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The Beautiful Business With Steven Morris

The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is honored to introduce his friend and brand/culture advisor Steven Morris. For more than 25 years Steve has helped Business Leaders and Global Companies maximize their unique belief systems to create organizational integrity and powerful positive purposeful Brands. You’ll enjoy listening as Barry and Steve discuss working with Amazon, the NFL, MLB, Sony, Disney and more. The Key here is to Build Trust that Attracts Customers. This is an episode to Listen to again and SHARE with at least 5 others.

Show Notes:

  • 00:45 – Barry’s rousing introduction
  • 14:17 – Steven Morris on Business Owners on maximizing their unique belief systems to create organizational integrity and powerful positive purposeful Brands
  • 24:40 – What Morris thinks about selling?
  • 41:55 – For how you use that word truth because, in the world of poetry, which is truly the world of the inner beauty and the soul, truth and beauty are united, are they not?
  • 52:21- Barry’s Interesting Wrap-up

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Barry Shore:

I cannot think of anybody I’d like to share more than inspires noble deeds than the amazing, wonderful, fabulous Steve Morris. Steve, say hello to 352,826 people around the world.

Steve Morris:

Hello, hello, hello, everyone. And Barry, thank you so much for your joy, light, the wisdom that you shine upon the world. It is such an honor to be here. It is actually a joy to be here. Thank you so much, Barry.

Barry Shore:

And the people on the show, Steve, know that joy is an amazing acronym that stands for journey of you. That’s what joy stands for, Journey Of You. And Steve has an amazing journey. If I started telling you all the things about Steve Morris will take up the rest of the show. So just suffice it to say that he’s a business guru, which means that he not only knows how to build businesses, he actually enables others to use his wisdom to grow business. And we’re not talking about small business, we’re talking about people working in the NFL, MLB, Disney, I mean, we’re dropping names. Do you know why? Because it matters because Steve Morris is here with his new book, which is really shaking up the world because of the dynamic inspiration that he’s sharing. Now, I want to share two things before we ask you to start speaking about this idea, Steve. But I want to make sure that everybody understands, I mentioned this before in the world because people know that I love business and thank God have been very successful in such things. Business is an amazing word and an amazing idea. It’s actually a verb. Because business is the proving ground for everything you believe in. You believe in values, you believe in honesty, you believe in service, business is where the rubber meets the road. Because if you think you’d cut corners and make money, and stuff like that it never works out in the end. And business is an amazing word because you notice that the U in business comes before the I. When the U comes before for the I then you can do what Steve Morris does, which is to build a business. So let’s just jump right in and talk about, first of all, the title of your book because “It’s A Beautiful Business”, the title of your book, and let’s start working with some actionable, practical tips and tools that people can literally use almost immediately. So, Steve, the world is yours.

Steve Morris:

I love it. Well, so “The Beautiful Business,” the subtitle of the book is an actionable manifesto to create an unendurable business with love at the core. You and I Barry talk about love all day long in what we do. I believe that love at the core of the business is an act of service. And when an organization applies that service for the good of the people, everyone involved in the organization then that particular entity, that business entity cannot be more profitable. But it can actually serve people in a greater way. So what do I mean by service? So any business that goes into the world of this and says, we’re going to hang a shingle, I’m going to pop out into the world, and I’m going to create something of value, then all of a sudden, they’re serving people. All business is for and by other human beings. And so leaders, I believe, have a responsibility and an opportunity to imply their human artistry into the attributes of how they approach not just how they live, but how they serve and how they shape a business. So an actionable manifesto, when we think about this word manifesto, the problem that I have with some definitions is it stops short of manifesting, bringing into reality the realization of the business, which is an act of service. So we think about, why do people buy from this company versus that company. It’s all about value creation. And when an organization steps up creates a product or service that has value for the people involved in the business customers, stakeholders, investors, community members, partners, and certainly employees, when they create value, they’re making the world a better place. And I’m not talking about just selling and marketing and things like that. I’m actually talking about improving the lives of people around them. When we can do that we create real value. When we can do that consistently and play the long game of business, we’ll stay in business, we’ll be more profitable, we’ll create more joy in the business, we’ll create more love in the business, and will actualize our own realization, our own drivers, our own driving purpose for why we do what we do apply into the world of work.

