Weekly podcast of the Joy of Living

31 12, 2019

Musical Soul Healing


The Ambassador of JOY brings YOU THE most influential, positive channeling, health filled artist in the world today. Gary Malkin is an award-winning composer, public speaker, and performing arts curator who inspires the world to embrace music as a catalyst for emotional intelligence, individual and societal healing, and a more meaningful life. His groundbreaking work redefines the [...]

Musical Soul Healing2025-02-02T05:46:09-08:00
26 12, 2019



AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com,WWW,WOW,SMILE,CREATE,THANK You, FUNN, David Corbin, Anne Smith, Adore the Differences, Respect the Commitment, Esther Hicks, Spiritual, Become Attractive, Be a Magnet, Allison Armstrong, Welcome to Today, True Student, Woman of Wisdom, Live on the Vibrational Plane, Bring out the Funny The JOY of LIVING Radio Show is broadcast live at Monday's at 3PM PT on K4HD - Hollywood [...]

LIVE in LOVE2025-02-02T05:45:13-08:00
24 12, 2019

How to SUFFER! in 10 Easy Steps


Your Ambassador of JOY welcomes the What the BLEEP! producer William Arntz. Will is a physicist, software entrepreneur, filmmaker and author. He wrote simulators for the early Star Wars program, created software that the Fortune 500 world runs on, created the What the BLEEP Do We Know!? movie and co-created the book of visionary prophesies –The (not [...]

How to SUFFER! in 10 Easy Steps2025-02-02T03:10:10-08:00
17 12, 2019

Channeling Energetic Opportunity


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, interviews one of the most dynamic, energetic, powerful CEO's in US Business. September Dohrmann is the current President of CEO Space International, which Forbes.com terms a “must-attend” for entrepreneurs. You will be buoyed by September's story of modest background coupled with a positive, purposeful, powerful and pleasant outlook that enables her to [...]

Channeling Energetic Opportunity2025-02-02T03:09:04-08:00
13 12, 2019

Cannabis Queen Shares HIGH INSights


AmbassadorOfJoy, barryshore.com, www.twitter.com/barryeshore, www.instagram.com/barryeshore. www.facebook.com/barryeshore, www.linkedin.com/in/barryshore, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, FUNN, THANK You, Frankie Boyer, Cannabis Queen, CBD, EpiGenetics, Good Health Good Intestines, BlueZone, Holistic Health, Lifestyle Style, Cannabis Talk A-Z, Genesis Network, BIZ Talk, the answer to the opioid crisis, Veterans Dying Daily by suicide, NO SUGAR, the body needs bitters, eat whole foods, age gracefully The JOY [...]

Cannabis Queen Shares HIGH INSights2025-02-02T03:08:02-08:00
10 12, 2019

SEE YOU at the TOP!


Your Ambassador of JOY welcomes the incomparable Tom Ziglar to The JOY of LIVING. Tom has the rare privilege of having spent his life surrounded by top leaders, innovators, and motivators. After all his father was the world’s TOP motivator Zig Ziglar. As a result, Tom’s arsenal of experience and information is absolutely unparalleled. As You'll hear [...]

SEE YOU at the TOP!2025-02-02T03:06:35-08:00
9 12, 2019

Illuminate the NEGATIVE


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, FU-NN, THANK, David Corbin, Illuminate the Negative, Robin Williams with an MBA, From Image to Influence, Knowledge, Association, Sense of Humor, Impeachment, Peloton, Mentor to Mentors,Maintain Positive Attitude, Face It, Follow It, Fix It, Alan Taylor, Media Mogul, Heart Driven Entrepreneur, Pure Blooded car Guy, Roy Masters, LIVE with Kelly and Ryan, The [...]

Illuminate the NEGATIVE2025-02-02T03:05:34-08:00
3 12, 2019

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, brings YOU the OLDEST, most indefatigable children's advocate in the entire World: Anne Lorimor. Get ready to engage with this 89 year YOUNG bundle of boundless energy and JOY as she relates her story of climbing the Tallest Mountain in all of Africa. The famous 19,000 Plus foot Mt Kilimanjaro. And [...]

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough2025-02-02T03:03:34-08:00
26 11, 2019



Barry Shore, the Ambassador of JOY, brings YOU Bob Burg, the master of teaching The GO GIVER Principles. Bob is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences sharing the platform with everyone from today’s business leaders and broadcast personalities to a former U.S. President. Bob is the author of a number of books on sales, [...]

GO GIVERS WIN!2025-02-02T03:02:32-08:00
25 11, 2019

YOU Grow by Learning & Sharing


Ambassador of JOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, CREATE, THANK You, FUNN, Tim Connor, timconnor.com, 5 Mantras, Charles Stanley, Charlie Tremendous Jones, Young At Heart, Learn from Adversity, What's Your Legacy, GO MAD, Make A Positive Impact, JOY is who You are, What are You doing TODAY, Turn Whine into Wine, Get Old don't Grow Old, Your Brain as a [...]

YOU Grow by Learning & Sharing2025-02-02T03:01:31-08:00
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