About Shan Naqvi

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So far Shan Naqvi has created 207 blog entries.
5 04, 2022

Rachel McCord world famous influencer guides from poverty to building 9 businesses from scratch


Rachel McCord world famous influencer guides from poverty to building 9 businesses from scratch Do YOU want to start a business? In today's episode we'll learn it from a leading expert in building businesses: Rachel McCord, Celebrity Entrepreneur, best-selling author, Amazon Live producer, TV host, and the “supermodel turned super mogul" joins Barry Shore, the Ambassador of Joy [...]

Rachel McCord world famous influencer guides from poverty to building 9 businesses from scratch2023-07-18T04:28:06-07:00
29 03, 2022

Learn the importance of vulnerability in your life with Rachel Beck: A living Example!


Learn the importance of vulnerability in your life with Rachel Beck: A living Example! Do You consider vulnerability to be a difficulty in your life? After hearing this fascinating narrative of Rachel Beck, You'll change your perspective. The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is honored to welcome the indomitable Rachel Beck. Yes, You may know Rachel as the LinkedIn [...]

Learn the importance of vulnerability in your life with Rachel Beck: A living Example!2022-03-29T14:03:36-07:00
21 03, 2022

Remarkable Studio with Jodine Theron


Remarkable Studio with Jodine Theron The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is humbled and honored to introduce You to a most ONE-derful Person, Jodine Theron. Jodine is an Australian who returned to her African roots upon marrying her Namibian husband. They decided to move to a mud hut village in a remote part of Namibia. During the past [...]

Remarkable Studio with Jodine Theron2023-07-18T04:28:42-07:00
15 03, 2022

Gregarious Gordon with Antony Gordon


Gregarious Gordon with Antony Gordon The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, welcomes one of the greatest Motivators on the Planet Earth: Antony Gordon. You'll be fascinated by Antony's journey from South Africa to Oxford University on a Fulbright Scholarship and then to Harvard University both Undergraduate and for LAW School. On full scholarship. Amazing You say. But here's [...]

Gregarious Gordon with Antony Gordon2023-07-18T04:28:53-07:00
7 03, 2022

Music Uniting People


Music Uniting People The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is SINGING as he introduces the founder of Big Muse, Peter Himmelman. Peter is a Grammy and Emmy nominated singer-songwriter, visual artist, best-selling author, film composer, entrepreneur, and rock and roll performer with over 20 critically acclaimed recordings to his credit. His soul helps organizations such as UPENN, 3M, [...]

Music Uniting People2023-07-18T04:29:05-07:00
3 03, 2022

Mr. Duffy I presume


Mr. Duffy I presume The Ambassador of Joy, Barry Shore, is THRILLED to Share one of America's most prolific film producers, directors, professors and motivational speakers: the inimitable John Duffy. John’s journey took him from “The South South Bronx to Hollywood” and from “The Ghetto to Greatness”, dropping out of High School at age 15 to today. He [...]

Mr. Duffy I presume2023-07-18T04:33:18-07:00
26 02, 2022

Peter Nolan on the Economy


Peter Nolan on the Economy Barry, the Ambassador of JOY, invites Peter Nolan one of America’s leading businessmen to discuss: SOB: State Of Business. Get ready for inside information on where we’re going. Peter founded Nolan Capital, Inc. for his family office to make long term investments in growth-oriented companies. Peter is Senior Advisor to Leonard Green & [...]

Peter Nolan on the Economy2023-07-18T04:33:33-07:00
17 02, 2022

Shining with Eli Shine


Shining with Eli Shine The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, welcomes one of the most successful people that I know, Eli Shine. His last name speaks volumes: he emanates Goodness and truly Shines. Eli exemplifies the age old values of business: putting the You first, focusing on Service, and Attracting Talented people to further Mission. Eli hails from [...]

Shining with Eli Shine2023-07-18T04:33:50-07:00
11 02, 2022

The Future of Work


The Future of Work The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, welcomes the irrepressible outstanding chief Storyteller for Microsoft, Miri Rodriquez. Miri is a globally recognized Storyteller and author of Brand Storytelling. She is a creative journalist and is ranked as top in-demand speaker at leading industry conferences around the world. Miri brings years of expertise, industry and consulting [...]

The Future of Work2023-07-18T04:34:04-07:00
4 02, 2022

Medical Robotics: Making History Everyday


Medical Robotics: Making History Everyday The Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is honored to introduce to You, Sheldon Liber. Sheldon is a lay expert and Professional Investor in leading edge Medical Technology. He is also a successful investor who helps educate people in general investment philosophy, You'll be thrilled as Barry and Sheldon discuss what is happening NOW, [...]

Medical Robotics: Making History Everyday2023-07-18T04:34:33-07:00
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