Dad said don’t sign anything…. we need them to approve it or authorize it. So, those 5 little words, as people are listening to this, make those part of your new speech. And then of course, towards the end of the program, I’m going to kind of let you and I tell them where they can get all my products.

Barry Shore:

Well, we can tell them right now.

Tom Hopkins:

I’m so fortunate as I’m kind of winding down my seminar career, I’m not totally but it’s winding down. Amazon is taking all of my books, and CDs, and DVDs, and all my products, and they’re offering them at a tremendous discount. And of course, we wanted to… I can’t have a big warehouse full of books and CDs and DVDs, and I’m not doing seminars, so I’m thrilled. But if anybody’s interested, if they’ll go to Amazon, and just ask for the Tom Hopkins sales products, they’ll all come up. And again, I think they’re at about a 50% discount from what we when I was fully opened and so forth, and had my warehouse, that we would sell them for. So, again, Amazon has my stuff, and hopefully if those people like our little short time here, they’ll want to take advantage of that.

Barry Shore:

And by the way Tom, I want to make mention, as I said in the beginning also, there’s so much stuff you want to know about Tom and what he does, who he is, just go to my site because we’re going to give details of how they get to you in every aspect. Just go to www (Remember what that stands for?) But I want to make mention to you a couple of things. Just it’s so funny. Everybody should know that Tom is really a Scotsman. You didn’t know you were a Scotsman did you tom?

Tom Hopkins:


Barry Shore:

See in the world that we inhabit today, and it’s always been this way, he mentioned it, I’m unpacking a little bit. See Scots men wear a kilt, right? Everybody knows that a kilt is. You know, in other times they call it a dress, we call it a kilt. Kilt is in our world KLT. The process of sales of becoming and getting agreement with two parties or more for common good is exemplified by a KLT because KLT stands for to know, to like, and to trust. And that’s really what Tom is discussing, that’s what his whole life has been about. To get to know, like with Wayne Gretzky, to get to like each other, and then to trust, then Wayne became a promoter for Tom Hopkins. By the way, Wayne Gretzky, his greatest line in addition to everything else, they asked him how’d you become the great one. So, what did he answer? He answered he always skated to where the puck was going to be. I’m going to repeat that. He didn’t skate like every other skater. Imagine this, every other skater in the Hockey League, skated where the puck was, Wayne Gretzky skated to where the puck was going to be. He intuited, he saw the future, and that’s the way you want to live your life in the process we call selling. Tom, I got to tell you how amazingly au cou·rant you. Are you ready?

Tom Hopkins:


Barry Shore:

Wall Street Journal last week announced that Goldman Sachs reported that they will not allow their bankers or traders to use the word deal. And we’re talking about people who are doing deals in the 10s and hundreds of millions, maybe billions, but they didn’t want to use the word deal anymore because it has the wrong connotation. It’s carnival barker type of stuff. Remember… okay, I have to go a little bit deep. We’re going to go inside baseball in the weeds. I want to hear the story of how you met Jay Douglas Edwards. I think that you were walking out of your backyard in Arizona.

Tom Hopkins:

Well, you know that’s a great story. What happened to me is after four or five months of not doing really well, on real estate, I was young, I looked young, I didn’t have a car, I had only a motorcycle and I was not doing well. I spent I think about the last 150 bucks I had in the bank to go see Mr. Edwards at a seminar in Santa Monica, California and he so moved me. I have two or three people that were mentors back then, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Earl Nightingale, and J. Douglas Edwards, who literally had a title, The Father of American selling. And I listened to him, and I started using all of his closing techniques, his questioning, his art form of selling, and he was the reason I was able to sell all those houses.

Well, anyway, what happened to me is, after 8 years in real estate, I decided I’m ready to change my life and not just sell but teach what I do, and a man in Arizona Phoenix called my office and said, I’m going to pay your airfare and add a fee to come to Phoenix and do a seminar at my real estate school. And so I came over, and I spoke at his real estate school, and he and I clicked. And he said, Tom, in a year or two, or maybe three, I don’t know, I want to sell my real estate school. Well, of course, you know, I had this huge business and sales in California real estate, and I decided I was going to make that change. And everybody that knew me said to me, you’re nuts, you mean you have your signs all over the valley in Simi, Simi Valley, California, you got a great business. Why would you give that up? I said I’m giving it up because it’s time for me to go through some change. (I’m sorry about that, just one second. Anyway, don’t let that bother you. My wife put her phone down.) Anyway, so I went ahead and moved to Phoenix to buy this real estate school, and I bought a beautiful home in Scottsdale, Paradise Valley, and I moved in. And the day I am moving in. I’m in the garage helping the movers put the furniture in the house the first day, and suddenly, I hear a voice, is Tom Hopkins here? And I mean to tell you, I turned around and they’re in my garage is the famous Jay Douglas Edwards. And I had listened to his records, this is before cassettes. We had big… if you’re young, 25 and under, we used to have these big black round things, you can put on a…

Barry Shore:

Vinyl that’s coming back. Tom, Vinyl is the new thing.

