Barry Shore
Barry Shore

Universities are learning that the current generation of traditional-age college students are loving that they have options in giving to causes through several innovative ways unavailable to previous generations.
It’s a misconception that the generation of people born after 1990 (millennials) are more selfish than prior groups. The data of giving shows otherwise. Some reports even go so far as to say they give more than any other generation, even when they lack the funds to do so. Even though millennials are burdened with large school loans, they still donate because they want to make a difference in the world.
Millennials are also no strangers to volunteering. Recent studies confirm that nearly 70 percent have volunteered at least one hour in the prior 6 months.
“There’s this mistaken idea that they (millennials) are narcissistic and just into themselves and they’re selfish. That’s really not true. They give more than any previous generation,” said Roxanne Smith, associate director of alumni affairs for the University of Louisiana at Monroe. “They’re just savvier about it and they physically give differently.”
I should mention the obvious: causes wanting to connect with college-aged donors should not expect to raise big individual amounts. Typically, young adults who give money to causes usually contribute under $50. Per annum.
Unless they have another way to give. Imagine young caring adults able to donate through their everyday shopping without costing themselves a penny more. .Millennials love giving to their favorite cause through because it’s easy, mobile savvy, and doesn’t cost. Whether going to the movies or ordering pizza or food college kids can donate using the same format they communicate. Their smartphone.
We can now change the world one small donation at a time. And it’s free.
Last year my company partnered with a college student, Zoe, in order to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network. This was Zoe’s fourth year dancing and fundraising for Dance Marathon.
I asked Zoe why she was so passionate about giving and her response was, “I feel as though those of us who are so fortunate to be happy and healthy, have a right to help others in need. The world needs to become a happier, nicer place, and I hope that I can be a part of making that change.” And she did. Inviting friends and family to participate all at no cost to anyone.
Millennials are buying coffee, going to the movies, ordering pizza, and school supplies from stores and then they’re donating the proceeds earned at to their favorite cause. The truth is that millennials love giving that is easy, fast, and fun through
I also asked Zoe why she was so passionate about collaborating with and she said, “I love that is able to understand that although people do want to donate money, they are not always in the position to give. makes it so that everyone is able to give, whether they have the extra funds to spend or not and share with others to join because i’m not asking anyone to write a check”
And that’s the truth. I’m championing a passionate hope for 20 million college age people to give simply by doing their day-to-day shopping. For the first time in history we can change the world one small donation at a time. And for free.
Do you know college students who love giving? I’d love for you to share with them, so they can continue to give at no cost.
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