Barry Shore:

So let’s unpack some of what you said because you just have spurred people on. I can hear and feel people leaning into their computer or phone, and saying wow this is amazing. [Inaudible: 14:33] wow stands for words of wisdom, which you just heard. And I want to go to something you just said because it triggered for me something I didn’t realize, and I thank you, Steve. Manifesto. So for good or ill when I hear a manifesto I think of revolution, marks, and things like that but let’s call it marks, MARKS, making a mark in the world. And I love what you did. You turned a manifesto, which is a noun into a verb. It was manifesting that which you want. Why would anybody, as you said, hang out a shingle as it were? In other words, say to the world, I am here, and I am bringing forth my very best because I’m here to be happier, healthier, and wealthier. And by me contributing the best of me, I will do that for the world. I’ll make the world a better place, I’ll make myself happier, healthier, and wealthier. It’s funny because in business, and I think let’s talk about this a little bit, people think of business, especially if you own one, run one, etc., etc., or you’re working on a startup business, there’s a lot of tension and stress. I mean, stress is on everybody’s mind these days because of COVID. But stress will always be here. When COVID goes away stress is the most searched for term on the internet outside of COVID, and vaccine. But really, when you do business well you become healthier and wealthier. Because health stands for helping everyone achieve life through happiness. The genius of real good business, as you have proven Steve, Steve has done this on numerous occasions for some of the biggest names in the world. He actually enables people to become healthier in what they do because the stress is reduced. He replaced the stress with a pathway to success. So let’s just talk about some fundamental items that you have helped with. Again, places like Sony, Disney, Habitat for Humanity, which you think wow, they don’t need you because they already know how to do everything right. Well, maybe you can tell us what you can contribute so that when you said human artistry. What a wonderful way of discussing and describing business. Human artistry. That is so beautiful, Steve. More, please more.

Steve Morris:

Can we talk about that just for a moment? The reason I think that human artistry is really important is because the human condition is primarily an act of imagination. So we look at the world around us, like you talked about in your intro, the worldwide web. This thing that we call the Internet. Well, where did that come from? It was invented by someone’s fantasy of an idea years and years and years ago. And then all of a sudden, after this envisioning process came into fruition, they manifested, hence the manifesto, they manifested with a lot of collaboration and all the people that invented the internet, they manifested this thing that didn’t exist before, and now we live it as if it’s part of our daily lives because it is. And so business leaders in the sense of human artistry is an act of imagination. So that which we can dream, we can envision, we can begin to realize. And now all of a sudden, when we begin to activate those things, we say, okay, I have an idea for something, I want to put it down on paper, I want to embody a group of people around me, and we’re going to birth this thing into being. So I work in the world of brands, I work in the world of culture, and I work in the world of business strategy. I believe that the integration between those three things comes together in this act of imagination. So let’s get a little bit practical with this. What is a brand? Brand, in my opinion, is the character attributes of the business that comes from the beliefs and actions aligned in integrity. So you have a character Barry, I have a character, and it is because we show up with our belief system, we live them consistently day in and day out, and then we create consistent relationships. Trust is the currency that all businesses trade-in. It’s the emotional currency that businesses trade-in. While we buy and sell in dollars and cents and things of that nature we align with businesses, and individuals within those businesses that we trust. And that trust comes from character. So brand is character, character is brand. Second thing, what is marketing? Marketing is nothing more than telling your value story to a set of somebodies out there that matters to them. So again, we go back to what we talked about earlier, what is business all about? It’s about value creation. It’s about the alignment of individuals who have an idea that wants to birth something out to the world and improve the lives of people around them. Marketing is nothing more than telling stories of here’s how I can help and serve you. And so when I think about selling, I replace the word selling because a lot of people have a problem with the word selling in the business world, which I get because often it’s taped upon with the perspective that oh, I’m going to try and push a product down your throat that you don’t actually want or need. No, selling should be replaced in your mind with either helping or serving. So the question then is not who I can sell to? The question turns into, who can I serve? Who can I help? How can I help? How can I serve? And when you begin to replace that particular mindset, with the old version of selling, all of a sudden, you’re in an act of beautiful contribution to the world to make the world a better place. So that’s what I mean by building beautiful businesses.

