Weekly podcast of the Joy of Living

16 06, 2020

Second Chance Athletes


Second Chance Athletes Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, introduces You to the inspiring founder of Second Chance Athletes, Darryll Stinson. Former defensive end for a nationally ranked school, dynamic TEDx speaker, hip-hop artist, pastor, husband and father Darryll shares his life experiences of overcoming addiction, rejection, depression, and suicide attempts. Barry and Darryll discuss how emerging from [...]

Second Chance Athletes2022-02-28T12:46:38-08:00
1 06, 2020



David Meltzer is the Co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing and formerly served as CEO of the renowned Leigh Steinberg Sports & Entertainment agency, which was the inspiration for the movie Jerry Maguire. His life’s mission is to empower OVER 1 BILLION people to be happy! This simple yet powerful mission has led him on an incredible journey to [...]

FUTURE of SPORTS2023-07-18T08:05:14-07:00
19 05, 2020

18 and Earning 6 Figures


Your Ambassador of JOY seeks out the Best to Encourage and Enthuse YOU. Meet Josh Gavin, an 18-year-old digital entrepreneur. This talented fellow founded InboundAgencyClients.com and Twoccommaclubcopy.com which enables his clients to sell their products while earning Josh over 6 Figures. Barry digs deeply to uncover what this TEEN does and how it will help YOU. Josh started [...]

18 and Earning 6 Figures2023-07-18T08:05:32-07:00
18 05, 2020

Child Care Expert Shares Secrets


Child Care Expert Share Secrets Florence Ann Romano, The Windy City Nanny ™, i author, philanthropist child-care expert THE TRIFECTA - parent, child, and caretaker working in unison toward common, family goals. Her children's book Nanny and Me (Mascot Books, May 2015) featured on Home & Family, The Doctor & The Diva, FOX News, Good Day Chicago, WGN, [...]

Child Care Expert Shares Secrets2023-07-18T08:05:47-07:00
12 05, 2020

The Doctor Recommends Meditation


The Ambassador of JOY, welcomes Krishna Bhatta, MD, FRCS is a surgeon, author and an inventor, currently working as chief of urology at the Medical Center in Bangor, Maine. Dr. Bhatta is both practical and spiritual; he developed a fascination with spiritual studies early in his life. After seeing the high rate of burnout in the physician community, [...]

The Doctor Recommends Meditation2023-07-18T08:05:58-07:00
11 05, 2020

Revealing Invisible Disabilities


Revealing Invisible Disabilities The Invisible Disabilities® Association (IDA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. IDA is about believing. We believe you! The frequently invisible nature of illness and pain may lead to disbelief about that illness or pain by those surrounding the person who lives daily with invisible disabilities. This disbelief can lead to misunderstandings, rejection by friends, family and health [...]

Revealing Invisible Disabilities2023-07-18T08:06:11-07:00
7 05, 2020

STOP the Pandemic of Suicide and Mental


AmbassadorOfJOY, Barry Shore, WWW, SMILE, SMIEL, FUNN, CREATE, THANK You, FUNN, The Never Alone Movement, www.neveralone.love, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Temple Hayes, Gabriella Wright, Michel Pascal, Poonacha, Machaiah, First Unity Spiritual Campus, Global New Thought, Institute for Leadership and Lifelong Learning International, illi.org, radio show The International Spirit, Unity FM, When Did You Die: 8 Steps to Stop [...]

STOP the Pandemic of Suicide and Mental2023-07-18T02:57:19-07:00
5 05, 2020

MMA Champion Speaks on the Struggles of LIFE


Your Ambassador of JOY welcomes Marcus Kowal a professional MMA fighter, kick-boxer and boxer, who dedicates a lifetime’s worth of training to his Mission: help People Learn how to protect themselves. He joined Swedish Special Forces (Rangers) and acquired the fighting spirit. A serious injury left him crippled for months and not knowing if he was ever going [...]

MMA Champion Speaks on the Struggles of LIFE2023-07-18T02:57:34-07:00
1 05, 2020



Ambassador Of JOY, WWW, WOW, SMILE, SMIEL, CREATE, FUNN, THANK You, HEALTH, Vincent Genna, Psychic Therapist, Spiritual Mentor, Singer Actor Dancer, Near Death Experience, Willing Self, Compassion with Self, Reinforce True Self, Release Restraints of the Past, Stop Stopping Yourself!, SELF TALK Vincent Genna MSW- Psychic Therapist and Spiritual Mentor WEBSITE [...]

SELF SUCCESS NOW2023-07-18T02:57:47-07:00
28 04, 2020

Success Principles of Jack Canfield


The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, welcomes the co-author of the world's best selling book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Jack Canfield. For YOU, Barry and Jack will be discussing Jack's newest book: The Success Principles (TM). This is hailed by Oprah Winfrey as “a guide to how to lift your life to where it can be". [...]

Success Principles of Jack Canfield2023-07-18T02:57:58-07:00
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