About Barry Shore

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So far Barry Shore has created 173 blog entries.
17 05, 2023

How Black and White Thinking Hurts You (and What You Can Do to Change It)


Life can difficult enough without limiting your potential with black and only black or white thinking too. Unfortunately, this is a very common way of looking at the world, one that can leave a good person in you feeling stuck and unable to make meaningful progress in life. If you’re someone who tends to think in absolutes like “always” [...]

How Black and White Thinking Hurts You (and What You Can Do to Change It)2023-05-17T04:11:26-07:00
17 05, 2023

How to Make Yourself Feel Better: 9 Quick Fixes + Tips to Stay Happier


We all have bad days, but sometimes it can feel like our negative thoughts and emotions are taking over. It’s hard to keep a positive attitude when life throws us curveballs, but it is possible. There are simple ways to make yourself feel better in the moment and build habits that will help you stay happier overall. From quick [...]

How to Make Yourself Feel Better: 9 Quick Fixes + Tips to Stay Happier2023-05-17T03:50:44-07:00
1 05, 2023

Overcoming Obstacles to find joy in your life


Are you feeling stuck in life? Are you struggling to find joy and fulfillment, even though it seems like everyone around you is happy and content? If so, don't worry - you're not alone. While it can be difficult to break through the obstacles that are preventing us from living our best lives, it's certainly possible. In this blog [...]

Overcoming Obstacles to find joy in your life2023-05-01T04:30:51-07:00
1 05, 2023

How to be more joyful: 11 Habits


Joy is an emotion that we all experience, but it can sometimes be elusive. We may feel joy in the moments of success or when we smile and are surrounded by friends and family, but it often fades away quickly. But what if there was a way to make joy stick around for longer? It turns out that with [...]

How to be more joyful: 11 Habits2023-05-01T04:03:57-07:00
1 05, 2023

Joy and resilience: how joy can help us cope with challenges and build resilience


In a world full of challenges, it can be hard to stay positive and resilient. But there is one tool that can help us keep our spirits up in times of difficulty: joy. Joy has the power to give us the strength we need to face life’s obstacles. It also helps build resilience so that we can better cope [...]

Joy and resilience: how joy can help us cope with challenges and build resilience2023-05-01T03:37:02-07:00
15 04, 2023

Happy by Choice: Seeing Life in 3D


In this blog post, we explore the life lessons learned from Francis Peeler, a man for all seasons and people who taught archery for free at an archery range in Rancho Park, Los Angeles. Peeler was raised by his Aunt Flo in Tuskegee, Alabama, across from Tuskegee Institute, the academic home of George Washington Carver and Booker T. Washington. [...]

Happy by Choice: Seeing Life in 3D2023-04-15T17:09:11-07:00
15 04, 2023

The Power of Seeing Miracles in Everyday Life


Life can be tough, challenging, and at times, overwhelming. We often find ourselves caught up in the daily grind, with little time to pause and reflect on the beauty and wonder that surrounds us. But what if we were to shift our focus and start seeing miracles in everyday life? What kind of impact could that have on our [...]

The Power of Seeing Miracles in Everyday Life2023-04-15T17:09:21-07:00
15 04, 2023

How is JOY an essential element in business success?


Joy in the workplace is defined as a positive feeling or emotion that is derived from meaningful work, fulfilling relationships, and a sense of accomplishment.  Joy at work can be seen when employees take part in activities that bring satisfaction and enjoyment to their jobs.  This can include things like working on projects that are interesting, engaging in meaningful [...]

How is JOY an essential element in business success?2023-04-15T16:58:29-07:00
15 04, 2023

Quick Stress Relief Techniques You Can Do at Home


Life can be stressful, but with the right strategies and techniques, you can manage your stress levels and live a happier life. Whether it’s dealing with difficult people or situations, managing deadlines at work, or simply feeling overwhelmed by all that’s going on in your life – if you feel like you need to take a break from the [...]

Quick Stress Relief Techniques You Can Do at Home2023-04-15T09:07:00-07:00
15 04, 2023

Bringing Joy to the Corporate World: Tips for a Happy and Productive Workplace


Are you looking for ways to make your corporate workplace more productive and enjoyable? If so, then look no further! In this blog post, we’ll provide some tips that will help bring joy and productivity into the corporate world. From setting up a positive work environment to encouraging collaboration among employees, these strategies can help create an atmosphere where [...]

Bringing Joy to the Corporate World: Tips for a Happy and Productive Workplace2023-04-15T08:45:47-07:00
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