Barry Shore:

So let’s again, unpack this remarkable flow. By the way, the genius of what Steve is sharing with us is that he is a flower. Some people call it a flower. I call him a flower because it’s coming from through and to you. And I want to make mention of something you said, Steve because words do matter. When you say the word brand, you say the word culture, say the word value, say the word integrity, say the word trust, okay these can flow of your tongue just as easily as and we’ll make a distinction here, the fast-talking salesperson. But what you just told us is, I’m going to interpret it this way. We want to replace the word selling and just change the S to a T. Because when you start telling the story of what you’re doing then selling naturally occurs because people will say, well I want that. If you tell the story, and it’s a story about joy, happiness, peace, and love, which is the brand of Sony, the brand of NFL, it’s excitement, it’s sports, MLB, Disney. I mean, Disney, what an amazing story that they’re telling. And that’s really what selling is. If selling becomes telling then the trust is built-in. And I want to make mention of something that you said, I also want to share this because I think our mutual respect and love of somebody named Zig Ziglar. Zig Ziglar is sort of a bigger-than-life person in person. And he taught me this decades ago. Yes, I’m that advanced in age, decades ago, that we live in one of the greatest nations in the history of the world, the United States of America but we have a worldwide audience. And everybody longs to be like America, in the sense of you can do things here. But he said the greatest state or the greatest place to live is not the nation you live in it’s imagi nation. That’s the greatest nation in the world. Because when you understand that what you said, Steve, if you can conceive it, and believe it, you can achieve it. And that is, of course, the tip of the hat to Napoleon Hill and Think and Grow Rich. So the ability to engender some people that would begin to know you, like you, and then trust. As you said, trust is the ultimate currency. People talk today about cryptocurrency. Interestingly enough to me, crypto sounds a little bit like selling almost. I wish there was a better term for it instead of crypto, it’s literally like, oh my gosh, it’s a secret. But the real currency in life, and it can be denominated dollars and cents, Bitcoin, anything you want to call it, the real currency of life, as you’re talking about is trust. So let’s go a little bit deeper and talk about the idea of what it means, another four-letter word, life, another four-letter word, gift, and another four-letter word, free. Because when you free yourself from the bonds of thinking I got to go out there, make money, hustle and [inaudible: 23:39], and you appreciate business as a precious gift, what happens?

Steve Morris:

When you come at that, and you begin to answer the question of… Mary Oliver states in her poem, I think it’s called The Summer’s Day it ends with the question, what is it you intend to do with this one wild and precious life? And when you take up your arms, and you begin to wake up every morning and answer that question, which we all have the opportunity. So long as we’re waking up every morning, we have the opportunity to ask that question, and then answer that question and live into the answer of that question. When you take that precious opportunity you understand both the beauty of life, the power of life, and the power that your actions can actually change the world around you. When you take that into the world of business the mantra that I have in why I do what I do is that there’s nothing more powerful than a united group of souls ignited in a common cause with love at the core. So we think about this throughout humanity, and we think about this even in the biggest Disney business or MLB, Sony, the smallest business if you’re a solopreneur you’re still aligning with a group of people. You’re igniting your cause, and ideally, that cause has a core purpose to it just like your life is, and your life does. Ideally, you have a purpose in your life, and you have a purpose in your business, and those two things are interwoven together, especially if you’re a business leader, and you’re showing up every day to improve people’s lives. So when you ignite and unite around that purpose you begin to serve humanity in much greater ways. So the call to answer Mary Oliver’s question is, what is it that you will do with this one wild and precious life, every business leader, everyone who works for business has an opportunity to show up and through their actions change the world for a better place. And love at the core is, if we don’t do it without love then we’re just kind of going through the motions. We’re not really doing it with a sense of passion and purpose, which actually is the things that make life worth living, make the world a better place is, frankly, what we need at this point. We see a lot of illnesses in our society. And you talked about this earlier, Barry, I actually don’t think that there’s any such life that isn’t going to in some way create obstacles, challenges, or break your heart in some way. It’s part of the human condition. But how you respond to those situations with a sense of love, a sense of purpose, a sense of passion that’s what defines the most beautiful humans on this planet. And it’s those people we hold in the highest regard, whether they’re in the world of business or not. These people that you talked about Napoleon Hill, for example, overcoming significant obstacles in their life to now all of a sudden share the beauty of what their life learned lessons are, and the wisdom of their own humanity with other people. And our light inspires other people to shine their light too. A lot of people go through the world talking about oh if I shine my light too brightly am I going to dim the people around me? No, you’re actually inspiring other people around you to shine their light. And Barry, this is what you do so great. This is a part of your beautiful gift.