Tom Hopkins:

Okay. But anyway, now here’s why I say there are defining moments. I had no idea, I knew he lived in Arizona, the state, I had no idea where Mr. J. Douglas Edwards… and by the way you that are interested, if you look at all my stuff at Amazon, I took all of his records, and then cassettes, and I put them on CDs so people can take advantage of the J. Douglas Edwards closing the sale training. But here he is in my garage, I said Mr. Edwards, and of course, I was dumbfounded. And he said, Tom, I heard you moved in, and I thought I’d welcome my new next-door neighbor to the area. So, out of, I think, then 4 million people in Arizona, I buy a home right next door to the man that changed my life and taught me how to sell, and he took me under his wing as a child, and I met with him so often, hours I would sit at his feet learning the art of speaking, the art of motivating the art of doing a seminar. So, these are these types of defining moments that can be life-changing, and that was for me.

Barry Shore:

This is, there are people around the world right now, young, dynamic, eager, thirsting, searching people, for them, this is a defining moment.

Tom Hopkins:

Well, I sure hope so.

Barry Shore:

When you begin to listen, I want everybody to listen to this again at least once, maybe twice, I want you to share this with 5 people. You don’t have to share it with 50, or 100, or 1000, each, that’s very nice, 5 people you really care about? Share this because this is life-transforming. What Tom shares is not just hey, you know, he’s one of the best in the world. No, he’s the best, and he’s talking about his mentor who was the best. So, we’re talking about processes that will enable you to expand your mind, as he said, as we talked about in the beginning, the word create, causing rethinking, enabling all to excel. The ability to use words, to know when to speak, and in Jay Douglas [unintelligible: 47:20] that he taught me, is when to shut up.

Tom Hopkins:

That’s so funny that you’d say that Barry because that was….. you know, we all in our business of seminars, we have those certain little things, but that’s what Jay Douglas Edwards used to do. He’d walk out on the stage and do his talk. He says I’m now going to give you the most important thing I will ever teach you in the art of closing the sale. And of course, everybody’s hanging on every word. Whenever you ask that final closing question, and they’re all writing, back then we didn’t have computers, they’re all writing. Whenever you ask the final closing question, and he is quiet for just a few seconds, then he would scream to the top of his lungs, shut up, and everybody would go “Ad.” And of course, you never forgot it because it’s a critical point of making a sale, that all of us will develop our final closing question to get them to say yes, and put their name on hopefully an agreement or type it in, or to give you the check. But yeah, he changed my life in the art of selling. And of course, became not only my next-door neighbor, but the man that taught me the art of speaking, and teaching, and motivating, and so forth. So, amazing how things do happen like that.

Barry Shore:

Well, that’s one of the things I wanted to bring it out is because everybody in life Tom, and you know this, if you ask an audience, I do this regularly, you speak to groups, again before COVID and such. I asked everybody in this audience who wants to be mediocre, raise your hand. Now, I must tell me, Tom, every once in a while you get a crazy person, but nobody’s there to raise their hand to be mediocre.

Tom Hopkins:


Barry Shore:

And by the same token, I asked people how many people in this room know what the word paranoia means? Everybody knows. I said, how many people in this room know what pronoia is? I’m telling you, really out of 5000 people, I’ll say an average group, I’ll speak to 1000 or whatever, you get two or three people actually know what it is. But pronoia is basically what you just said Tom, when internally, mentally, spiritually, and physically, that everything is designed for your benefit to help you. This is what Tom Hopkins is here to share with the world. Everything in life is for you to grow, and to be of benefit to yourself because if you’re a benefit to yourself, you can be a benefit to others. That’s what really happened. That’s what Tom is all about. The word selling or sales is the process that we utilize to enable us to make other people aware that the world is here for your benefit. And when you offer your product and service, and again, it’s only done through passion, Tom is exactly correct on this, when it’s done to passion, you can’t fail as long as you follow certain rules. And the rules are, when you ask that closing question, you shut up.

