About Barry Shore

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So far Barry Shore has created 173 blog entries.
17 12, 2019

Channeling Energetic Opportunity


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, interviews one of the most dynamic, energetic, powerful CEO's in US Business. September Dohrmann is the current President of CEO Space International, which Forbes.com terms a “must-attend” for entrepreneurs. You will be buoyed by September's story of modest background coupled with a positive, purposeful, powerful and pleasant outlook that enables her to [...]

Channeling Energetic Opportunity2025-02-02T03:09:04-08:00
10 12, 2019

SEE YOU at the TOP!


Your Ambassador of JOY welcomes the incomparable Tom Ziglar to The JOY of LIVING. Tom has the rare privilege of having spent his life surrounded by top leaders, innovators, and motivators. After all his father was the world’s TOP motivator Zig Ziglar. As a result, Tom’s arsenal of experience and information is absolutely unparalleled. As You'll hear [...]

SEE YOU at the TOP!2025-02-02T03:06:35-08:00
3 12, 2019

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, brings YOU the OLDEST, most indefatigable children's advocate in the entire World: Anne Lorimor. Get ready to engage with this 89 year YOUNG bundle of boundless energy and JOY as she relates her story of climbing the Tallest Mountain in all of Africa. The famous 19,000 Plus foot Mt Kilimanjaro. And [...]

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough2025-02-02T03:03:34-08:00
26 11, 2019



Barry Shore, the Ambassador of JOY, brings YOU Bob Burg, the master of teaching The GO GIVER Principles. Bob is a sought-after speaker at company leadership and sales conferences sharing the platform with everyone from today’s business leaders and broadcast personalities to a former U.S. President. Bob is the author of a number of books on sales, [...]

GO GIVERS WIN!2025-02-02T03:02:32-08:00
19 11, 2019



Your Ambassador of JOY brings YOU the opportunity to touch Your very essence. Welcome Misty Diaz who has always enjoyed pushing limits.In early 1991, she would enter in 50 yard, 100 yard dash races, competing in her walker and sometimes crutches. Proving to herself nothing is impossible, while showing others you can do anything! Still hanging in [...]

I’M POSSIBLE2023-07-18T02:54:13-07:00
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