Barry Shore:

Let’s unpack some of this. This is flowing all around. I’m in the pool. I’m swimming, basking in the light of Steven Morris, and people all over the world are listening right now. Steve, we have people visiting from, I call it still Communist China because things are happening more and more there. And they need this revelation from India, Indonesia, Philippines, throughout Africa, Europe, the United States, of course, Latin America, all over the world people mostly under the age of 38 are leaning in and saying wait a minute, you mean that life is not drudgery? And Steven is saying, that’s right. If you wake up in the morning and up stands for unlimited potential, and you feel that you have a gift you can go out and write many POs. Now people think of a PO as a purchase order. But Steve just told us that PO stands for precious opportunity. I just made it up by the way. When your mind is oriented towards recognizing that your life makes a difference, remember to go mad, that you have a precious opportunity to shine forth your very being you cannot do anything but good in the world. So you want to become a cog. People think a cog is just a small something in a huge machine. Well, yes. But you got to understand without that cog the machine doesn’t work. Because cog stands for channel of goodness, child of God. When you recognize who you are then your ability to contribute becomes exponential. As you mentioned, I love this idea of this united souls, which is what US stands for, by the way. US stands for united souls. And whether your team is your mompreneur and you think that you’re alone you’re never alone because alone stands for all one, you have some sort of team. And when you understand that team stands for together everyone achieves miracles not just more, miracles, then you begin to open up and align yourself, and things that other people call magic begins to happen. And that’s really what Steve Morris brings to the world. Now put on your seatbelt Get ready because we got more and more of us coming back right after these brief messages from people who just love being involved with the joy of living right back with more Steve Morris don’t go away. 

Barry Shore:

Good day beautiful, bountiful, beloved and mortal beings and good looking people [inaudible: 32:49] good looking because you’re always looking for and finding the good. We have good in abundance our cup runneth over with good. And the being, two-legged being named Steven Morris, and his beautiful new book “The Beautiful Business.” Love is at the core of success. We’ve been discussing love, united souls, imagination, and remarkably powerful, purposeful, pleasant, actionable items in life. So remember, you want to share this at least five people. Just go to my website All the information about Steve, and his books, and all the things that he’s done are right there. Share this with five people. We have over a million and a half people around the world leaning in and understanding some of what Steve is talking about because he makes a difference. He’s a madman. Mad stands for make a difference. So let’s just dive right back in Steve, we talked about business leaders. Now, I always have termed a leader, I’ll use the same letters, as a dealer in hope. That’s what a real leader is. A dealer in hope. Hope stands for helping others progress every day. Because when you are the tip of the spear, the head of the organization, it’s incumbent upon you to understand that people watch what you do, what you say, and how you behave. So if love is at the core of your very being, and love stands for living on vibrant energy. If love is at the core of your being it will translate into the business as well. So let’s talk about business leaders and entrepreneurs that they have a choice. Remember, we talked before at the beginning of the show about the six most important words anybody could ever utilize, and leverage in their life are these words choice, not chance determines your destiny. So talk to us about choice in the game of business.

