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Sharing Your Wisdom with the World
The world now revolves around social media, and the businesses that succeed and win are those who have figured it out. Imagine being one of the world’s best coaches and META Data expert, who is going to show you how to communicate your knowledge with the rest of the world? How can you utilize social media to promote your business? Today, we have a chance for you to alter your life. Bilyana is not only a Meta Data expert, but she’s also a spiritual person who mixes ancient knowledge with contemporary science to achieve amazing things in your life.Are you ready to take your company and personal life to the next level? You’ll also get a chance to hear from Barry Shore about his years of expertise. Bilyana will also show you how to apply for TEDx on the last note. She herself has aided hundreds of individuals in attending Tedx events so that they may share their knowledge with the rest of the world. Are you ready to make a change in your life?
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Show Notes:
[7:00] TEDx Talk
- WHY: Winners help wisely
- How TEDx started?
- TED: Technology Entertaining Design
- TEDx is No.1 platform to share your wisdom with the world, it’s a legacy.
- Life without social media
- Living on vibrating energy: LOVE
[15.20] How to apply to TED and TEDx
- Modern seventeen formats – TED is one of them
- TED happens once every year
- If you want to be invited to TED or TEDx then you need to know the right formats
- If you apply to wrong formats, then you’ll be rejected
[18.15] TEDx
- TEDx started because headquarters from TED wanted to be much closer to local communities
- We call it X as multipower
- TEDx started as independent which follows the same rule as TED
- Be careful to the formats of TED and TEDx
[20.20] We created a short video, so you don’t have to figure out yourself about the different formats and how to apply in TED and TEDx. Go to to learn more
[22.14] Why do you think: TED and TEDx will lose its power?
- I believe it is going to happen.
- The reason is that TED is a non-profit-organization
- Currently, they pay very little attention to social media
- META Data
- The biggest life event happened for TED when they sign a contract with Netflix in 2012
- Right now, after ten years, if we don’t add this digital language
- Basically, you put a lot of talks and wisdom in a bucket
- But that bucket doesn’t recognize what’s it about?
[37.37] What’s going into corporate world?
- I was those first people who got covid
- I had near death experience
- I ask myself what is next? What’s my life purpose?
- I love my clients!
- I shifted from digital nerd to TEDx coach
- My way of changing world was through those people who joined TEDx to share their wisdom with the world.
- Now I’m selling my TEDx coaching business
- I’m shifting my attention to helping the world in different way.
- I love corporate world
[42.00] Internal Voice
- It’s beautiful to do what the internal voice says.
- I really see it as an amazing time to live now
- Everyone who is really following that internal voice and decide to stay with it
- That’s going to create that magic in life
- You’ll see the miracles all the time
- Just keep that joy and love internally
- Make that love to drive you
[44.22] Passion VS Internal Voice
- Internal voice is much deeper and more personal than passion
- Learning patience is a wonderful thing
- Change is good
- Change is to be embarrassed
[46.00] What’s next?
- I’m wrapping up my TEDx coaching business
- I want to keep helping people in a different way
Important Links:
About Bilyana Georgieva
Bilyana is a TEDx Coach, Digital and Social Media Nerd, Multi Award-Winning Speaker, and a LinkedIn influencer.
Her passion is to help business owners, executives, speakers, and everyone who Dare to Speak Up, to design and deliver a powerful TEDx Talk, then use social media hacks to help their TEDx video have a chance to go viral.
In the past 11 months she drove 3+ million people towards the TEDx talks of her mentees. All her clients are in the top 25% of most watched TEDx Speakers around the world.
Bilyana is a former Digital Transformation Director who lost all my clients during the first lock down in 2020. She took it as a blank canvas opportunity and decided to become a TEDx coach as that was her way to help individuals change the world to be a better place. Today, she is on her way to shift again, this time towards a bigger life goal, helping the world to stop using dysfunctional systems and move towards light and love.
[bctt tweet=”TEDx started because headquarters from TED wanted to be much closer to local communities” username=”ambassador4joy”]
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