Weekly podcast of the Joy of Living

26 08, 2019

Barry Waxing on LIVING


WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK, FUNN, Ambassador of JOY, barryshore.com, JOY, YOU, EWE This show is broadcast live on Monday's at 3PM PT on K4HD - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com ) part of Talk 4 Radio (http://www.talk4radio.com/) on the Talk 4 Media Network (http://www.talk4media.com/)

Barry Waxing on LIVING2025-02-02T02:34:48-08:00
21 08, 2019

Friendship Transcends Time and Space


The Ambassador of JOY connects with a Dynamo of Networkign Marketing to bring YOU theĀ  message of Hope and Success. Now ADD to this heady mixture that Barry and MJ (as he is known throughout the world) are boyhood friends going back 58 Years! Yes You read this right. This is Proof that seeds sown continei to [...]

Friendship Transcends Time and Space2025-02-02T02:31:13-08:00
20 08, 2019

Turn CO2 in the Air into Concrete


[smart_track_player url="https://cdn.voiceamerica.com/voice/011938/shore082019.mp3" ] Barry Shore, the Ambassador of JOY, gladly introduces one of the most innovative and insightful environmental visionaries in the World: Peter Fiekowsky. Be ready to have Your mind and heart expanded. Peter has stories, data, and ideas that can and WILL transform our planet from where we are now: bogged in the finger pointing [...]

Turn CO2 in the Air into Concrete2025-02-02T02:33:21-08:00
13 08, 2019

Power Of Relating Narrative


[smart_track_player url="https://cdn.voiceamerica.com/voice/011938/shore081319.mp3" ] The Ambassador of JOY interviews one of the most articulate, dynamic, and engaging women in business today. Miri Rodriguez is the chief Storyteller for Microsoft. Yes, THAT Microsoft. One of the most international companies in the world with over 120,000 employees Miri encourages and enables people, especially engineers, to share their Stories of how [...]

Power Of Relating Narrative2025-02-02T02:32:19-08:00
6 08, 2019

Is Conscious Capitalism an OXYMORON


[smart_track_player url="https://cdn.voiceamerica.com/voice/011938/shore080619.mp3" ] The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, brings You Raj Sisodia, one of the most articulate, aware and persuasive advocates of the bedrock of our economy. This is a segment YOU will want to Listen to and Share because this affects Your very livelihood and Your future. Barry will be asking Raj pointed questions about [...]

Is Conscious Capitalism an OXYMORON2025-02-02T02:29:57-08:00
5 08, 2019



Barry Shore, The Ambassador of JOY, is honored to bring YOU the dynamic death defying Dan Nitro Clark. Imagine being with people who foster, promote, spread and Live the message of : we CAN change the world one positive human interaction at a time. That's today's episode with Barry and Dan. This is THE episode that will [...]

F DYING2025-02-02T02:28:40-08:00
30 07, 2019

Wealthier Wiser YOU


[smart_track_player url="https://cdn.voiceamerica.com/voice/011938/shore072319.mp3" ] YOU are the beneficiary of the dynamic interplay between the Ambassador of Joy and the Father of Modern Networking. Listen well and absorb the insights of decades of experience from the person who built a caring giving empire of cultured people who recognize and practice the ART and SKILL of networking for the betterment [...]

Wealthier Wiser YOU2025-02-02T02:27:37-08:00
30 07, 2019

Happiness RAWKS


Barry Shore, the Ambassador of JOY, discusses with Lionel Ketchian, the founder of HAPPINESS U, about the Physical, Psychic, and Monetary Benefits of HAPPINESS. Learn to UNLOCK the powerful secrets of everyday WORDS and become a more resilient, positive, purposeful, pleasant, person. YOU will CREATE Your Best World and in the process bring Peace, Harmony, and Happiness to the [...]

Happiness RAWKS2025-02-02T02:26:34-08:00
24 07, 2019

Money’s a BEACH


The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, brings You one of the most energetic, enlightening, and encouraging people on the planet: Jordan Adler. Oh and he's one of the most SUCCESSFUL Network Marketers of all time. That means YOU should listen well and learn from the man who DID go from broke to MultiMillionaire with a current Passive [...]

Money’s a BEACH2025-02-02T02:25:36-08:00
22 07, 2019

Global BadAss SINGS OUT


GlendaBenevides, BarryShore, Ambassador of JOY,www.twitter.com/barryeshore, www.instagram.com/barryeshore, www.facebook.com/barryeshore, www.linkedin.com/in/barryshore, GlobalBadAssGoddess, Music that Makes a Difference, HealthyClimateAlliance, FUNN, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK, ConsciousRaisingHeart, Look in the Mirror First, glenda@globalbadassgoddess.com, glenda@mirrorspeaksthetruth.com, globalbadassgoddess.com,mirrorspeaksthetruth.com https://www.facebook.com/GlobalBadAssGoddess, This show is broadcast live on Wednesday's at 2PM PT on K4HD - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com ) part of Talk 4 Radio (http://www.talk4radio.com/) on the Talk 4 [...]

Global BadAss SINGS OUT2025-02-02T02:24:23-08:00
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