Steve Morris:

There are at least two ways a leader can play the game of business. So one version of that is what I call the short game. That’s the beat the competition, create the short term wins, the win at all cost, and they use language like the military uses language. We’re going to crush them, we’re going to search and destroy, and we’re going to out position them, outmaneuver them. It’s all about aggression and conquering. Or a leader can play the long game of business, which is actually the love game of business. So here the leader invests in the people around them. And by a leader, I mean, the way I define it is not very different than you, Barry is that the job of the leader is to, first and foremost inspire the people around them and to remove obstacles so that they can perform at their best. And when they’re at their best their full humanity shows up in their work. So the long game of business is based upon the first tenet of beautiful businesses, which is what I call evolved leadership. Evolved leadership are individuals who understand their motivations and drivers, have a clear sense of their purpose, know how they’re going to show up in the world, and know how they affect the people around them. So what these leaders do is inspire action and driving and moving in the direction of pursuing the purpose for the organization, and ideally, the purpose of the individuals. The second tenant of the beautiful business is this attribute that I call belonging. Belonging is the extent to which the company bonds with the right people around the organization both internally and externally. This could be belonging with customers, employees, investors, partners, all of that. Then the third tenet of the beautiful business is this concept of magnetism, where businesses no longer chase customers but attract them. We all know the proverb of the flame and the moth. A lot of businesses who play the short game of the moth and they’re all out there chasing customers all day long just want more, more, more. Beautiful business is a flame and it attracts through magnetic beacons the right people inside the business. And then the fourth attribute, the fourth tenant of a beautiful business is what I call integrity. And this is the alignment of our actions and beliefs together. And we all know that we trust people and we trust organizations with integrity. And remember, trust is the social currency that all businesses trade-in. And without trust, you cannot gain new customers. And you won’t keep employees, by the way, which is part of the great resignation right now. People are quitting because they want a sense of freedom to work in a place that actually enlivens them, and they have a sense of wholeness in their lives. And I believe a beautiful business is a whole business, a business that has integrity, a business that has belonging, a business that has magnetism. And it all begins with this concept of evolved leadership.

Barry Shore:

Four fundamental pillars that you can build an empire on. And empires have been built, by the way on these four pillars. Again, just to recap, evolved leadership, purpose, a sense of belonging, creating magnetism, and the integrity alignment. I would like to unpack some of these things. The first one evolve leadership. So I’ve been using this for a while, Steven, I think you might like this. The CEO, in my humble opinion, is the chief example officer. 

Steve Morris:

Yeah, I love that. 

Barry Shore:

That’s really what a CEO is. The CEO must be conversant obviously, in the business, in the value system, and what drives the business. But primarily, it’s being the chief example officer. So it doesn’t matter male, female, whatever it is, you are the example. People watch what you do, what you say, and how you respond in any given situation, not react. So it’s really important to understand that you want to be an example. And by the way, it doesn’t matter if you’re the coldest CEO, or you’re the person who is sweeping the floors, your example makes a difference. Because it’s your human integrity on who you are that makes a difference in the world. Which leads us to the second part about belonging. It is absolutely vital to make sure that there is an integration in the business that truly involves all players. And again, whether it’s the person who’s emptying the trash or the person who is making the billion-dollar decision in the C suite or with a team and such, really, it’s about a sense of belonging. How will my decisions affect all the stakeholders, as you said? And I want to go specifically to what you said about magnetism because it is truly that which in my humble opinion, separates businesses who are hustling from businesses who are attracting. See we have a law in the world. When people hear the word law, by the way, they sometimes freeze because they think oh my gosh, there’s a police person right behind me with their light flashing, and pull me over, give me a ticket, ah. Are they going to take me to jail? All kinds of things. But it’d be really like we talked about selling and replacing the S with a T it becomes telling. Law stands for love and wisdom. So when you live in the law of attraction business wants to come to you because you’re a magnet. What Steve is talking about here is not some gee, lofty ideas pie in the sky. Hello, he runs businesses, he helps businesses, he increases the bottom line, triple bottom line, as we say. It’s the amount of money, the amount of engagement, it’s the belonging of an organization. I thank God had been involved with a number of them who have gone from literally two and three-person offices to, in one case, 29,600 employees around the world, and is now public and multi-billion dollar company based on the information, the transformative information that Steve is sharing. And that final one, that’s not the final, it’s that brick that makes everything work. Maybe the cornerstone, the integrity. The Integrity begins with the letter I. So as long as your I is really rooted in these ideas that should Steve is sharing with us, see his book, “The Beautiful Business” is exactly that. Business is beautiful. It is fun. When you get up in the morning, and you say, wow, I get to serve. Do you hear that? That is what Steve Morris is all about. The time is going by so fast but I would just like to give people if you’d be so kind, Steve, you mentioned the precious opportunity and such. Let’s dig in a little bit deeper, and talk about what it is that you would present to let’s say a Sony on one end, Habitat for Humanity on the other end because they’re sort of on the spectrum. In the middle, we’ll call it NFL. It’s short. Is it the same message all the time or does it adjust for the particular organization?