Tom Hopkins:

And you know Barry, you said something earlier that I want to piggyback on. Today the handwritten thank you note is more powerful than ever before. And let me explain to the people when I was young, 12, 15, whatever, my mom and dad would go to dinner, and they’d come back after dinner, and I might get up your little potty room and my mom is sitting a little desk in the hall writing. I’d say, Mom, what are you doing? And she’d say, Tommy, we went out with a nice couple for dinner, and I’m just sending them a thank you note. And I watched her every time write these thank you notes. And I think, I can’t be sure Barry, but I think back in the days I was selling real estate, I was the first one to start writing these handwritten thank you notes. And I’m sharing this with the group because, with all the electronic transactions, there’s not a lot of personal stuff. But the thank you notes, and you guys that get my book, How To Master The Art Of Selling, all 10 of my thank you notes are in there, and you can just take them and copy them, but the handwritten thank you note, no one else is doing it. And I would suggest going getting some little cards at Hallmark, and you start sending these thank you notes to your folks. If you have an appointment, you talk with them on the phone, get their course, dress, and just write a note to them instead of the email, and you watch how much meaning it’ll have. I can’t tell you the number of listings on homes and the number of sales I made that people after…

I always said this. I’m curious, you talked to some other realtors, why did you choose me? And I can’t tell you the number of folks that says, Well, you know, Tom, it was so nice to get your thank you note, and thank us, and no one else did that. So, I just hope the folks that are watching this will say you know what I’m going to do what no one else is doing, I’m going to start handwriting the nice little thank you notes, and you will be thrilled with the results. So, that’s something I wanted to share. I’m glad I had that in my notes.

Barry Shore:

Tom Hopkins is sharing now… by the way, Tom SHARE is a great acronym that stands for spreading happiness and rejuvenating energy.

Tom Hopkins:

Oh, I love that. I’m making notes of that.

Barry Shore:

The genius of what Tom is sharing with us is that it’s the simple, practical, personal processes that make all the difference. Because as he mentioned in the beginning, human nature has not changed over millennia.

Tom Hopkins:

That’s right.

Barry Shore:

It doesn’t matter that you can send a communication around the world three times before you blink, it doesn’t matter, that’s just technology, it’s what one does with it human to human. And when you touch another human in a positive purpose or powerful pleasant way, then by definition you have gained that first process which is called connecting.

Tom Hopkins:


Barry Shore:

And if they get to know you, also okay, and like you, and then trust you, it’s not that you ever ask for a sale, it’s a natural result. In the fancy term is the natural concomitant of everything you do. Again, J Douglas Edwards, you’re creating that atmosphere that must result in what others call making the sale. We don’t do that, we call the natural result of being of service and benefit. And just listening to Tom, feeling your energy and knowing what he’s done for again, helping millions of people around the planet raise themselves up from mediocrity into what other people called genius. How did you do that? Well, I did it in the most simple way possible, and I know the 14 points of a swing of a golf club. That is not going to change.

Tom Hopkins:

And you know, Barry, what’s so funny too is if you had me in an elevator, and you said, Tom, I read your book, I saw your picture on the front, tell me what’s really the most important thing. And these words are so important… work harder on yourself, than you do on your sales job to become a person that other people like trust, and want to… now this is the key, want to listen to. See in a selling situation they have to listen to you, but when they all of a sudden want an education from you, they want knowledge from you, now you’ve moved from having to listen, to want to listen. So, gosh, I hear the words like and trust Barry, and I’m knocked out because I always work when I would meet a person for the first time… hey, forget selling anything, let’s get a relationship where you like me first, then let’s build some trust. And again, I don’t think I’d have the hundreds and hundreds of people purchase homes if they didn’t like me, trust me, and then move into wanting to hear my message, wanting the knowledge I had to share. So, I’m so glad you brought that up.

Barry Shore:

I also want to say one thing about Tom and Jay Douglas Edwards. Also, who taught me the art of asking for and gaining referrals? Because the ultimate expression of trust is when somebody gives referrals. [Unintelligible: 56:54] we don’t have the time right now. The ability to understand how to work with referrals means you never have to work again, it means other people are working with you and for you, because they like you. They want to help you because you’ve been benefiting them. If you go and make somebody $400,000, do you think they’re going to go in and say, gee, you shouldn’t do business with that guy?

