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Economic Challenges

Shaping Your World: Spike Cohen on Gratitude, Service, and Positivity

In this inspiring episode, Barry Shore sits down with Spike Cohen, entrepreneur and political activist, to discuss how shifting your perspective can empower you to create the life you want. Spike shares his personal journey, including how he chose gratitude and service over fighting his diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Together, they explore the power of rethinking and how embracing positivity, kindness, and intentionality can lead to personal and collective transformation. Spike emphasizes the importance of using positive language, especially four-letter words like love, life, hope, and pray, to shape your outlook on life. Barry and Spike urge listeners to practice gratitude daily and spread joy, peace, and love in everything they do.

Tune in to hear how a shift in mindset can not only change your personal path but also inspire others to make a difference in the world.

Show Notes:

[10.32] Call to Action: Humanize Bureaucratic Systems

  • Emphasize that real people are impacted by bureaucratic decisions, not just faceless entities.
  • Encourage the audience to take action by contacting specific officials using the provided contact information.
  • Highlight the power of reminding government officials of their shared humanity with those affected by their decisions.
  • Showcase a 90% success rate in getting officials to reverse harmful actions through respectful dialogue.
  • Stress the unique human respect that characterizes the American experiment and its governance system.
  • Illustrate the challenge of bureaucracy, noting its tendency to create barriers but also the ability to cut through them.
  • Promote the idea that each individual has the power to effect change, no matter the size of the system.
  • Reaffirm that peaceful, respectful actions are the most effective way to combat bureaucracy and demand human respect.
  • Inspire listeners to see themselves as part of a larger movement for change, capable of making an impact locally and globally.

[23.02] The Power of Perspective Shift

  • Reflecting on the sheer improbability of our existence, it’s clear that we’ve won countless lotteries simply by being alive.
  • Our time here is fleeting, and worrying about trivial matters often distracts us from what truly matters.
  • This realization led me to reexamine my health, losing close to 100 pounds and putting my multiple sclerosis into remission for seven years and counting.
  • More than just focusing on physical health, I began to change how I viewed life and what I wanted to do with my time.
  • I retired from my previous work and took a year off to mentally reset, allowing myself to refocus on serving others.
  • Now in a position where I can financially afford to serve, I am dedicating my efforts to meaningful causes, such as the “You Are The Power” movement.
  • It’s essential not only to absorb life-changing information but also to shift perspectives and take action based on that newfound understanding.
  • Ultimately, the greatest key to life is service—using our fleeting time to express gratitude by helping ourselves and others.

[35.51] The Power of Gratitude in Shifting Perspective

  • The speaker shares how, during difficult times in the hospital, they were encouraged to write down three unique things they were grateful for each day.
  • This practice required finding specific aspects of the day, like the pleasant smell of tea, even when it felt hard to identify positives.
  • Actively looking for things to be grateful for shifted their mindset, helping them focus on the good in life.
  • Human evolution has conditioned us to look for problems as a survival mechanism, but in modern life, this tendency often leads to unnecessary negativity.
  • Shifting perspective towards gratitude helps us step away from survival mode and embrace a more positive outlook.
  • The speaker emphasizes that becoming a “good-looking” person means always seeking and finding the good in life.
  • Once the perspective shifts from looking for threats to appreciating goodness, it transforms both mental and physical well-being.
  • The practice of gratitude fosters mental clarity and overall health, reducing stress and negativity.

[46.02] Creating Things to Be Grateful For

  • The speaker reveals that after a period of health issues, despite medical treatment, they continued feeling worse because they focused on negative thoughts.
  • They decided to actively create experiences for which they were grateful, expanding beyond passive gratitude.
  • Activities such as working out, spending time outside, and going on date nights with their spouse became intentional ways to generate positivity.
  • This approach marked a transition from just finding gratitude to consciously creating moments of joy and appreciation.
  • There are three phases of gratitude: 1) finding something to be grateful for, 2) actively looking for gratitude, and 3) creating moments to be thankful for.
  • The speaker highlights the transformational power of this final phase, where gratitude becomes a proactive practice.
  • By creating moments to appreciate, they found that it reshaped their entire mindset and emotional state.
  • The shift to proactive gratitude led to a sense of control and empowerment over their well-being.

[51.41] Create the Kind of World You Want to Live In

  • Choose your destiny by shifting your perspective and internalizing key principles.
  • Embrace the six most important words: “Choice, not chance, determines destiny.”
  • Learn from the power of gratitude and service, transforming challenges like illness.
  • Use positive “four-letter words” such as love, life, hope, play, pray, and gift.
  • Spread positivity by telling the world to “F U” (capital N, capital N) in a playful way.
  • Watch lessons repeatedly, take notes, and share with others to amplify learning.
  • Use the powerful phrase “Thank you” three times daily to cultivate kindness.
  • Live exuberantly, spreading joy, happiness, peace, and love in everything you do.

Insider Tips:

A record number of Americans are projected to hit the roads this year, especially with the Labor Day holiday coming up. With over 65 million US households having at least one beloved canine member in their family, there’s a good chance you may want to include your doggo’s needs in your planning.  While there’s a plethora of safety information on traveling with children, there’s not much on traveling with fur babies, which has its own unique set of challenges, minus the “are we there yet?” questions.  On Friday, August 23rd Executive Editor for Autotrader Brian Moody will share prep tips for getting your four-legged friend(s) ready for the long drive and car safety tips worth wagging about. Plus, he can discuss the whole kit and ca-poodle on must-have accessories and pet-friendly vehicles.


  • Can you share some dos and don’ts of traveling with dogs?
  • What are the best cars for dogs of every size?
  • What are some must have travel accessories for dog parents?
  • Where can listeners go for more information? 

About Spike Cohen

Spike Cohen is a successful business owner, Libertarian activist, and media figure. He is the Founder and President of You Are The Power, a nonprofit focused on using solutions-oriented activism to grow the Liberty movement. Spike started a web design company as a teenager in 1998. In 2017, he retired from web design to focus on effective political messaging, entertainment, and activism. This culminated with him becoming Libertarian candidate for Vice President in 2020, where he traveled across the nation by plane and bus, meeting countless Americans and sharing the message of Liberty with them. Spike is a tireless advocate for freedom with a commitment to help grow the movement at the grassroots level, training candidates and activists in positive and principled messaging to explain libertarian ideas to everyday Americans, and working with elected officials to implement common-sense reforms to improve people’s lives. Since the 2020 election, Spike has become a regular guest on cable news networks, nationally syndicated radio, international media outlets, and podcasts across the globe.