Steve Morris:

I think it’s the same and it adjusts. Let’s bring in the word beauty for instance. So what do we mean by beauty? And when I talk about unignorable, this attribute, we human beings have no defenses for real and true beauty. And by the way, part of the book is a reclamation of reclaiming the word beauty. The actual definition of the word beauty from the fashion and cosmetics industry, which would lead us to believe that it’s all about the way something looks. When I’m talking about human beings and the unignorable attribute, and our affection for beauty is the full spectrum of beauty. Our sense of awe and wonder it’s an experiential beauty. So what that might mean to Disney is very different than what that might mean to say, Harley Davidson. Harley Davidson is a beautiful company to the people who want to buy their products, who sign up and raise their hand, and say I belong to that particular brand. So the unignorable attribute has to do with this connection, the sense of magnetism in the world of business. Again, the cool thing about beauty is that it’s subjective by nature. What you think, or I think is beautiful, maybe it’s a little bit different. But there are some unignorable attributes that have to do with beauty. The face of your newborn child, all that you feel at a sunset. Now, these emotional elements engage our senses and enliven us and make us feel much more alive. That’s what I’m talking about with beauty. So what do I take inside a business? First and foremost, they get to define their own version of beauty, based upon the purpose, why they’re in business beyond just making money beyond just making a profit. Their vision, which is how they intend to make the world a better place. So the vision of I see this world looking like this or the world my customers being improved in this way, shape, or form. Again, this is going to be very different with Sony or Habitat for Humanity or an NFL team, or for even the startup run by a mom and pop shop that’s here on the corner where you buy the goods and things like that, that you’re going to bring home for Thanksgiving. Those are just as beautiful as these big companies. You don’t have to be a billion-dollar company with thousands of employees to be a beautiful business. So first and foremost, it’s about purpose, it’s about vision, and then instigating the core values which drive the business forward, which creates alignment between those belief systems and their behaviors that create integrity and build trust. So I help organizations identify the heart and soul of those belief systems, activate that heart and soul first on the leadership team next into the culture, and then only after that’s done to the outside world. Most people think about branding from the outside world perspective is that it’s a facade, it’s the way something looks. No, a brand has heart and soul baked into it. It has these belief systems and creates integrity. So when I go into organizations, I help them identify the heart and soul of their business through their purpose, their core values, vision, and even the promises that they’re making to each other, to the other employees, and the promises that you’re making to the world, which goes into sales and marketing and things of that nature. So I want them to have that belief system and become unignorable based upon the beacon and the magnetism that they’re creating. And it’s up to them how they do that. And I’m the shepherd, I’m the midwife, and I’m the cajoler of finding the truth at the heart and soul of that business. And I love doing it. It’s a passion play for me.

Barry Shore:

[Crosstalk: 46:02] for how you use that word truth because, in the world of poetry, which is truly the world of the inner beauty and the soul, truth and beauty are united, are they not? 

Steve Morris:

They are, absolutely.

Barry Shore:

As you said, so eloquently, beauty in the fashion and cosmetic world is just that. Cosmetic and fashion. Fashion changes. Cosmetic, generally speaking, is exterior. The genius of beauty is, as you said, is experiential, which means an inner emotion that is elicited specifically by the business because it identified its core value. So like you’re saying, [sound of a bike: 46:46], Harley Davidson is a different kind of experience maybe than Habitat for Humanity [crosstalk: 46:56] volunteers to go together and build a house for somebody. But by the same token, they’re both involved with truth and beauty. And as you said, so wonderfully, Steve, truth is truly that social currency, which will never change. It’s the human condition. It’s been there for thousands of years, as long as human beings exist on this planet truth and beauty will be the greatest drivers of everything. It may be denominated in different kinds of other external currencies but with truth and beauty, there will always be the need for Steve Morrison and the beautiful business that he’s written. And thank you for being with us today and sharing these wondrous positive, purposeful, powerful, pleasant insights into life. And share by the way is a great word acronym. It stands for spreading happiness and rejuvenating energy, which is what you do. So I’m going to ask you three quick questions, Steve. Are you ready?