Tom Hopkins:

And you know, Barry, if the folks watching us right now would just try this, when you first get a rapport built with a client, just say to them, our management, always blames management… the upper management of the company is always asked that in the beginning when I work with people if we do a really good job and you’re happy would I be able to ask you for some other folks I might serve. Now you’ve set them up for the referrals at the end of the sale by saying to them, upper management’s asked me to ask if we do a great job with you, could we ask her some other folks you might know? Now they’re prepared. So, be it an hour, be it a day, be it a week, be it a month when you close the sale, you say, do you remember when we first talked that upper management asks if I could ask you for some other folks we might serve? Well, it’s time for me to do that now. Can you think of some friends and relatives, maybe think of someone on your computer that might be able to work with me and might need a home or want to move or whatever your product is? Now that’s how you set that whole thing up. Do it in the beginning, blame upper management, then when you ask for, you’ll get two or three qualified referred leads? Try it, it works.

Barry Shore:

That’s the genius of Tom Hopkins. I have three questions for you, Tom, you ready?

Tom Hopkins:


Barry Shore:

First question. Will you come back again?

Tom Hopkins:

Oh, you bet. I love doing these. I can sit in my nice home, my wife’s right here, and my three dogs, so, I would love to.

Barry Shore:

Okay, number two, I’m going to give you… well, that will be number three. I’m going to ask you, you have 80 seconds only, 80 seconds, Tom, to answer this question. What is your most fervent desire?

Tom Hopkins:

Well, I think my most fervent desire today is to continue with the health, the abundance, the ability to still walk on a stage. I’m doing a huge tour in China, and I want to go there and have lots of energy on the stage. So, I would say my most fervent desire is to never let people down who invest their time, energy, or money to hear my training that they walk out excited, challenged, and wanting to do better in the service of their fellow man with benefits for the time they share. That would be my fervent desire.

Barry Shore:

And it will be manifested, sir. And now the third question, may I give you a hug in front of 361,800 people around the world? Are you ready?

Tom Hopkins:

Hug me, hug me.

Barry Shore:

Let me tell you what hug stands for. Hug stands for heartfelt, unlimited giving.

Tom Hopkins:

I’m writing, I’m writing.

Barry Shore:

Heartfelt unlimited giving. 1-2-3…

Tom Hopkins:

That was so good.

Barry Shore:

Thank you. You are listening to The Joy Of Living with your humble host Barry Shore, and you’ve tuned in consciously and conscientiously because you care the most in the entire world about you, y-o-u. And that’s great because when you’re the best you make the world a better place. And this show again is not about Tom Hopkins, the great guy that he is, it’s not about Barry Shore, a fantastic guy that he is, it’s about you. And when you follow the three fundamentals and the guidelines we outlined today, then you will be happier, healthier, and wealthier, we guarantee it or your money back. And the three fundamentals of course are number one, life… your life has purpose. Number two, you live a purpose-driven life, go mad, go make a difference. And number three, unlock the power in the secrets of everyday words in terms like www, what a wonderful world smile see miracles in life every day. Or as my eight-year-old niece says see miracles in everyday life, and create the kind of world you want to live in as Tom taught us, causing rethinking, enabling all to excel. Use four-letter words because we live in a world of positive, purposeful, powerful, and pleasant. Four letter words like love life, hope, sell, sale, grow, free, give, play, praise, swim, and tell the world FU, capital N capital N. Remember to add those two and when people ask you what are you talking about? I listened to Barry Shore the joy of living. And use the two most powerful words in the English language three times a day consciously and conscientiously, every single day. These two words are Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you wonderful Tom Hopkins. And to everybody here, Tom and I are giving you a blessing. The blessing is to go forth, live exuberantly, and spread the seeds of joy, happiness, peace, and love. Go make a difference.


Thank you for listening to this episode of the joy of living podcast. Now that’s another step towards your healthier, happier, and wealthier life. Never hesitate to do good in the world, no matter what the situation. Join us for another upbeat discussion next time at and be sure to leave a rating and subscribe to the show to get more conversations like this. And remember to share it with your family and friends too. See you on the next episode.

About Tom Hopkins

World-renowned as THE Builder of Sales Champions, Tom Hopkins’ practical, yet powerful selling strategies have made the careers of literally millions of sales professionals. Tom has been teaching via live and online events, recorded audios and videos, and through his books for over 40 years. Tom teaches simple strategies for selling and personal development you can put to use immediately. Why have millions built their careers on Tom’s training? Because they get the results they want—closed sales and happy clients!

[bctt tweet=”You never sell a home, You got people involved. And I think you get people involved in your offering, you just don’t sell them. ” username=”ambassador4joy”]