The Joy of Living by Barry Shore - book
Oh Shift Barry Shore - Book
Pocketful of Acronyms by Barry Shore - Book
Reframing the Art of Living

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“Magical. You see, Barry is an energetic being (combination of Richard Simmons and Tony Robbins I say) whose soul/sole focus is to bring JOY into the world. He does this with a special joie de vivre and this book is the embodiment of that spirit. You’ll learn much. And as we discussed in our interview, JOY is that special quality that makes one Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser. And who doesn’t want that! This is a good book by a good guy. “

JACK CANFIELD, Co-Author of the bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul®
Sharon Lechter

When I co-authored Rich Dad, Poor Dad with Robert Kiyosaki almost 2 decades ago, the Country needed a jolt to wake up to personal finances. Today the Country, even the World, needs a jolt of JOY. Barry provides us with this. The practical tips and tools he espouses work. I see him living them as he emerged from paralysis. Use this book. It will jolt You into JOY.

SHARON LECHTER, Co-Author Rich Dad, Poor Dad, motivational speaker
Rachel McCord

Barry is one of the most incredible people who ever walked into my life…holding his GANDALF staff, of course!! He has an incredible ability to spread joy wherever he goes. His love and light is needed in this world now more than ever!

RACHEL MCCORD, celebrity model, author, and serial entrepreneur
Bernie Siegel

Almost 40 years ago I broke new ground in the healing process with Love, Medicine and Miracles. There IS a correlation between Your Mind/Heart and Living Healthfully. Today the RX of JOY in this book The JOY of LIVING will Transform Your Life and those You LOVE. Barry is a success in the experience of life. Take it from me and learn from him. Read his book and gain from his wisdom.

BERNIE SIEGEL, MD author of No Endings Only Beginnings
Jess Todtfelt

Barry Shore lives the word JOY while others wonder about the secret. Well, now he spells it out, so everyone can create more happiness, more love and more gratitude.

JESS TODTFELT, Former Producer for ABC, NBC, and FOX