Steve Morris:

Bring it.

Barry Shore:

Number one, will you come back again?

Steve Morris:

I would love to, anytime. Invite me in.

Barry Shore:

Thank you. 

Steve Morris:


Barry Shore:

Number two. You have 80 seconds to answer this question, sir. 80 seconds. That’s all. What is your most fervent desire?

Steve Morris:

My most fervent desire is to create and reshape the world of business so that it becomes a much more beautiful entity. So the people don’t see work as a bad four-letter word but as a way to apply their own individual passions, purpose, and genius. And that’s for business leaders or the people that work for those organizations that can contribute to the beauty that they create in the world. That’s my purpose. That’s my passion.

Barry Shore:

He wants to make work a beautiful, truthful four-letter word. By the way, Steve, when was the last time somebody said FU to you and you laughed? FU capital N, capital N. Okay, the third question is, are you ready, sir, for a hug in front of now 358,722 people around the world? Let me tell you what hugs stands for, are you ready?

Steve Morris:


Barry Shore:

Heartfelt, unlimited giving. So on the count of 3. 1-2-3…. roar.

Steve Morris:

Yes, yes, yes. 

Barry Shore:

And of course, you’re tuned in consciously and conscientiously to the Joy of Living with your humble host, Barry Shore, and our amazing guest Steve Morris. I want to emphasize to you again, this show has nothing to do at all with Barry Shore, nothing to do with Steve Morris. It has everything to do with you. Y O U. You becoming the best you possible. That’s why Steve is here to share with us these practical tips and tools and reformatting, reshaping your world so you can live in truth and beauty and bring forth beautiful business into your life, and the lives of everyone around you. Because when you do this, you will be happier, healthier, and wealthier. Who doesn’t want that? Now, of course, that’s why you’ve tuned in because we work with the three fundamentals of life. Some of them that we talked about today, Steve mentioned. Number one, life has purpose. When you lead a purpose-driven life number two happens, you go mad. Mad stands for make a difference. That’s what happens when you build a beautiful business. And number three, unlock the power and the sequence of everyday words and terms like he talked about but www what a wonderful world, smile, seeing miracles in life every day was my eight-year-old niece says see miracles in everyday life. Create the kind of world you want to live in causing, rethinking, as he’s taught us, enabling all to excel. Use four-letter words like love, life, hope, grow, free, gift, pray, play, work, hard, tell, swim. Four letter words and tell the world FU. Remember to add right away capital N, Capital N. They say where’d you get that? Listening to Barry Shore Newberry, The Joy of Living, he wants to teach the world to FU capital N, capital N. It creates conversation. If you create a conversation say, what did you learn today on the Joy of Living? Well, Steve Morris talked about truth and beauty in business. Remember business is, the U comes before the I. I urge everybody to use the two most powerful words in the English language three times a day consciously and conscientiously you will change your whole being, that of your family, your friends, and all living beings. And these two words are, of course, thank you, thank you, thank you to harmonize and network kindness. Keep inspiring noble deeds as Steve does with everything that he does. That’s what you do when you wake up in the morning. Up, unlimited potential. Make a PO every day. You can make a PO every day, precious opportunity. So our blessing to everybody is go forth, live exuberantly, and spread the seeds of joy, happiness, peace, and love. Go mad. Go make a difference.


Thank you for listening to this episode of The Joy of Living podcast. Now that’s another step towards your healthier, happier, and wealthier life. Never hesitate to do good in the world no matter what the situation. Join us for another upbeat discussion next time at And be sure to leave a rating and subscribe to the show to get more conversations like this. And remember to share it with your family and friends too. See you on the next episode.

About Steven Morris

Steven Morris is brand and culture advisor, author, and speaker. He partners with business leaders to mine, articulate, and activate their unique belief systems to create organisational integrity, connected cultures, and evolved brands.

[bctt tweet=”When you take up your arms, and you begin to wake up every morning and answer that question, which we all have the opportunity” username=”ambassador4joy”]