Weekly podcast of the Joy of Living

28 01, 2020

Vision Map Enlightens


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, brings YOU one of the most dynamic and beneficial people in the podcasting/business world today: Tony Durso. Get ready to leverage the best part of YOU and learn how to GROW Your business, whether You're a Business Owner, thinking of becoming one, or understand that YOU ARE a BUSINESS and want [...]

Vision Map Enlightens2025-02-02T05:55:43-08:00
28 01, 2020

Timeless Truths


AmbassadorOfJOY, SuperBowl, barryshore.com, rabbidaniellapin.com, timeless truths, God, Money, Woman, Men, WWW, WOW, SMILE, SMIEL, FU-NN, THANK You, Happiness, Service, Performance, Health, Wealth, STRESS KILLS, JOY Heals, Money is Spiritual, Money is Holy, Star of David, Kobe Bryant, CoronaVirus, Unchanging Human Nature, TCT Network, Camille Paglia, Ancient Jewish Wisdom, Ten Commandments for Making Money, MILK, 11 Strategies for LIVING in [...]

Timeless Truths2025-02-02T05:54:50-08:00
21 01, 2020



Buckle UP because Your Ambassador of JOY brings an international superstar to supercharge YOU. Mark Layder joins us from the UK and You'll hear that in his accent. Mark is the Founder of the QOL Movement. And if You don't yet know what QOL is then all the more reason to tune in because it will help [...]

QOL RAWKS2025-02-02T05:53:56-08:00
21 01, 2020

Making A Difference


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, Dick Larkin, ChenMed, CEDA, Community Action Agency, Value Based Health Care, proactive and accountable care, WWW, WOW, SMILE, THANK You, FUNN, CREATE, Break the Cycle of Poverty, Shift Mind Set, Be A Giver, Believe in Giving, GO MAD, Life Has a Purpose The JOY of LIVING Radio Show is broadcast live at Monday's at 3PM PT on [...]

Making A Difference2025-02-02T05:53:02-08:00
20 01, 2020

Unlocking SUCCESS in Leadership


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is delighted to bring YOU a world recognized authority on Leadership, Jerome Fogel. Jerome is a leader, attorney, and author. He is the co-founder of Fogel & Potamianos LLP, a law firm that helps companies lead in today’s market with expertise in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and intellectual property. He [...]

Unlocking SUCCESS in Leadership2025-02-02T05:52:03-08:00
14 01, 2020

Awaken YOUR Alpha


Your Ambassador of JOY, barry shore, welcomes the world renowned author, coach, pole vaulter Adam Lewis Walker. YOU will learn how to Awaken Your Alpha with tales and tactics to thrive. Listen as Adam and Barry discuss soaring and then falling amidst injury and despair. Thrill to the fact that ALW rose up, researched, and determined to [...]

Awaken YOUR Alpha2025-02-02T05:51:10-08:00
8 01, 2020

Centenarians RULE


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, SMIEL, CREATE, THANK, FUNN, YOU, Swimming, Walk in Water, Exercise, Never Give Up, Aida, 107 years young, Maurine Kornfeld, 97 year young swimmer, oldest active member of 64,000 member US Masters Swimming, Mighty Mo, Focus on others not on oneself, Camp Fire Girls, Torch Bearer, Give Light Undimmed to others, Jim Rainey, LA Times, [...]

Centenarians RULE2025-02-02T05:50:07-08:00
7 01, 2020



Your Ambassador of JOY welcomes the NEW YEAR and the opportunity for YOU to have a NEW MIND SET. Wonderful Chris Salem joins us. Chris is a Certified MINDSET Expert. Did You even know there is such a thing? Listen in to learn and share the insights of Barry and Chris as they explore the wondrous world [...]

Your GROWTH MINDSET2025-02-02T05:48:53-08:00
3 01, 2020

36 Words to Uplift the WORLD


AmbassadorOfJOY, barryshore.com, WWW, WOW, SMILE, SMIEL, CREATE, FUNN, THANK YOU, 8 words: if it's to be it's up to me, 7 words: never give up, never, never,never, never, Winston Churchill, 6 words: choice not chance determines your destiny, 5 words; this is who i am, 4 words: how can i help, 3 words, i love you, i love God, [...]

36 Words to Uplift the WORLD2025-02-02T05:48:00-08:00
3 01, 2020

Human Validation


Your Ambassador of JOY, Barry Shore, is glad to bring You the master of Human Validation, Lisa Gough. Lisa Gough studies the core ingredients and essential nature of Human Validation -- our need to be accepted by others for our ideas & values, regardless of race, age, gender or cultural beliefs. In her first-hand research interviewing people [...]

Human Validation2025-02-02T05:47:05-08:00
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