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Economic Challenges

Unlocking the Power of Sales Mindset: Insights from Eric Lofholm

Join host Barry Shore as he delves into the fascinating world of sales mindset with renowned guest Eric Lofholm. In this enlightening conversation, Eric shares invaluable insights and practical strategies that can empower you to supercharge your sales performance.

I’d like you to discover how to shift your perspective from price to value, and gain a deeper understanding of the true worth of your product or service. Eric emphasizes the importance of bringing the benefits of your offering to life in your presentations.

Explore the subconscious beliefs holding you back in your sales career, such as feelings of unworthiness or discomfort in social interactions. Eric Lofholm draws from his wealth of experience and knowledge to reveal how you can surgically remove these limiting thoughts and unlock your full potential.

Learn from Eric’s journey and his study of influential thinker Werner Erhard. Gain a fresh perspective on the power you have over your thoughts and the limitless possibilities that can result from a transformative sales mindset.


Show Notes:

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10.30] How Businesspeople Can Generate More and Better Leads

  • Selling is essentially a form of communication that enhances the likelihood of getting a positive response from another person.
  • Learn how to express yourself in a way that motivates and inspires someone to say yes.
  • My preferred strategy for lead generation is the POI Strategy.
  • POI stands for Person of Influence.
  • POI involves identifying another person or company with your target market within their networks.
  • In the POI approach, I’m not directly promoting a product.
  • Instead, I’m persuading someone to grant me access to their network.

[14.27] Sales is All About Service

  • In our culture, there’s a negative perception associated with sales.
  • People often view sales as involving high-pressure manipulation and arm-twisting tactics.
  • Many of us approach sales with resistance.
  • My perspective is that selling is synonymous with providing a service.
  • I’m serving individuals even as I’m selling to them, by explaining how their lives could improve if they accept my offer.
  • When you approach people with a friendly demeanor, ready to assist them, it changes the entire dynamic.

[17.55] Masters of Sales

  • Jay Abraham is undeniably one of the brightest marketing minds in history.
  • Jay approached me and asked if I would market his book, to which I enthusiastically agreed.
  • Brian Tracy is also recognized as a brilliant mind in the field.
  • Tom Hopkins is a legendary sales trainer.
  • I’ve nurtured relationships with some of the most prominent figures in motivation and marketing.
  • Ultimately, in business, it’s all about building and maintaining relationships.
  • Of course, establishing connections with these individuals required significant effort.

[23.25] Embrace Sales as a Way of Life

  • The significance of things is determined by the meaning we assign to them.
  • So, what does sales mean? It means whatever you choose it to mean.
  • If you define it as arm-twisting, high-pressure, and manipulation, that’s what your sales experience will be like.
  • Ultimately, it’s a choice that we make.
  • Many individuals have never considered that sales is synonymous with service.
  • The mindset we hold regarding selling is of utmost importance.
  • Prospecting involves the possibility that the other person might decline our offer when we reach out.
  • The fear of rejection is a major obstacle that prevents many from moving forward in sales.

[27.44] The Hidden Mindset

  • One of the valuable lessons I’ve learned from Jay Abraham is the power of offering something for free.
  • Providing something for free can overcome the objection of insufficient money.
  • Social currency, much like cash and stocks, holds substantial value.
  • Jay Abraham is the richest social currency individual I know.
  • Jay graciously spoke at my event without charging a fee, even though his usual keynote fee is $50,000.
  • Everywhere he goes, Jay is effectively building social currency.
  • I consider myself a social currency multi-millionaire.
  • It’s truly remarkable when we approach situations with generosity.
  • Many people become uncomfortable when it comes to asking for money.
  • In effective communication, moments of silence often occur.
  • When Barry, I, or anyone else experiences such silence, we feel energy prompting us to break the silence.
  • If you don’t train yourself to speak even when you feel that pull toward silence, communication may falter.
  • It’s a straightforward principle rooted in the flow of energy.

[39.11] Shifting Perspectives

  • Its price tag doesn’t solely determine the true value of your product or service.
  • It’s about the value another person will derive from it, and this value isn’t fixed.
  • During your presentation, focus on vividly illustrating the benefits.
  • Often, we carry deep-seated ideas in our subconscious.
  • Some of these ideas include feeling unworthy of fair compensation or discomfort in social interactions.
  • These notions often stem from our childhood and persist into adulthood.
  • One of the most impactful lessons I’ve ever learned is how to remove these limiting beliefs surgically.
  • My understanding deepened while studying the teachings of Werner Erhard.
  • I greatly admire his ideas.
  • Ultimately, we have control over our thoughts.

What’s your most fervent desire?

I love what we’re doing here – I love teaching & I love sharing with people. I love sharing ideas where it just clicks in somebody’s mind.

Insider Tips:

Studies have shown that academic performance and health insurance go hand in hand. Children who have health coverage miss fewer classes and perform better in school than those who are uninsured. Additionally, they are more likely to complete high school and graduate college. Routine medical visits are a vital part of keeping kids safe and protected as they start the new school year and participate in extracurricular activities.

Nationwide, millions of school-aged children and teens qualify for free or low-cost health coverage through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), but do not have coverage. For eligible children, Medicaid and CHIP can provide access to routine and emergency care, vision care, dental visits, mental and behavioral health services, immunizations, prescriptions, and more. Medicaid and CHIP enrollment is open year-round, and coverage must be renewed annually. Each state has a Medicaid and CHIP program that provides health insurance for children up to age 19 in families with low and moderate incomes. Eligibility varies by state and generally depends on how many people are in a household and family income; in most states, a family with income up to $60,000 per year (for a family of four) may qualify.

Topics Covered:

  • What are Medicaid and CHIP?
  • What types of services are covered by Medicaid and CHIP?
  • Who is eligible for these programs?
  • Why is it so important for students to have health coverage?
  • How can families with eligible children enroll in coverage? Where can they find help?
  • Is there an enrollment period for these programs?
  • We’ve heard a lot in the past months about people with Medicaid losing coverage. How can families who have Medicaid or CHIP prevent losing coverage for themselves or their children? Where can they find help?
  • Once a child is covered by Medicaid or CHIP is there anything parents need to do to maintain coverage? Is there a renewal process?
  • Where can I find additional information?

To get more information, call 1-877-KIDS-NOW (1-877-543-7669) or visit the “Find Coverage for Your Family” section on

Important Links:

About Eric Lofholm

Eric Lofholm is a Master Sales Trainer who has taught his proven sales systems to thousands of professionals around the world. He is President and CEO of EricLofholm International, Inc., an organization he founded to professionally train people on the art and science of selling.

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