Weekly podcast of the Joy of Living

21 07, 2020

The Curlee Girlee Movement


[fusebox_track_player url="https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/cdn.voiceamerica.com/voice/011938/shore072120.mp3" ] Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, shares a heart warming Episode with amazing Atara Twersky. Atara is an attorney in NY with a loving husband and three children. Atara is the founder of the Curly Girlee movement, the author of the book series and Curlee Girlee.com, a global online magazine for Curlee Girlees, inspired [...]

The Curlee Girlee Movement2022-05-04T19:16:44-07:00
20 07, 2020



Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, invites amazing Lori Lakin Hutcherson to share her wonderful insights about current societal situations. Lori is a successful film, tv writer and producer, wife, and mother who excels in whatever she does. She is the founder and editor of the positive powerful website GoodBlackNews.org which has 300,000+ views per month across [...]

GOOD BLACK NEWS2023-07-18T08:02:50-07:00
14 07, 2020



Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is honored to introduce You to the embodiment of Passion: Peter Taunton. Peter is a highly successful pioneer in the fitness industry. In 2003, he had a vision for Snap Fitness: to create an affordable, 24-7, results and value driven gym concept that was differentiated from the impersonal, expensive big-box experience. [...]

UP LIFTING YOU2023-05-26T03:34:09-07:00
13 07, 2020



Charlie Siegel is an author of inspirational fiction and spiritual poetry. Designed to uplift and heal, his works tug on the heartstrings and call to us all to rise above the heaviness and the doldrums and find those things that call to us in life, that inspire us and help us to live as our true selves. [...]

UPLIFT CHARLIE2023-07-18T08:03:08-07:00
7 07, 2020



Barry Shore introduces You to a long time friend, Will Rosenzweig. Will is a master gardenist, a cultivator of purpose-driven people and plants. He’s been teaching social entrepreneurship and food systems innovation on the faculty at the Haas School of Business for decades. Today he leads an undergraduate course called Edible Education 101 with Alice Waters. Over [...]

GROW YOUR MIND2023-07-18T08:07:54-07:00
30 06, 2020

Trillion Positive Relationships


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore welcomes the inspiring and disrupting Sean Callagy. Mr. Callagy is the creator of the Unblinded Formula with hundreds of hours of content on integrity based human influence, which empowers and co-creates results that fulfill dreams through unparalleled human breakthrough technologies in sales, business and life. Barry and Sean discuss going [...]

Trillion Positive Relationships2023-05-26T03:16:58-07:00
23 06, 2020



[fusebox_track_player url="https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/cdn.voiceamerica.com/voice/011938/shore062320.mp3" ] Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, engages the dynamic spirit of Stacy Madison, Founder of Stacy’s Pita Chip and now refrigerated BeBOLD bars. Stacy started with a career in social work. With a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a sandwich cart in Boston, she sold pita bread sandwiches during lunch and then used the [...]

BeBOLD & WIN2020-07-21T20:03:18-07:00
23 06, 2020

Dream BOLD


Your Ambassador of JOY welcomes the conscious film producer and Law of Attraction expert Kate Yurenda to share insights so You can become Your best YOU. Kate discusses the power of boomerang thoughts, a responding universe, and the manifestation of positive, purpose in Your Life. Together Barry and Kate bring You the ability to take care [...]

Dream BOLD2023-07-18T08:07:34-07:00
17 06, 2020

Rawkin Social


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, brings You the most hard and smart working person in the Social Marketing World, Travis Huff. Travis is the Chief Social Marketer for the Realtime Agency, chief Strategist, Podcaster, Investor, Motivator, Music Producer and frenetic Fresno fountain of energy. You will learn so much by leaning in and listening to the [...]

Rawkin Social2023-07-18T08:04:37-07:00
17 06, 2020

Israel’s Innovative Ecosystem


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, welcomes a man that can make You Healthier, Wealthier, and Wiser. Jonathan Medved is a serial entrepreneur, venture capitalist and angel investor in Israel's high-tech scene. He is the founder and CEO of OurCrowd, a leading equity crowdfunding platform. Medved was named one of the “50 Most Influential Jews” by the [...]

Israel’s Innovative Ecosystem2023-07-18T08:04:50-07:00
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