Weekly podcast of the Joy of Living

8 03, 2019

Genius Mode: The Biology of Greatness


Barry Shore, the Ambassador of JOY, discusses Genius, Veganism, and becoming the Great YOU with one of the World's Top 100 Vegans: Daniel Bissonnette. In addition to Living the Life that he teaches, Daniel is all of 14 years on this planet. In this Incarnation. The power of his message and that he LIVES it and demonstrates the [...]

Genius Mode: The Biology of Greatness2025-01-20T02:10:28-08:00
28 02, 2019

EYES on Millennials


Barry Shore speaks with two of the most energetic insightful and influential Millennials in the World: Justin and Dylan. They are the Founders of NextGEN ,and NG SUMMIT, one of the largest Conferences specifically for and about success oriented Millennials. NG is the #1 Business Hub Community for Tomorrow's Leaders. NG Represents 4100 StartUps, 20,000 Entrepreneurs,and 90 Countries. [...]

EYES on Millennials2025-01-20T02:08:23-08:00
20 02, 2019

The Birth of an Artist Activist


Your Content Goes Here Barry Shore , The Ambassador of JOY, interviews a dynamic millennial actress, comedian,and activist who is an outspoken bountiful being of happiness and love. Her name is Milana Vayntrub. She is a social media phenomenon who easily and effectively embraces the various channels to promote an awareness of the common humanity of all people. She [...]

The Birth of an Artist Activist2025-01-20T02:05:53-08:00
13 02, 2019

Working Miracles


The Ambassador of JOY, barry shore, interviews the pioneer of executive coaching and the most famous person in the fields of Creativity, Innovation, Leadership; Michale Gelb. Get ready for a powerful positive purpose filled hour of inspiration and motivation. Michael has authored 16 books, has trained thousands of people at the most powerful institutions in the world and [...]

Working Miracles2025-01-20T02:02:43-08:00
5 02, 2019

Simple Lessons for Riding through LIFE


Barry Shore, the Ambassador of JOY, speaks with Shaun Tomson, the Empowerer of Success. Shaun is world renowned as one of the greatest Surfers ever. He brings his unique message of Success despite tragedy which he has faced and transcended to bring the world a way to transform how you think about connecting, communicating and collaborating. Based on [...]

Simple Lessons for Riding through LIFE2025-01-20T02:00:42-08:00
29 01, 2019

Great Health Is YOURS because of Bernie


The Ambassador of JOY, barry shore, interviews the Dean of Healthy Mind and Body, Bernie Siegel.He has touched many lives all over our planet. In 1978 he began talking about patient empowerment and the choice to live fully and die in peace. As a physician, who has cared for and counseled innumerable people whose mortality has been threatened [...]

Great Health Is YOURS because of Bernie2025-01-20T01:57:49-08:00
24 01, 2019

Your SELF TALK Is Crucial


Barry Shore discusses the importance of SELF TALK for SELF IMAGE ...he interviews one of the most positive powerful and pleasant Plus Size Women and Model Jamila Choyce is a writer raconteur and FUNN female wearing clothes with Purpose and Panache. Featured Guest Jamila Choyce A Plus Size Entrepreneur, Jamila Choyce is the owner of Choyce International Plus [...]

Your SELF TALK Is Crucial2025-01-20T01:54:24-08:00
16 01, 2019

CEO is Channeling Energy Opportunity


Barry Shore speaks with and introduces Two of the Most Dynamic CEOs in the World: September and Berny Dohrmann. Learn why in 2016, CEO Space was highlighted as one of the top 5 business conferences on Forbes.com and Inc.com.It was also the second year at #1 on Forbes.comAnd again in 2018,Ranked #1 “Must Attend” Business Conference by Forbes.com. [...]

CEO is Channeling Energy Opportunity2025-01-20T01:52:40-08:00
7 01, 2019

The First 180 Seconds


Joy HappinessPeace Love BIG BANG YOU Channel of Good Conduit of Good FUNN WWW WOW Your Thoughts Words Deeds Make A Difference FEED Millions Clean Water for Millions YOU are a STAR: Sunshine Transformed and Reformatted This show is broadcast live on Wednesday's at 2PM PT on K4HD - Hollywood Talk Radio (www.k4hd.com ) part of Talk 4 Radio [...]

The First 180 Seconds2025-01-11T02:29:28-08:00
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